The Book House “ Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creanga ” | Mihaela Surdu

Cultural center Iași County / Romania / 2014

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      The Book House “Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creanga” (M.E.I.C) represents the proposal of a multifunctional cultural space in the historic center of Iasi, Romania. Considering that the proposed solution is part of the architectural insertions category within the historic built area, the main idea of the project is the integration and adequacy of a new construction into a historical site, in order to restore coherence, unity and affinity.

       It is important that before you decide how to approach the construction of the building, to visualize the development potential and the impact upon the historical area, because an unstructured and nonfunctional present space can be changed if are found the causes and the remedies for the problems (not seen from the object level, but from a global level).

       Depending on the historical area and its problems, there may be three possible insertion within the historic built area: the neutral insertion (discreet), the insertion that facilitates the transition from old architecture to the new one (the report is favorable to history, fitting into the area, borrowing elements, proportions) and the insertion through the denial of the context (it solve the problems of the area: functions, circulation, social problems etc, but the new imprint has a greater influence; the ratio of old and new architecture is favorable for the new).

       Making a comparison between past and present, the adjacent area of Alexandru Lapusneanu street was known as a commercial and promenade zone (a street with libraries and bookstores, handicraft shops and gardens with outdoor theaters). After the systematization works (World War II) it was adversely affected and so far are made not very successful intervention. Therefore the project concept was based on the second approach: the integration through a slight transition from the old to the new architecture, with an old-new favorably report; this choice was necessary, because the risk to lose the authenticity, uniqueness and local spirit, is real.

       The main function of the project is a multimedia library, chosen to emphasize the cultural character of the area through the library, bookstores, antique store, exhibition spaces, literary cafes etc. The ground floor was treated as a connection zone linking the pedestrian street Lapusneanu to Independence Boulevard and creating passages similar to Gabriel Musicescu passage nearby.

       It can be observed the meeting\socialization location area in the center of the building, with the circulation and rest functions gravitates around it. The passages created through the cultural center are host for temporary exhibitions with the theme "The memory of the place." The garden created that separates the "House of Insurance handicraftsmen" by the new construction works both as a transition space and space for recreation. In the basement are found the supply for cafes, confectionery and also an underground parking. The floors are succeeding around the atrium, which is covered with a generous skylight. The first and second floors have the antique store Grumazescu, exhibition spaces, independent shops and recreational areas; the third floor has the multimedia library.
       The project was designed with open, flexible spaces in which the programs boundaries are very subtle; the functions and the modular furnishing were realized in order to be able to easily change the spaces destination, based on the activities that take place within them. In order to create a transition between local historic architecture and modern architecture, were used as main reference points of the area: the belvedere tower and the solid-empty space ratio of the surrounding buildings.
       To recreate the old atmosphere of the town was created a new meeting space, an urban agora. It was preserved the fluent connection with the pedestrian street (highlighting the social quota because the social public buildings were always treated as valuable community monuments), was used the idea of the architectural promenade, was achieved an architectural ensemble in order to preserve and revitalize the local spirit, to restore coherence and was attempted to rewrite some connections that seem lost in the dialogue with the city.

       Also, the name of the cultural center, The Book House “Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creanga”, has its significance because reminds of important cultural people that animated this street throughout history.




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          The Book House “Mihai Eminescu and Ion Creanga” (M.E.I.C) represents the proposal of a multifunctional cultural space in the historic center of Iasi, Romania. Considering that the proposed solution is part of the architectural insertions category within the historic built area, the main idea of the project is the integration and adequacy of a new construction into a historical site, in order to restore coherence, unity and...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Status Research/Thesis
    • Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres
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