Martin Saar

Designer Estonia

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Martin Saar
Martin Saar is an Estonian product and furniture designer with an international vision. He has studied product and furniture design in both the UK and USA. He aims to find the perfect balance between form and function, resulting in a long lasting solution that realises the needs that manufacturers seek and people want to use. His work often results in designs that have a playful twist which can make one question where and what are the borders of design.
Martin Saar
Martin Saar

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Martin Saar is an Estonian product and furniture designer with an international vision. He has studied product and furniture design in both the UK and USA. He aims to find the perfect balance between form and function, resulting in a long lasting solution that realises the needs that manufacturers seek and people want to use. His work often results in designs that have a playful twist which can make one question where and what are the borders of design.