Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias | Francisco Mangado

Fine Arts Museum of Asturias Oviedo / Spain / 2014

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The project addresses the whole complex, including the future of the Velarde Palace and the Casa Oviedo-Portal. Only through such a comprehensive approach can the optimal functioning of an institution as important as the Fine Arts Museum of Asturias be guaranteed. With this idea as starting point, the project contemplates raising an altogether new building within the urban complex. That is, the sequence of existing facades around is taken as a contextual condition, and these facades take on the role of an urban ‘backdrop’, unquestioned, against which to erect a new building with a facade of its own; a facade that reveals itself, is discerned, through naked, totally frameless openings. In the exterior it will be possible to complete a large luminous construction, glazed and full of reflections, that will project outward and superimpose itself on urban history, giving the new Museum a bold but complex image.
The other fundamental element for explaining the building’s relationships with the context is the inner block courtyard. The courtyard becomes a place for encounters and an element connecting the various buildings of the museum complex. Both the block courtyard and the covered court of the new main edifice, which acts as a great skylight articulating and structuring access points and circulation elements, becoming a reference space for the entire complex, are key parts of a proposal that conceptually and physically expands the current premises made up of the Velarde Palace and the Casa Oviedo-Portal.


La propuesta que se presenta, como no podía ser de otra manera, parte de considerar todo el conjunto del proyecto, incluyendo también el futuro del Palacio de Velarde y de la Casa Oviedo-Portal.
 Sólo así, desde esta visión global, se puede garantizar un futuro funcional óptimo para una institución de la importancia que nos ocupa. Entendemos que la nueva distribución de usos propuesta, permite una organización de la obra por fases, sin que se interrumpa el funcionamiento del museo en ningún momento.

La actuación arquitectónica se plantea bajo los siguientes objetivos:

– Búsqueda de una imagen e identidad que, por encima del sustrato histórico-arquitectónico sobre el que se actúa, dota de una singularidad a la institución del Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias.

– Respeto a ese sustrato histórico.

– Diafanidad y facilidad expositiva, permitiendo que las piezas, al contrario de lo que ocurre ahora, se puedan contemplar con perspectiva suficiente.

– Funcionamiento claro en términos internos.

– Claridad en los accesos.

– Consecución de un aumento sustancial de las superficies de exposición respecto a las actuales.

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    The project addresses the whole complex, including the future of the Velarde Palace and the Casa Oviedo-Portal. Only through such a comprehensive approach can the optimal functioning of an institution as important as the Fine Arts Museum of Asturias be guaranteed. With this idea as starting point, the project contemplates raising an altogether new building within the urban complex. That is, the sequence of existing facades around is taken as a contextual condition, and these facades take on the...

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