Elisa Bortolussi

Elisa  Bortolussi 0
Elisa Bortolussi
I established Thea Kuta as an independent firm, in Switzerland in 2015. Since than i have been collaborating with local designers/artists, and international popular brands like Missoni Home(Italy). Thea Kuta is a design line that was born in order to transform a worldwide tradition like "weaving" into a distinctive design tool. Weaving is a sacred discipline that belongs to many different cultures; the vision is that it's story and expression becomes actual in our society in the form of objects that are used in a daily life context. Colour and geometry, together with innovation in the production stage, are the core elements in Thea Kuta products; the intense research for material and techniques, at the production stage, made ieate light-sculptures which have a unique visual expred can be reprodue thanks to methods like lasercut and 3D Print.

Since i was a kid, I was fascinated by lamps and their light: From the 70's model in my grandfathers kitchen, the hemp one in my sleeping room, to the table one I used to make my homework. The memory of their shapes, colour, material and shadow can still bring me to that I realize now how light was a game for me to play with, and still it is. And finally it became a profession.
« Thea Kuta has been originated from the need to experience yarn as an alternative tool for painting. The choice of drawing geometric subject relies on the power of geometry to create an optical illusion giving the spectator an active role in the picture. The threads and fabric used result from an international research moving from Italy to Mexico, from Nigeria to Ghana. Weaving was considered as a holy discipline in all Mesoamerican cultures and its still practiced not only by Maya womaen but by women all over the world. Thea Kuta proves to be an experimental art which embrace elements from different cultures, being able to combine the contemporary aspect of design and geometry to the tradition of the thread. »
Elisa  Bortolussi
Elisa Bortolussi

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I established Thea Kuta as an independent firm, in Switzerland in 2015. Since than i have been collaborating with local designers/artists, and international popular brands like Missoni Home(Italy). Thea Kuta is a design line that was born in order to transform a worldwide tradition like "weaving" into a distinctive design tool. Weaving is a sacred discipline that belongs to many different cultures; the vision is that it's story and expression becomes actual in our society in the form of objects that are used in a daily life context. Colour and geometry, together with innovation in the production stage, are the core elements in Thea Kuta products; the intense research for material and techniques, at the production stage, made ieate light-sculptures which have a unique visual expred can be reprodue thanks to methods like lasercut and 3D Print. Since i was a kid, I was fascinated by lamps and their light: From the 70's model in my grandfathers kitchen, the hemp one in my sleeping room, to the table one I used to make my homework. The memory of their shapes, colour, material and shadow can still bring me to that I realize now how light was a game for me to play with, and still it is. And finally it became a profession. « Thea Kuta has been originated from the need to experience yarn as an alternative tool for painting. The choice of drawing geometric subject relies on the power of geometry to create an optical illusion giving the spectator an active role in the picture. The threads and fabric used result from an international research moving from Italy to Mexico, from Nigeria to Ghana. Weaving was considered as a holy discipline in all Mesoamerican cultures and its still practiced not only by Maya womaen but by women all over the world. Thea Kuta proves to be an experimental art which embrace elements from different cultures, being able to combine the contemporary aspect of design and geometry to the tradition of the thread. »