Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning | Wardle

Melbourne / Australia / 2013

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Within this building the next generation of architects, urban planners, ecologists, builders and landscape architects will learn to work in a highly connected way. Our design in collaboration with Boston architecture firm NADAAA is driven by the idea that the building itself becomes built pedagogy and a broader studio environment. The architecture, inherent planning, spatial arrangements and configurations, particular programmatic adjacencies and relationships foster a rich, dynamic environment that becomes a point of stimulus, a catalyst for creativity and inventive design research. With its many inventive structural and environmental ideas, the building becomes a live learning tool for students and staff alike. The idea of what architecture can give back to the community also works at the scale of the university. Connecting back into the network of buildings and courtyards, our design operates as an urban gesture reinforcing the workings and systems of the campus. The transparent facades and open permeable ground plane reveals the creative and collaborative activities to the rest of the university community. [IT] L'edificio comprenderà spazi dedicati alla ricerca (2,500 mq), aule (1,000 mq), biblioteca di Facoltà (1,500 mq), uno spazio mostra (300m2), aree per la progettazione di gruppo (1,000 mq), seminari (1,000 mq), officine per la realizzazione di prototipi in legno o metallo di piccole e medie dimensioni (300 mq), uffici amministrativi (1,500 mq), laboratori informatici (500 mq), una caffetteria (300 mq) assieme a spazi e servizi ausiliari per una superficie totale di circa 18.000 metri quadri. Il budget previsto per la realizzazione dei lavori e l’equipaggiamento complessivo del volume si aggira sui 53 milioni di euro. I lavori di realizzazione principieranno all’inizio del 2011 e termineranno nel 2013.
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    Within this building the next generation of architects, urban planners, ecologists, builders and landscape architects will learn to work in a highly connected way. Our design in collaboration with Boston architecture firm NADAAA is driven by the idea that the building itself becomes built pedagogy and a broader studio environment. The architecture, inherent planning, spatial arrangements and configurations, particular programmatic adjacencies and relationships foster a rich, dynamic...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2011
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Client University of ;Melbourne
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Colleges & Universities
    • Websitehttp://www.abp.unimelb.edu.au/blog
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