Daniel Zamarbide

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Daniel Zamarbide
Daniel Zamarbide obtains his master degree at the Institut d’Architecture de l’Université de Genève (IAUG) in 1999. During his studies he followed the workshops of Christian Marclay, Philippe Parreno and Catherine Queloz at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Geneva.

In the year 2000 he becomes one of the founding members of group8, an architectural practice that has acquired an important national and international recognition.

Daniel Zamarbide has developed through the years a particular interest in the protean aspects of his discipline and nourishes his work and research through other domains like philosophy, applied and visual arts as well as cinema.

As a guest lecturer and jury he has been invited at a diversity of international schools and institutions like the Centre Culturel Suisse in Paris (France), the Barlett School of Architecture in London (UK), House of Architects in Kiev (Ukraine), Architecture Forum in Zurich and Bienne (CH), Ecole d’Art Cantonal in Lausanne (ECAL), AICO Architectural Congress in Oporto (Portugal) and has directed students workshops in Ukraine (Canactions Youth Festival 2010) and Italy (FestArch 201, Terni).

Since 2003 his interest in research and education has led him to be invited as an assistant professor in the Polytechnical Federal School in Lausanne and the Geneva University of Art and Design. In 2015, Daniel edits the book “All about Space. Vol.1: The Invention of Space” with Dieter Dietz and Matthias Michel.

In 2012, after 10 year of intensive and engaged work at the group8 he has left his founding of ce to start a new practice with Leopold Banchini, architect.

In the continuity of his more personal preoccupations the new practice, the BUREAU A will invest a wide range of projects related to architecture, visual and applied arts.

In 2016, BUREAU A was invited to incorporate The Sandberg Institute as the head of the Studio for Immediate Spaces (SIS).

In 2017, Leopold Banchini and Daniel Zamarbide have decided to go “solo”. BUREAU A has given birth to two new entities, BUREAU and LEOPOLD BANCHINI, that pursue the different projects and interests of BUREAU A, adapted to the two partners more personal quests.
Daniel  Zamarbide
Daniel Zamarbide
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Daniel Zamarbide obtains his master degree at the Institut d’Architecture de l’Université de Genève (IAUG) in 1999. During his studies he followed the workshops of Christian Marclay, Philippe Parreno and Catherine Queloz at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Geneva. In the year 2000 he becomes one of the founding members of group8, an architectural practice that has acquired an important national and international recognition. Daniel Zamarbide has developed through the years a particular interest in the protean aspects of his discipline and nourishes his work and research through other domains like philosophy, applied and visual arts as well as cinema. As a guest lecturer and jury he has been invited at a diversity of international schools and institutions like the Centre Culturel Suisse in Paris (France), the Barlett School of Architecture in London (UK), House of Architects in Kiev (Ukraine), Architecture Forum in Zurich and Bienne (CH), Ecole d’Art Cantonal in Lausanne (ECAL), AICO Architectural Congress in Oporto (Portugal) and has directed students workshops in Ukraine (Canactions Youth Festival 2010) and Italy (FestArch 201, Terni). Since 2003 his interest in research and education has led him to be invited as an assistant professor in the Polytechnical Federal School in Lausanne and the Geneva University of Art and Design. In 2015, Daniel edits the book “All about Space. Vol.1: The Invention of Space” with Dieter Dietz and Matthias Michel. In 2012, after 10 year of intensive and engaged work at the group8 he has left his founding of ce to start a new practice with Leopold Banchini, architect. In the continuity of his more personal preoccupations the new practice, the BUREAU A will invest a wide range of projects related to architecture, visual and applied arts. In 2016, BUREAU A was invited to incorporate The Sandberg Institute as the head of the Studio for Immediate Spaces (SIS). In 2017, Leopold Banchini and Daniel Zamarbide have decided to go “solo”. BUREAU A has given birth to two new entities, BUREAU and LEOPOLD BANCHINI, that pursue the different projects and interests of BUREAU A, adapted to the two partners more personal quests.