Public Construction Yard Salto Sciliar | Roland Baldi Architects

Bolzano / Italy / 2009

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Public Construction Yard Salto Sciliar The yard Salto Sciliar consists of two edificial bodies and a canopy, which are spread parallel to the northern and southern borders of the plot, forming clear and wide open spaces. The northern building, indicating the entrance to the plot, contains offices as well as garages and workshops. The second building houses further garages, several storage rooms and their related offices, whilst the changing rooms and the communal area are situated on the upper floor. The charcoal and orange colour scheme comes from the new Corporate Design for the logistical street sites in South Tyrol, and is used with the intention to emphasise the two building elements (the roof and the volume beneath), guaranteeing easy recognition. The public construction yard Salto Sciliar is part of a group of logistical yards based on a modular system: its principle consists of a single level garage-storage unit and another one for administration, single or multiple level depending upon requirements. These units are aligned in a row; the top unit being assigned for administration. CANTIERE PROVINCIALE SALTO SCILIAR Il cantiere provinciale Salto Sciliar è costituito da due corpi edilizi che, nonostante siano distinti, sono accomunati dallo stesso linguaggio architettonico: un volume lungo e stretto che si sviluppa in altezza e uno più largo, di altezza uniforme. I due volumi sono dislocati parallelamente al confine nord del lotto così da formare nel mezzo una corte centrale. L´edificio per uffici costituisce la testa del complesso e, a questo, sono collegati i garage e le officine. Il secondo edificio ospita ulteriori garage, diversi magazzini gli uffici ad essi collegati e, al piano superiore, gli spogliatoi ed il locale ricreativo per il personale addetto alla manutenzione stradale. Questa organizzazione parallela e speculare delle funzioni e dei volumi crea spazi aperti chiari ed ampi. Il cantiere provinciale “Salto Sciliar” appartiene ad un gruppo di punti logistici stradali basati sullo stesso sistema modulare. Il principio prevede un modulo garage-deposito a piano unico (unità standard) e un altro per l’amministrazione, a piano singolo o a più piani secondo esigenza. Questi moduli sono allineati a schiera conclusa, in testata, dal modulo destinato ai servizi amministrativi. L’utilizzo in facciata dei colori antracite ed arancione deriva dal nuovo Corporate Design ideato per i punti logistici stradali in Alto Adige. LANDESBAUHOF SALTEN SCHLERN Der Landesbauhof Salten Schlern besteht aus zwei verschiedenartigen und doch gleichzeitig miteinander verwandten Baukörpern: ein langes und schmales Volumen, welches höhenmässig strukturiert ist und ein in der Höhe einheitlicher, breiterer Baukörper. Sie stehen parallel zur Nordgrenze des Grundstücks und bilden zwischen sich einen Werkhof. Das Bürogebäude bildet den Kopf der Anlage, an welches sich die Remisen und Werkstätten anschließen. Der zweite Baukörper beherbergt weitere Remisen, verschiedene Lager und die dazugehörigen Büros, sowie im Obergeschoss die Umkleiden und den Aufenthaltsraum. Diese parallele und schlichte Aneinanderreihung der Funktionen und Baukörper lassen klare und großzügige Außenbereiche entstehen. Der Landesbauhof Salten Schlern gehört zu einer Reihe von Strassenstützpunkte, die alle auf einem modularen System basieren. Prinzipiell gibt es das eingeschossige Garagen-/Lagermodul (Standardeinheit) und das je nach Bedarf ein- oder mehrgeschossige Verwaltungsmodul. Diese Module werden aneinandergereiht, wobei die Reihe der Garagen-/Lagermodule stirnseitig durch das Verwaltungsmodul abgeschlossen wird. Die Anwendung der Farben Anthrazit und Orange folgt dem neuen Corporate Design für die Südtiroler Strassenstützpunkte.
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    Public Construction Yard Salto Sciliar The yard Salto Sciliar consists of two edificial bodies and a canopy, which are spread parallel to the northern and southern borders of the plot, forming clear and wide open spaces. The northern building, indicating the entrance to the plot, contains offices as well as garages and workshops. The second building houses further garages, several storage rooms and their related offices, whilst the changing rooms and the communal area are situated on the...

    Project details
    • Year 2009
    • Work finished in 2009
    • Main structure Steel
    • Client Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
    • Contractor Zimmerhofer
    • Status Completed works
    • Type multi-purpose civic centres / Factories
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