Arabesque Clock | Emilio Colaci

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Il nuovo progetto dell'azienda Colaci Emilio Clocks Design: l'Orologio Arabesque, un orologio capace di immergervi nella fiabesca eleganza dei Paesi Arabi.
La particolarità dell'orologio è rappresentata dalle lancette, che si differenziano totalmente dalle solite e standardizzate lancette che siamo abituati a conoscere, ma si rifanno a motivi della tradizione araba, e da qui appunto il nome Arabesque.
L'orologio si ispira ai colori e alla sontuosità dei paesi de "Le mille e una notte" permettendo di creare nei luoghi dove adibito, un aspetto elegante e di gran classe, richiamando lo stile e la finezza araba.
L'orologio può essere realizzato con molteplici materiali: Rame, ottone, bronzo, gold plated


The new project of the company Colaci Emilio Clocks Design: Arabesque clock, a watch able to immerse yourself in the fairy elegance of the Arab countries.
The clock feature is represented by the hands, which is totally different from the usual and standardized hands that we used to know, but are based on motifs Arab tradition, and hence its name Arabesque.
The watch is inspired by the colors and the sumptuousness of the countries of "One Thousand and One Nights" allowing you to create the places where used, an elegant and classy look, recalling the style and the Arab finesse.
The clock can be realized with various materials: copper, brass, bronze, gold plated

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    OROLOGIO ARABESQUE Il nuovo progetto dell'azienda Colaci Emilio Clocks Design: l'Orologio Arabesque, un orologio capace di immergervi nella fiabesca eleganza dei Paesi Arabi.La particolarità dell'orologio è rappresentata dalle lancette, che si differenziano totalmente dalle solite e standardizzate lancette che siamo abituati a conoscere, ma si rifanno a motivi della tradizione araba, e da qui appunto il nome Arabesque.L'orologio si ispira ai colori e alla sontuosità dei...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Waterfront / Cemeteries and cemetery chapels / Urban Furniture / Government and institutional buildings / Embassies / Town Halls / multi-purpose civic centres / Churches / Post Offices / Airports / Bridges and Roads / Railway Stations / Port Areas / Parking facilities / Urban development plans / Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Restoration of old town centres / Adaptive reuse of industrial sites / Landscape/territorial planning / Feasibility Studies / Apartments / Single-family residence / Multi-family residence / Social Housing / Country houses/cottages / Office Buildings / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Business Centers / Corporate Headquarters / Banks / Offices/studios / Factories / Industrial facilities / Kindergartens / Schools/Institutes / Colleges & Universities / Research Centres/Labs / Hospitals, private clinics / Nursing homes, rehabilitation centres / Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Theatres / Museums / Concert Halls / Libraries / Associations/Foundations / Cinemas / Theme Parks, Zoos / Archaeological Areas / Trade Fair Centres / Conference Centres / Pavilions / Exhibition Design / Shopping Malls / Showrooms/Shops / Sports Centres / Stadiums / Sport halls / Swimming Pools / Fitness Centres / Sports Facilities / Hotel/Resorts / Wellness Facilities/Spas / Tourist Facilities / Beach Facilities / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Discos, Clubs / Lighting Design / Graphic Design / Advertising / Photography / Web Design / Law Courts / Military barracks, police and fire stations / Bus Stations / Student Halls of residence / Modular/Prefabricated housing / Leisure Centres / Art Galleries / Exhibitions /Installations / Urban Renewal / Private clubs/recreation centres / Monuments / Yacht and vehicle design / River and coastal redevelopment / Shrines and memorials / Mosques / Synagogues / Temples / Monasteries / Marinas / Passenger Terminals / Bridges and Walkways / Waterworks/Water Systems / Cycle Paths / Tunnels / Control towers / Service stations / Underground Stations / Acoustic Barriers / Strategic Urban Plans / Metropolitan area planning / Lofts/Penthouses / Wineries and distilleries / Book shops / Media Libraries / Markets / Warehouses / Casinos / Day-care centres / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Restoration of Works of Art / Restoration of façades / Structural Consolidation / Music schools/Music academies / Dance academies / Recovery of industrial buildings / Art studios/workshops / Furniture design / Product design / self-production design / Refurbishment of apartments / Building Recovery and Renewal / Chalets, Mountains houses / Refuges / Cable car stations
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