New Amenity Center | M+N Architecture

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The design was conceived starting from the idea that the site at the moment does not show real architectural context and stylistic limitations, as existing buildings cannot be interpreted as a an homogeneous development.
This means we did not feel to have any strong conceptual reference to take into account or re-elaborate and we considered our constraints to be only the orography of the site and the stunning view of the Arabian Gulf.

Therefore we started conceptualizing on the amenity centre theme without boundaries and taking as a reference the typical oil&gas structures with their intrinsic engineering complexity as well as engineering beauty.
The challenge was to take a typical industrial element “the truss beam” and elevate it to a high architectural value, making it become a real icon of the project, exposing it to the view and to the understanding of the viewer in all its architectural and engineering implications.
This truss element gives rhythm to the facades articulating the elevations with solid and transparent cladding.

To emphasize the prominent position, close to the seaside, and in order to increase the opporunities of having sea views we have worked with strong cantilevers to create the idea of a “terrace on the sea”.
Viceversa, this allows the building to be seen and noted easily in the distance from the sea and to create an attractive “beacon effect” that will surely become quickly the landmark not only on the island but also for all those vessels that will transit in proximity of Zirku.
Great importance was indeed given to the creation of an iconic building, able to become a symbol for the entire island.


Il progetto è stato concepito partendo dall'idea che il sito al momento non presenta grandi riferimenti e  gli edifici esistenti non possono essere interpretati come un riferimento per uno sviluppo omogeneo del contesto.
Questo significa che non abbiamo preso in considerazione o ri-elaborato nessuno dei riferimenti presenti, ma abbiamo considerato come punto di partenza solo l'orografia del sito e la vista mozzafiato sul Golfo Persico.

Quindi abbiamo iniziato a concettualizzare senza confini, prendendo come riferimento le strutture tipiche delle piattaforme petrolifere, con la loro complessità intrinseca e la loro bellezza ingegneristica.
La sfida era prendere un tipico elemento industriale "la trave reticolare" ed elevarlo ad un alto valore architettonico, facendolo diventare una vera icona del progetto, esponendolo alla vista e alla comprensione dello spettatore in tutta la sua chiarezza architettonica.
Questo elemento trave dà ritmo alle facciate articolando i prospetti rivestiti da elementi trasparenti.

Per sottolineare la posizione di rilievo e al fine di aumentare le opportunità di avere una vista sul mare abbiamo usato dei grossi sbalzi, per creare l'idea di "terrazza sul mare".

Questo permette inoltre che la costruzione possa essere vista a distanza dal mare, creando un attraente "effetto faro" che farà diventare l'edificio il punto di riferimento non solo per hli abitanti dell'isola ma anche per tutte le navi che transiteranno in prossimità di "Zirku Island".

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    The design was conceived starting from the idea that the site at the moment does not show real architectural context and stylistic limitations, as existing buildings cannot be interpreted as a an homogeneous development.This means we did not feel to have any strong conceptual reference to take into account or re-elaborate and we considered our constraints to be only the orography of the site and the stunning view of the Arabian Gulf. Therefore we started conceptualizing on the amenity centre...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Main structure Steel
    • Client Confidential
    • Status Current works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Waterfront / Government and institutional buildings / Offices/studios / Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Showrooms/Shops / Fitness Centres / Sports Facilities / Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / River and coastal redevelopment
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