SPARK’s Vanke New City Center Sales Gallery opens Nanjing / China / 2014

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Spark’s recently completed sales gallery opened to prospective buyers in November 2013. SPARK 思邦新近完成的万科南京“九都荟”项目售楼处于2013 年11 月向目标购房者开放。 Located adjacent to Nanjing South Railway Station the two storey building showcases the broad spectrum of residential and commercial space available for lease and purchase at Vanke’s SPARK designed ambitious mixed use development. 该售楼处毗邻南京铁路南站,是一幢两层结构的开放展示空间。空间内所展示的是万科九都荟 住宅区和由SPARK 思邦主持设计的综合商业区中可租售的全景全貌。 Conceived as an abstracted reflection of railway track geometry the structure is shaped by functional and conceptual considerations that importantly take advantage of the buildings location next to the busy railway station. 取意于铁路蜿蜒曲折的几何结构特征之抽象概念,设计充分考量了项目在功能性与概念性上的 特征要求,并重点发掘了项目位于繁忙铁路枢纽中心的区域优势特点。 Folded façade surfaces and lines of light compose a continuum of fluent and dynamic space that mirrors the dynamism of the adjacent crossing train tracks. A large LED display faces the key location vantage points located deliberately to be seen by passing vehicle and railway traffic. 折面组合的外幕墙与条线灯带的形态设计构成了一个丰富多彩的动感空间,映射着项目周围纵 横交错铁轨之上每日繁忙万象。一幅大型LED 显示屏幕被巧妙地安放在了面向核心区域的显 著位置上,必将引来过往车辆及乘坐铁路交通途经或抵达南京的人群的万千瞩目。 The exterior façade formed from two skins of perforated aluminium has a subtle Moiré surface a markedly manufactured finish which is in contradiction to the natural finishes of the interior where the folded and perforated surfaces and organic finishes visibly converge. 外立面幕墙实由双层铝制穿孔板构建而成,预加工印制的双层穿孔板所形成的三维摩尔曲面效 果与室内自然效果的立面风格形成了鲜明的对比,同时在视觉上这些折面、穿孔曲面以及有机 自然风格又形成了完美地融合。 The sales gallery is testament to Vanke’s constant strive to redefine the levels of quality and experience afforded to the visitor which is redolent of the characteristics of the new mixed use city quarter designed by Spark which is currently under construction. 售楼处的设计旨在彰显这一由SPARK 思邦并已在建的全新城市综合开发项目的特征集合,更 是万科一贯秉承的注重项目品质与体验内涵的开发原则之佐证。
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    Spark’s recently completed sales gallery opened to prospective buyers in November 2013. SPARK 思邦新近完成的万科南京“九都荟”项目售楼处于2013 年11 月向目标购房者开放。 Located adjacent to Nanjing South Railway Station the two storey building showcases the broad spectrum of residential and commercial space available for lease and purchase at Vanke’s SPARK designed ambitious mixed use development. 该售楼处毗邻南京铁路南站,是一幢两层结构的开放展示空间。空间内所展示的是万科九都荟 住宅区和由SPARK 思邦主持设计的综合商业区中可租售的全景全貌。 Conceived as an abstracted reflection of railway track...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Shopping Malls
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