Fuzhou / China / 2014

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PROJECT SUMMARY/项目综述 Fuzhou Wusibei Thaihot Plaza’s central location at WuSi Bei Dajie, Jinan District makes it Fuzhou’s most successful retail mall. Its design enhanced Thaihot’s brand as a forward thinking innovative retail developer. SPARK’s design entwines the plaza, the street and the mall interior into a continuous circulation route that transforms the building into a living entity full of movement and energy. 12-hour daytime retail activities are concentrated in a 7-level shopping mall from which routes to the rooftop are carved out. Here various activities such as full service dining and cinema effectively create 24-hour traffic-free streets and squares attracting visitors not only to shop but also enjoy as a new social and entertainment destination. 福州五四北泰禾广场位于福州核心区位五四北大街秀峰路,独特的区位优势使之成为福州 最成功的购物中心。设计彰显并强调了泰禾作为具有前瞻性视野的零售商业开发商的独特 品牌特征。SPARK思邦的设计将广场、街道和商场内部等元素有机地糅合成了一个环形的 延续路径,并于此将建筑转换成了一个充满动感和能量的有机个体。每天12小时的购物活 动主要集中在一座7层的商场内,自下而上流线型的动线设计将引导着顾客通往商场的顶层, 当这里全天候的餐饮娱乐和电影院等设施全部启动时,商场内便出现了一道24小时人流穿 梭各色、熙熙攘攘于集市间的独特风景,这不仅吸引着游客们纷纷来此驻足休憩、购物休 闲,更使得这里成为了人们社交娱乐的新地标. DESIGN DESCRIPTION / 设计说明 It is recorded history that after visiting Fuzhou, Marco Polo described the city as “an important centre of commerce in precious stones.” Fuzhou Wusibei Thaihot Plaza is the modern day ‘precious stone’, a gem, located in the heart of Fuzhou soon to be discovered by many alike. 根据 历史记载,马可伯罗到访福州之后,将其描述为一个如宝石般珍贵的重要商业中心。 福州五四北泰禾广场的造型就仿佛当代的珍贵宝石, 镶嵌在福州市中心。 做为一个崭新的 城市地标建筑,让人们发出无尽的赞叹。 The Building 建筑 The many facets of the building exist to serve different functions in plan and the building facade. Easing the edges of the building in plan increases sightlines into the pedestrian street, which helps draws people in. Unlike some straight streets that shoot pedestrians quickly through, an undulating tenant facade facilitates the natural ebb and flow of pedestrian traffic, creating a dynamic shopping experience. 建筑造型由多组三角板块组成,板块间的排布定位结合了平面商业功能和不同的立面要求。 通过板块组的功能定位自然的构筑成建筑曲折的线条。这种形式与功能相结合的设计理念, 不仅实现了是将人流引导进入到商业街,同时更将各个店面的造型塑造成整体灵动的线条, 曲折的线条化店面相互映衬,使得购物者无论身处哪一个角度, 都会有一间面向他们的店 面在恭候光临。 此设计手法最大限度的提升了商业街内部的购物体验。 Colour shifting aluminium panels on the facade creates an exterior appearance that is constantly changing. While most panels are the building skin, select facets serve key visual functions such as illuminated signage boxes, advertisements, and three LED screens. At night, perforations in the aluminium panels allow light to pass through to create a starry night effect. 幕墙材料的选用是此次外立面设计的又一亮点,通过运用绚彩复合铝板,形成了一个色彩 缤纷的外幕墙效果。同时,出于渲染整体商业气氛的考虑,幕墙结合了一些必要的展示功 能如广告标识, 灯箱和三个LED 屏幕, 位置面相人流活动的主要区域, 加强了商业的综 合气息。此外被设计在复合铝板上洞口通过其后面所带的暗藏灯箱,在晚间亮起时刻射出 柔和的点式灯光,形成了繁星点缀的效果。 The Circulation 商业流线 The typical mall typology locates functions such as cinemas & KTV at upper levels of malls. These functions operate into the early hours of the morning long past the closing time of other retail facilities necessitating the public to navigate a difficult journey down out of darkened non air conditioned space. 此次商业流线的设计思考,分析了多数的综合性购物商场会将一些功能如电影院和KTV 设 置在商场的顶层空间,作为目的性的商业。此类商业一般营业至深夜凌晨时分,有别于其 它主题性店面商业的营业时间。这样在此类商场活动至深夜凌晨在观赏完电影或结束唱歌 后,如果简单的疏散流线设计,就只能通过扶梯进入到了已经关闭的商场室内再到达出口, 结果造成而外的空间管理和空间浏览损失,这样的商业流线非常不理想。 To mitigate this dilemma, Fuzhou Wusibei Thaihot Plaza has two complementary circulation routes, a 12 hour day route and a 24 hour route. Retail programs that operate in the day are consolidated into a shopping mall podium typology (12hour). Circulation routes and terraces are carved out of the podium facilitating access to the roof top where there are a variety of activities such as miniature golf and full service dining can be found(24 hour). 为了解决这个问题,五四北泰禾广场设计了两个互为辅助的商业流线:12 小时流线和24 小时流线。普通正常营业时间的商店都组织在建筑的商场群楼以内, 形成购物商场内的12 小时日间流线。此与同时,我们也在室外增加了24 小时的全天候流线。24 小时全天候流 线通过在外幕墙部分设置垂直交通流线如电梯/扶梯, 并在当中适当地增加商店延伸的室外 集散平台, 直达顶层24 小时的商业功能空间如电影院, KTV 或餐饮。 When the normal shopping functions have closed, customers are provided with an alternate route lined with shops and terraces snaking along the podium façade (24 hour). This route is further animated by its adjacency to the pedestrian street. The entire north facade becomes a living entity full of movement and energy. 这样的流线设计,使得当购物商场关门以后, 仍然在光顾24 小时功能空间如电影院, KTV 或餐饮的人们有另一个有趣的室外流线可以通达顶层空间与地面出口。在这种流线空间中, 中小型的晚间商业如餐饮、咖啡厅等特色主体可以被设计在其中,并结合留给穿过热闹的 人们设计的户外交谈观景平台,形成更加富有活力和色彩整体室外商街。 “The project is an important step for SPARK to bring our 24 hour vertical street concept to reality. The opening day has shown that it will make a big impact to this street culture city” says Jan Clostermann, Director of SPARK. “此项目是SPARK 思邦实践24 小时垂直流线商业街概念的重要一步。项目开业的盛况已经 显示了此项目将给这个街市文化的城市带来的巨大影响。“SPARK 思邦董事Jan Felix Clostermann 先生这样说到。 The Interior Space 室内空间 On a rare occasion, chipping away at a stone will lead to the discovery of a cavernous core lined with mineral deposits exploding with radiant colour and light. The experience of entering Spark's proposed mall in Fuzhou is equally dazzling as a voluminous atrium filled with vibrant colour and light greets the visitor. 在非常稀有的情况下,雕凿天然石头至核心将会发掘出散射着迷人光芒与色彩的宝石。进 入思邦设计的福州商业空间的过程,就是一个由生动的色彩与光丰富起来的中庭空间愉悦 参观者的炫目旅程。 As an extension of the faceted façade a crystalline LED advertisement gem hovers over the atrium concierge as the visual focal point upon entering the mall. The pristine white interior atrium is accentuated by colour highlights on the escalators which are sculpturally composed in the middle of the atrium. Linear LED light chandeliers sit over the interior events plaza. Back lit floor peepholes strew across the atrium bridges like scattered jewels as a playful addition to the space, attracting curious onlookers. 做为外立面钻石面延续入室内的晶体LED 广告宝石悬吊于中庭,成为进入商场的视觉中心。 质朴的白色室内中庭由于具有雕塑感的位于中庭中部的彩色扶梯而强烈生动起来。线型 LED 灯极具仪式感的悬吊于室内广场。 散落在错落布置的连桥上的内置LED 灯的窥视孔, 如同散发着眩目光彩的宝石, 吸引人驻足与探索。 The key materials are: Black and white reconstituted stone, stretch ceiling light box, tinted laminated glass, rainbow tinted acrylic, composite aluminium panels and Glass Reinforced Gypsum board. 主要的材料为:黑色与白色合成石,拉膜灯箱,彩色夹胶玻璃,彩虹亚克力板,铝板,高 强石膏板等。 Team: Mingyin Tan, Christian Taeubert, Jian Yun Wu, Ben de Lange, Emer Loraine, Wang Haiyan Leo Micolta, Cary Cheng
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    PROJECT SUMMARY/项目综述 Fuzhou Wusibei Thaihot Plaza’s central location at WuSi Bei Dajie, Jinan District makes it Fuzhou’s most successful retail mall. Its design enhanced Thaihot’s brand as a forward thinking innovative retail developer. SPARK’s design entwines the plaza, the street and the mall interior into a continuous circulation route that transforms the building into a living entity full of movement and energy. 12-hour daytime retail activities are concentrated in a 7-level shopping mall...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Client Thaihot Group
    • Status Completed works
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