Das Stue in Berlin: Patricia Urquiola's new design hotel

A luxurious space made up of quality architecture, heritage and contemporary design

by Malcolm Clark
5 Love 3006 Visits

The building in which the new hotel Das Stue Hotel in Berlin is located was originally designed in 1938 by architect Johann Emil Schmidt as the Royal Danish Embassy. The new use of the building as a hotel, whose interior design was carried out by Patricia Urquiola, is composed of a mix of elegant historic architecture and contemporary design, a space of luxury, designed with taste and refinement.

As you enter the eye is drawn to the imposing staircases on either side of the hall and then to the end where the modern style bar is characterized by a large window overlooking Berlin Zoo.

The first time I went to Das Stue, I noticed the zoo with ostriches and I found it a very special place. I immediately saw a house as a place of luxury in which quality architecture, heritage and contemporary design had to live” says Patricia Urquiola. The result is the formal realization of that vision.

The goal was to give guests a feeling of intimacy in public areas like the restaurant and bar. “The guests should feel at ease at Das Stue – a Danish word that designates the living room - as if they were at a friend's cosy and elegant house.” Patricia Urquiola combines parquet models and natural materials like wood and copper with a slightly retro style. She uses coloured carpets to transmit heat and 'spoils' guests with a large number of sofas, armchairs and cushions to sit on and relax.

Das Stue Hotel 141

Das Stue Hotel

Berlin / Germany / 2012