Fernando Martínez

Architect A Coruña / Spain

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Fernando Martínez
Fernando Martínez is passionate about architecture, understood as art, but also as science. He has been working for the past 15 years with the aim of creating beautiful and efficient buildings, with the knowledge that this is not a utopia but an ambition. This is demonstrated by the fact that Martínez is an expert in nearly zero-consumption houses according to the PASSIVHAUS standard and has received several design awards. He believes in challenging, slow and deep work, in other words, professional work, but without separating it from creativity and fun.
Fernando Martínez
Fernando Martínez

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Fernando Martínez is passionate about architecture, understood as art, but also as science. He has been working for the past 15 years with the aim of creating beautiful and efficient buildings, with the knowledge that this is not a utopia but an ambition. This is demonstrated by the fact that Martínez is an expert in nearly zero-consumption houses according to the PASSIVHAUS standard and has received several design awards. He believes in challenging, slow and deep work, in other words, professional work, but without separating it from creativity and fun.