Exercise with the arches n°1 | NAUTA architecture & research

Avetrana / Italy / 2013

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This two families house presents a traditional local scheme of ‘row house’, introvert on the street and open on the back garden. The central rooms, living and dining areas, suffered great lack of light, due to their distance from the two facades.

All rooms present vaulted masonry ceilings, very valuable for their architecture and space effect. This scheme imposes the preservation of the enfilade of vaulted spaces, yet it urges a strategy to avoid the ‘box in box’ effect and extend multiple internal flows and views.

In order to achieve this effect of openness and space interconnection, we use the ‘arch’ archetype and apply it in a playful unconventional way. We open several arches, different in size, either as ‘internal windows’ or to merge entire rooms into each other.

The final effect contributes to lighten the masonry structure, offering many interconnected perspectives that make the spaces breath, lightened by plenty of natural light. The masonry becomes lighter, like paper, cut by generous voids.

We reduced the palette of materials to very few ones: masonry and stucco for the walls; ‘coccio pesto’ for the floors (a local mix of hydraulic mortar and terracotta grit poured on site); onyx travertine for the other surfaces. Travertine is applied either in its natural state, or coated with a transparent resin, in order to preserve the visual irregularity of its texture.

The final effect wills to recreate a sort of ‘rustic , thrifty, somehow austere’ atmosphere, achieved by using innovative applications for traditional materials.



Questa casa bifamiliare presenta uno schema tradizionale a schiera. Le stanze del piano terra presentavano tutte soffitti voltati a stella di notevole valore spaziale. Lo schema richiedeva la conservazione dell’ enfilade spaziale, rendendone necessaria l’ illuminazione attraverso effetti di compenetrazione fra gli ambienti in sequenza.

Per questo abbiamo utilizato l’ arco, matrice geometrica della volta, come tema fondante del concetto architettonico. Esso viene applicato in maniera non canonica, quasi giocosa, con diverse dimensioni ed altezze. L’ obiettivo é l’ alleggerimento della massa muraria, utilizzando anche false finestre interne; Le superfici respirano, leggere come carta ritagliata da vuoti generosi.

Come nella tradizione mediterranea, la palette di materiali è ridotta al minimo. I pavimenti in coccio pesto (malta idraulica impastata con granigla di cotto) sono realizzati in situ, dosati nel colore per ricordare la sabbia delle vicine spiagge dello Ionio. Le stesse superfici continuano nel giardino, liberato da fioriere ed inutili percorsi, preservando gli esistenti agrumi, nespoli e ciliegi.

Le superfici di cucina e bagni sono rivestite in travertino oniciato, trattato con finitura in  resina trasparente per preservarne visivamente le irregolarità; le pareti sono trattate con intonaci idrorepellenti. Tutti gli ambienti sono rivestiti con intonaci e pitture dalle diverse grane. Il progetto ricerca ambienti rustici ma sofisticati, sintetici e austeri, attraverso l’ applicazione moderna di materiali e tecniche locali.

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    This two families house presents a traditional local scheme of ‘row house’, introvert on the street and open on the back garden. The central rooms, living and dining areas, suffered great lack of light, due to their distance from the two facades. All rooms present vaulted masonry ceilings, very valuable for their architecture and space effect. This scheme imposes the preservation of the enfilade of vaulted spaces, yet it urges a strategy to avoid the ‘box in box’ effect...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2011
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Contractor milizia cosimo
    • Cost 375.000
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Building Recovery and Renewal
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