BELGACOM TOWER | Ivana Linderova

Ghent / Belgium

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public facilities, polyfunctional house

school project, Ghent



The site is located in the center of Ghent at the crosspoint of the road that connects to the highway and the mound of Schelde in Leie.
The site contains a partly abandonnend building from the 70s, designed within the modernistic idea. an abandonned building seen as “the most ugly building in the city” with large and open concrete structure but doesn’t conform with temporary energetic and aesthetic demands.

After we defined the main problem of “the Belgacom site” , which is a mental and physical island in the city, we focused more on an individual parts of the area and the different atmospheres  that brings its surroundings . Our main intension was to cancel the barriers and integretate the platform and the building itself into its neighborhood.  By defining the different characteristics in the neighbourhood. In our design process we act fragile and  by small inteventions we tried to open our site to each area in a different way. We were working with the  existing opportunities, which the building and site offer and we tried to take advantage of them as much as possible. While we keept the whole area connected the different atmospheres are fluently transformed one into another.  Also interior and exterior spaces are in the overlaps.Our design is an integrated design. Area and building are seen as one.That’s the reason why the way we act on the building is by giving opportunities, ideas, options,…But we don’t create a totally defined design.The private and public functions merge inside our building as if it became one street, park, …

We achieve this by emptying the building, just leaving the structure (pillars, beams  and slabs) and communication cores.  This leaves us with edible floors, were the user can buy some lots and adapt them to his needs. (Housing, offices, GYO, terrace, …) The solution for the part with the tower consists in insulating your built volume, creating a box in between the existing floors.

We provide this boxes with all the needed installations by eliminating a slab so we can create an horizontal distribution of all the installations (water, electricity, ventilation, sanitary,…) For the smaller volume there is the same idea as before. In this volume we have the Vertical Farming and the shopping boxes.



Budova sídla jedného z najväčších telefónnych operátorov v Belgicku - Belgacomu, na pobreží rieky  Leie,neďaleko historického centra mesta vyhrala pár rokov dozadu v ankete medzi miestnymi obyvateľmi titul  najškaredšej budovy v Gente. V súčastnosti sú vypracované rôzne štúdie na jej rekonštrukciu, väčšina z nich však veľmi nešetrne strháva celú fasádu pripominajúcu brutalizmus 70. rokov a vytvára z budovy polyfunkčný komplex s novou tvárou. V našom projekte, ktorému predchádzala rozsiahla teoretická štúdia vzťahu človeka a architektúry a hladania odpovede na otázku, čo je to vôbec krása (v architektúre), sme sa rozhodli namiesto zmeny výzoru budovy zmeniť jej okolie, využitie a hlavne postoj ľudí voči (v našich očiach ) jednej z najkrajších pamiatok minulých dôb v tomto meste.

Novým využitím budovy a jej okolitých priestorov veríme v zmenu postoja ľudí a ich pohľadu na pred tym zatemnenú, nevyuživanú a chátrajúcu betónovú masu.

V prednej časti budovy – vo veži sme zachovali nosné konštrukcie. No namiesto celkového zateplovania fasád sa do volných priestorov vkladajú samostane zateplené prenajímateľne boxy. Zásadnou súčasťou návrhu bolo urbanistické riešenie parku na brehu rieky. Lodná doprava a využívanie pobrežia rieky pre verejné aktivity prežíva v celom Blegicku renesanciu, vznikajú nové promenády, prístavy, parky na okraji riek. Rovnako my sme sa rozhodli terasovitým zvažovaním terénu a vytvorením plôch na sedenie a pobyt ľudí čo najviac zapojiť rieku do kontextu okolia budovy a vytvoriť verejný priestor vo viacerých úrovniach a rôznych atmosférach odpovedajúc na možnosti okolitej zástavby a aktivít. Park prirodzene prechádza do tržnice pod budovou, ktorá bola doteraz od okolia oddelená múrmi so značkami zákazu vstupu verejnosti na pozemok.

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    2013 public facilities, polyfunctional house school project, Ghent   en The site is located in the center of Ghent at the crosspoint of the road that connects to the highway and the mound of Schelde in Leie.The site contains a partly abandonnend building from the 70s, designed within the modernistic idea. an abandonned building seen as “the most ugly building in the city” with large and open concrete structure but doesn’t conform with temporary energetic and...

    Project details
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Restoration of old town centres / Adaptive reuse of industrial sites / Markets / Building Recovery and Renewal
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