Organic Collection | Alessandro Marchelli

Ho.Re.Ca. bar and ice cream parlor Terni / Italy / 2019

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Alessandro Marchelli signs the design of the new "Organic" line

Revolution in the world of Ho.Re.Ca. and ice cream with the visionary and unconventional ideas of Alessandro Marchelli's design, who designed the new "Organic" line for the Italian company Forzanti

Forzanti is a young and dynamic design company and a leading architecture firm which has just started a revolution in the world of HoReCa and ice-cream counters, thanks to the visionary and unconventional ideas of the design of Alessandro Marchelli.                      

The project is called ©Organic Collection and is created by Alessandro Marchelli for Forzanti, which immediately embraced the idea.

The collection develops two main concepts: “Liquid & Fluid”.

It includes two new lines of counters as well as other pieces of furniture and accessories for the HoReCa, food and ice-cream sectors. All these elements were thought, designed and realised to give new life to innovative, hi-tech and multifunctional spaces for the contemporary man. 

The creative idea of Alessandro Marchelli suggests new “suspended and open” ways to think and leave the food&bevarage sector, from tastings to aperitifs, from breakfasts to brunches, from pastry to ice-cream, shaping emotional scenarios as if fluid and liquid waves and curves interlock and merge onto a straight line. These elements melt and fade away into smooth anthropomorphic combinations, blending in with shapes and materials, flavours and scents, thus creating a unique positive energy and sense of wonder. 

In such venues, the guests will immediately feel to be part of the global harmony that surrounds the space. Every detail is extremely refined and each component is cleverly pondered in order to give the best experience both to the business traveler and the leisure guest. 

“The curved line”, explains the designer Alessandro Marchelli “is something that forces you to question yourself, to challenge the cliché, to go much further the path you already know in order to reach your targets”. 

That is to say the sense of wonder, the emotion, the surprise, the gravity, the elegance of purity.  

“The cultural objective of this new collection”, says Alessandro Marchelli “is to merge in an interactive way contemporary art, architecture, technology and design, innovating the concept of new entertainment design and make it adjustable to the habits and needs of the daytime and the nighttime”. 

“The ambition of this idea is to get over the material aspect of the project, to move the playground, to create an important effect, to move forward the static counter and involve the consumer in an emotional and sensorial journey, always moving, without clear reference points and with different perspectives”. 

“The new Organic Collection that I have designed for Forzanti”, says Alessandro Marchelli “is a complex, powerful series, yet extremely delicate and sweet, which stretches smoothly with its sinuous lines, engaging the gaze while the hidden light glides on the curved lines making them ethereal”. 

Alessandro Marchelli's project, developed and supported by the engineering and industrialization of Forzanti, wants to find a balance between the intuition and the strategy, starting from the idea that innovation, experimentation, collaboration, material research and attention to details have to coexist and merge in order to create a unique space where to go, sit down and … "tell the stories of your life"


Organic Collection design Alessandro Marchelli

La linea curva è anche un mezzo che ti costringe a porti delle domande, a sfidare i luoghi comuni, a uscire dai sentieri già battuti, per raggiungere gli obiettivi che ti sei prefissato. 

Ovvero lo stupore, l’emozione, la sorpresa, la gravità, l’eleganza della purezza. 

La Collezione “Organic” è una nuova linea di banchi per l’HoReCa e per il Food, pensata, disegnata, plasmata e creata per dare nuova linfa vitale a spazi innovativi, hi-tec e multifunzionali per individui a passo con i tempi. 

L’ambizione del concept, comune con quella del cliente, è quella di superare l’aspetto materiale del progetto, spostare il “campo da gioco”, generare un effetto importante e solare, andare oltre al banco bar e coinvolgere il fruitore in un percorso emozionale e sensoriale, senza aver punti di riferimento e nello stesso istante aver mille cambi di prospettive diversificate tra di loro e mai uguali. 

La progettazione di Studio cerca sempre di bilanciare l’intuizione con la strategia, partendo dalla base, dove: innovazione, sperimentazione delle forme, collaborazione, ricerca rigorosa dei materiali e attenzione maniacale ai dettagli coesistono e si fondono. 

La nuova Organic Collection è una serie potente e complessa, ma estremamente “gentile e dolce”, che si allunga morbidamente con le sue sinuosità, che coinvolge lo sguardo, che si lascia ammirare e accarezzare, mentre la luce scivola sulle curve rendendole eteree; 

L’Organic Collection firmata da Alessandro Marchelli per la Forzanti design srl di Terni si sviluppa tra “Liquid & Fluid”, oltre che nei vari complementi di arredo ed oggetti,; nuovi modi “sospesi” di vivere il mondo della degustazione, delle colazioni, della pasticceria e del genere alimentare, modellandosi a scenari emozionali come se onde e curve fluide che si intrecciano e si fondono assieme si dovessero sciogliere allo sguardo, liquefacendosi in morbide combinazioni, facendo percepire, ascoltare, assaporare, il gusto, il sapore di profumi, forme e materiali amalgamati in una unica energia di stupore. 

il suo “obiettivo culturale” è convergere ed interagire tra arte contemporanea, architettura, tecnologia e design, innovando una nuova concezione di new entertainment design, adattabile e trasformabile secondo le esigenze e le abitudini del giorno e della sera. 

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    Alessandro Marchelli signs the design of the new "Organic" line Revolution in the world of Ho.Re.Ca. and ice cream with the visionary and unconventional ideas of Alessandro Marchelli's design, who designed the new "Organic" line for the Italian company Forzanti Forzanti is a young and dynamic design company and a leading architecture firm which has just started a revolution in the world of HoReCa and ice-cream counters, thanks to the visionary and unconventional ideas of the design of...

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Work started in 2017
    • Work finished in 2019
    • Client Forzanti
    • Status Current works
    • Type Hotel/Resorts / Beach Facilities / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Furniture design / Product design
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