Cinema Turismo | Antao progetti

1st prize in Cinema Turismo competition San Marino / 2012

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ENG - The project aims to re-establish dialogue with the city, in line with the policies of urban renewal aimed at reviving the old town, including through the creation of new cultural
events and activities , as well as the strengthening of the University of San Marino.
The building was created as a flexible and multifunctional space, a real creative laboratory. The current functions of cinema and conference hall will be integrated with the new vitality of spaces for exhibitions of works and art exhibitions or installations, or for the theater and concerts , in conjunction with the catering. The multiplicity funtions allow the use of the building throughout the day , and for every day of the year, receiving a heterogeneous flow of
people, and amortizing the costs. The old theater seats turn into a system of 150 retractable seats that become dynamically projection room or conference, a space for art exhibitions, creative workshop, space - study or lecture hall for students, theater, concert stage combined with the restoration, as well as a meeting place. The old tiers become larger balconies on which you insert tables for study or dining , as well as libraries and chairs for reading.


ITA - Il progetto si prefigge di riallacciare il dialogo con la città, in linea con le politiche di riqualificazione urbanistica miranti a far rivivere il centro storico, anche attraverso la creazione di nuovi eventi ed iniziative culturali, oltre che con il potenziamento dell’ Università di San Marino. L’edificio nasce come spazio flessibile e polifunzionale, un vero e proprio Laboratorio Creativo. Le attuali funzioni di sala proiezioni e convegni saranno integrate con la nuova vitalità di spazi per esposizioni di opere d’arte e installazioni, o per il teatro ed i concerti, in abbinamento alla ristorazione. Questa molteplicità consentirebbe l’utilizzo dell’edificio durante tutto l'arco della giornata, e per tutti i giorni dell’anno, accogliendo un flusso eterogeneo di persone, e ammortizzando il costo dell’intervento di recupero.
La vecchia platea diventa platea mobile con un sistema di 150 sedute a scomparsa che si trasformano dinamicamente da sala proiezioni o congressi, a spazio per esposizioni d’arte, laboratorio creativo, spaziostudio o aula magna per studenti universitari, teatro, palco per concerti abbinato alla ristorazione, oltre che luogo di aggregazione. Le vecchie gradonate diventano balconate più ampie su cui si inseriscono tavoli per lo studio o la ristorazione, oltre che librerie e sedute per la lettura.

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    ENG - The project aims to re-establish dialogue with the city, in line with the policies of urban renewal aimed at reviving the old town, including through the creation of new culturalevents and activities , as well as the strengthening of the University of San Marino.The building was created as a flexible and multifunctional space, a real creative laboratory. The current functions of cinema and conference hall will be integrated with the...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Client Public administration of San Marino
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Theatres / Concert Halls / Cinemas / Bars/Cafés / Exhibitions /Installations / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Restoration of façades / Structural Consolidation / Building Recovery and Renewal
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