Ademir Farina

Engineer Agudos - SP / Brazil

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Ademir Farina
Development of Web Sites illustrated and animated, virtual stores, multimedia interactions, institutional Videos, applications, visual communication in general, 3d characters creation,

The Vis-a-Vis is specialized in design, art direction and special projects of high level. Focused on technological visual innovations, the agency produces unique projects. The outcomes are amazing and exceed expectations, adding always great value to your business!

The ideas are developed by talented profes
Ademir Farina
Ademir Farina
  • Address Av. Ratelif, 51, 17120-000 Agudos - SP | Brazil
  • Tel +5514997368161

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Teams 1 teams

Development of Web Sites illustrated and animated, virtual stores, multimedia interactions, institutional Videos, applications, visual communication in general, 3d characters creation, The Vis-a-Vis is specialized in design, art direction and special projects of high level. Focused on technological visual innovations, the agency produces unique projects. The outcomes are amazing and exceed expectations, adding always great value to your business! The ideas are developed by talented profes