Casa SG | tuttiarchitetti

Six degrees of rotation Catania / Italy / 2015

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A building at the ground floor 5 meters wide and 20 long with generous walls of lava stone stands on a shaped core of lava, residue of buildings massive '70s; only two openings diagonal, north-east towards the gardens of the district, south-west to a glimpse of the city. A prism wooden "hut " is placed on the lava fragment of the house, rotated 6 degrees and cut on the volume below, carved by two terraces on the diagonal gashes: a gem set between the heroic rears of tall buildings.

Un edificio a piano terra largo 5 metri e lungo 20 con generosi muri a sacco in pietra lavica si eleva su un torsolo di sciara sagomata a filo perimetrale, residuo delle edificazioni massive degli anni ’70; due soli spiragli diagonali, a nord-est verso i giardini di quartiere, a sud-ovest verso uno squarcio della città. Un prisma di legno “a capanna” viene appoggiato sul lacerto lavico della casa, ruotato di 6 gradi e ritagliato sul volume sottostante, intagliato in profondità da due terrazzi sulla diagonale degli squarci: una gemma incastonata fra i retri eroici degli edifici alti.

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    A building at the ground floor 5 meters wide and 20 long with generous walls of lava stone stands on a shaped core of lava, residue of buildings massive '70s; only two openings diagonal, north-east towards the gardens of the district, south-west to a glimpse of the city. A prism wooden "hut " is placed on the lava fragment of the house, rotated 6 degrees and cut on the volume below, carved by two terraces on the diagonal gashes: a gem set between the heroic rears of tall buildings.[IT]Un...

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