Centrale elettrica Winnebach | monovolume architecture + design

A stranded boulder Vandoies di sopra / Italy / 2009

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In the Pustertal valley in the municipality of Vintl stands the "Winnebach" hydroelectric power plant, supplied by the watercourse bearing the same name. The project blends harmoniously into the alpine context and creates the impression of eternal permanence. Like a boulder pushed deep into the valley by glacial masses thousands of years ago, the power plant is located in the middle of nature, surrounded by green forests. Angular, segmented surfaces made of water-impermeable concrete and the reduced use of materials reinforce the resemblance to a large boulder. Like small water channels by day and sparkling gold veins by night, narrow bands of windows cut through the rock and provide small glimpses into the building's interior.

In order to keep the interference with nature as low as possible, parts of the plant were built into the hillside. The visible surface is thus reduced to a minimum. The interior consists of two storeys. The lower floor houses the cable room, a control basin and the storage room. The upper floor contains the machine and transformer room, the medium-voltage system as well as the control room.


Design Team
Rita Rabensteiner
Simon Constantini
Cecile Dobler
Benjamin Gaensbacher


Ein gestrandeter Felsbrocken
Im Pustertal in der Gemeinde Vintl befindet sich das Wasserkraftwerk „Winnebach“, das vom gleichnamigen Gewässer gespeist wird. Das Projekt fügt sich harmonisch in den alpinen Kontext ein und erweckt den Eindruck ewiger Beständigkeit. Wie ein Felsbrocken, der vor Jahrtausenden von Gletschermassen tief ins Tal geschoben wurde, liegt das E-Werk mitten in der Natur, umgeben von grünen Wäldern. Kantige, segmentierte Oberflächen aus wasserundurchlässigem Beton und der reduzierte Einsatz von Materialien verstärken den felsigen Charakter. Wie kleine Wasserkanäle bei Tag und funkelnde Goldadern bei Nacht durchziehen schmale Fensterbänder den Felsbrocken und gewähren gezielte Einblicke in das Gebäudeinnere.

Um den Eingriff in die Natur möglichst gering zu halten, wurden Teile des Werkes in den Hang hineingebaut. Die sichtbare Oberfläche ist somit auf ein Minimum reduziert. Das Innere setzt sich aus zwei Geschossen zusammen. Das untere Geschoss beherbergt den Kabelraum, ein Kontrollbecken und das Lager. Im oberen Geschoss befinden sich der Maschinen- und Transformatorenraum, die Mittelspannungsanlage und der Kontrollraum.


Un masso incagliato
In Val Pusteria, nel comune di Vandoies, si trova la centrale idroelettrica "Winnebach", alimentata dall'omonimo corso d'acqua.
Il progetto si inserisce armoniosamente nel contesto alpino
e crea l'impressione di una permanenza eterna. Appare come un masso spinto in profondità nella valle da masse glaciali migliaia di anni fa. La centrale elettrica si trova in mezzo alla natura, circondata da verdi foreste.

Le superfici angolari e segmentate in cemento impermeabile e l'uso ridotto di materiali rafforzano il suo carattere roccioso. Le strette fasce di finestre che attraversano la roccia, appaino come piccoli canali d'acqua
di giorno e scintillanti tratti d'oro di notte e forniscono piccoli scorci all'interno dell'edificio. Per mantenere basso l’impatto ambientale con la natura, parti della nuova infrastruttura sono state costruite in combinazione con il pendio della collina. La superficie visibile è così ridotta al minimo. L'interno è composto da due piani: il piano inferiore ospita i gruppi macchina, coma la sala cavi, una vasca di controllo e il magazzino, mentre il piano terra ospita la sala macchine, due vani trasformatori, il sistema di media tensione e la sala di controllo.

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    In the Pustertal valley in the municipality of Vintl stands the "Winnebach" hydroelectric power plant, supplied by the watercourse bearing the same name. The project blends harmoniously into the alpine context and creates the impression of eternal permanence. Like a boulder pushed deep into the valley by glacial masses thousands of years ago, the power plant is located in the middle of nature, surrounded by green forests. Angular, segmented surfaces made of water-impermeable concrete and the...

    Project details
    • Year 2009
    • Work started in 2008
    • Work finished in 2009
    • Client Centrale Elettrica Winnebach Società Consortile arl
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Factories
    • Websitehttp://www.monovolume.cc
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