Gabriele Marinelli

Architect Moie di Maiolati Spontini / Italy

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Gabriele Marinelli 18
Gabriele Marinelli


Mergo / Italy / 2022

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Moie / Italy / 2022

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Mergo / Italy / 2020

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Ancona / Italy / 2019

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Jesi / Italy / 2018

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Falconara Marittima / Italy / 2018

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Porto Recanati / Italy / 2016

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Castelplanio / Italy / 2015

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Castelplanio / Italy / 2015

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Moie / Italy / 2015

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Castelplanio / Italy / 2014

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Moie / Italy / 2014

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Favara / Italy / 2012

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Moie di Maiolati Spontini (AN) - San Ginesio (MC) / Italy / 2012

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)


Moie di Maiolati Spontini / Italy / 2012

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise)
I graduated with honors in February 2009 from the Faculty of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno (University of Camerino) with the thesis: "Objective/Metropolis - The global city as seen by contemporary cinema", an investigation conducted with the medium of cinema on the urban-human body relationship made through the analysis of forty-eight films released between the 1990s and 2008.

Having obtained my professional license in 2010, I began to work in my father’s technical office, following multiple and different jobs within the small but varied construction world of Marche province. Impatient with that, driven by the "need for architecture" I begin a long tug-of-war to "bend" the firm's material legacy toward different goals and different satisfactions, trying to turn every assignment both public and private into an opportunity "to do architecture".

Fund therefore GAME (Gabriele-Architetto-Marinelli-Enterprise), a small design entity rooted in the territory, but with eyes open to n different worlds.

GAME is a small architectural firm that makes the design of the space its vocation and purpose. Its scope can extend from the building to the territory, and then back to the object, through an integral design aimed at an architecture that could be defined as scale invariance.

GAME is expressed through the practical realization of the project; at the same time it is the project, its mental prefiguration, that guides GAME in the design process, to suggest its practice. Project understood from principle as an alchemy of intuition and information, prefiguration of something not yet materially realized, but already present in the brain, fueled by imagination, vision, yet without being independent from the concrete conditions to reach its realization through the gesture. And the design - manipulation of the real - is always of the space, and of the relationships in it: in this sense architecture so designed can become narrative, language and means of communication, and that as such it will succeed in telling a story, whose words are walls, beams, pillars, materials, colors, lights, shadows, solids, voids... and whose grammar is generated by their relationship.

With his work GAME attempts to talk, think and write not about architecture, but architecture, so that it may indeed be that "prophecy of hoped-for things" (Persico), that it too may perhaps contribute to that "dream of a thing". For whom? If not to strike now at this world or to subtract an infinitesimal fragment from rampant conformity, at least even if only for itself, for its own need to manifest itself and not succumb to the present.

In fact, GAME does not ignore the real and concrete power relations in the professional, economic and social fields, and is aware of the difficulty of always making its will concrete by moving through the swamp of an often mortifying everyday life: dropped into the structure of the present, the project cannot but also be the result of power relations between conflicting interests, which often undermine it at its base. Such a condition is asphyxiating especially for those working in the provinces where customs die hard, and in general even more so for those who try to do architecture without accountant's calculations.

GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise, where "Enterprise" stands for figure precisely that spaceship - community-other traveling to new worlds), does not give up when possible in forcing his hand and pursuing with tenacity in the search for an architecture that permeates and transforms – constructing and deconstructing it - the environment in which life expresses itself in n situations and
diverse relationships: a living, unexpected and unusual architecture that attempts to peddle the fashions and conventions of its time, to extricate itself from it to open up new visions - as should always
do the architect who expresses it-and in this sense transgressive, fragmented but unitary and invariant, total, open, restless, full of paradoxes... important as only games can be.
Gabriele Marinelli
Gabriele Marinelli
  • Address via Petrarca 3, 60030 Moie di Maiolati Spontini | Italy
  • Tel 0731703666

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I graduated with honors in February 2009 from the Faculty of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno (University of Camerino) with the thesis: "Objective/Metropolis - The global city as seen by contemporary cinema", an investigation conducted with the medium of cinema on the urban-human body relationship made through the analysis of forty-eight films released between the 1990s and 2008. Having obtained my professional license in 2010, I began to work in my father’s technical office, following multiple and different jobs within the small but varied construction world of Marche province. Impatient with that, driven by the "need for architecture" I begin a long tug-of-war to "bend" the firm's material legacy toward different goals and different satisfactions, trying to turn every assignment both public and private into an opportunity "to do architecture". Fund therefore GAME (Gabriele-Architetto-Marinelli-Enterprise), a small design entity rooted in the territory, but with eyes open to n different worlds. GAME is a small architectural firm that makes the design of the space its vocation and purpose. Its scope can extend from the building to the territory, and then back to the object, through an integral design aimed at an architecture that could be defined as scale invariance. GAME is expressed through the practical realization of the project; at the same time it is the project, its mental prefiguration, that guides GAME in the design process, to suggest its practice. Project understood from principle as an alchemy of intuition and information, prefiguration of something not yet materially realized, but already present in the brain, fueled by imagination, vision, yet without being independent from the concrete conditions to reach its realization through the gesture. And the design - manipulation of the real - is always of the space, and of the relationships in it: in this sense architecture so designed can become narrative, language and means of communication, and that as such it will succeed in telling a story, whose words are walls, beams, pillars, materials, colors, lights, shadows, solids, voids... and whose grammar is generated by their relationship. With his work GAME attempts to talk, think and write not about architecture, but architecture, so that it may indeed be that "prophecy of hoped-for things" (Persico), that it too may perhaps contribute to that "dream of a thing". For whom? If not to strike now at this world or to subtract an infinitesimal fragment from rampant conformity, at least even if only for itself, for its own need to manifest itself and not succumb to the present. In fact, GAME does not ignore the real and concrete power relations in the professional, economic and social fields, and is aware of the difficulty of always making its will concrete by moving through the swamp of an often mortifying everyday life: dropped into the structure of the present, the project cannot but also be the result of power relations between conflicting interests, which often undermine it at its base. Such a condition is asphyxiating especially for those working in the provinces where customs die hard, and in general even more so for those who try to do architecture without accountant's calculations. GAME (Gabriele Architetto Marinelli Enterprise, where "Enterprise" stands for figure precisely that spaceship - community-other traveling to new worlds), does not give up when possible in forcing his hand and pursuing with tenacity in the search for an architecture that permeates and transforms – constructing and deconstructing it - the environment in which life expresses itself in n situations and diverse relationships: a living, unexpected and unusual architecture that attempts to peddle the fashions and conventions of its time, to extricate itself from it to open up new visions - as should always do the architect who expresses it-and in this sense transgressive, fragmented but unitary and invariant, total, open, restless, full of paradoxes... important as only games can be.
