Andreas Hagmann

Chur / Switzerland

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Andreas Hagmann
Born in Lucerne
1980 – 87
Diploma in architecture at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich with Professor Fabio Reinhart
1985 – 89
Free collaboration with the Kantonalen Denkmalpflege Graubünden: inventory of the 19th century housing developments
1987 – 90
Worked with Peter Zumthor in Haldenstein GR
Opend his own architects' office with Dieter Jüngling in Chur
Member BSA
1999 – 2010
Lecturer in design and construction at the Hochschule für Technik und Wi
Andreas  Hagmann
Andreas Hagmann
Teams 1 teams

1959 Born in Lucerne 1980 – 87 Diploma in architecture at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich with Professor Fabio Reinhart 1985 – 89 Free collaboration with the Kantonalen Denkmalpflege Graubünden: inventory of the 19th century housing developments 1987 – 90 Worked with Peter Zumthor in Haldenstein GR 1990 Opend his own architects' office with Dieter Jüngling in Chur 1996 Member BSA 1999 – 2010 Lecturer in design and construction at the Hochschule für Technik und Wi