Bad Schörgau - The Bath | Pedevilla Architects

Sarnthein / Italy / 2017

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Bad Schörgau has a centuries-long tradition as a rural bath, embedded in the living culture of the Sarentino mountain farmers. The in-house spring was first mentioned as a healing spring in 1624. The historical Bauernbadl (rural bath), with its bath-tubs, works with water from the mineral spring and the Re-Nature implementation of the Sarentino mountain pine.

The bathroom on the ground floor consists of an entrance area with the consultation and the rooms of the farmer's bathroom, on the upper floor there are the treatment- and massage-rooms.

The entrance to the bathroom area is through a wall with tendril pattern, which was derived from the historical gable ornament of the original Bauernbadl. The room has been completely lined with domestic larch, on the big wall near to the entrance the products are exhibited on hand-forged nails made of black steel.

A freely curved staircase connects the two floors. The shape of the staircase and the flowing sequences of rooms refer to the theme of water. A relaxation room, lined as a freeform and with arolla pine shingles, completes the offer.

The "building materials" are provided by nature: stone and wood - hard and durable on the one hand, warm and cozy on the other. The local Sarentino porphyry stone is used for the production of the floors and plaster surfaces. The domestic larch is used for doors, floors and furnishings. Traditional craftsmanship such as feather keel embroidery (peacock feathers) for the leather doorhandles establishes a direct link to the Sarentino culture. For the washbasins there are especially designed enamel bowls. 

Client: Bad Schörgau

Location: Sarntal/South Tyrol

Useful area: 400 m²

Project and realisation: 2016-2017

Photos: Gustav Willeit


Bad Schörgau hat eine Jahrhunderte lange Tradition als Bauernbad, eingebettet in die gelebte Kultur der Sarner Bergbauern. Die hauseigene Quelle wurde bereits 1624 erstmals als Heilquelle erwähnt. Das historische Bauernbadl mit Zuberzellen arbeitet mit dem Wasser aus dem Quellursprung und dem Re-Nature Anwendungsangebot rund um die Sarner Latsche.

Das Badl besteht im Erdgeschoss aus einem Eingangsbereich mit Beratung und den Räumlichkeiten des Bauernbadls, im Obergeschoss befinden sich Anwendungs- und Massageräume.

Der Eingang in den Badlbereich erfolgt über eine Wand mit Rankenmuster, das aus dem historischen Giebelornament des Bauernbadls abgeleitet wurde. Der Raum wurde vollständig mit heimischer Lärche ausgekleidet, an der Zugangsseite werden die Anwendungsprodukte auf handgeschmiedeten Nägeln aus Schwarzstahl ausgestellt.

Eine frei geschwungene Treppe verbindet die beiden Geschosse. Die Form der Treppe und die fliessenden Raumfolgen nehmen Bezug zum Thema Wasser. Ein als Freiform und mit Zirbenschindeln ausgekleideter Ruheraum ergänzt das Angebot.

Die „Baustoffe“ liefert die Natur: Stein und Holz - hart und beständig zum einen, warm und wohnlich zum anderen. Als Stein wird der lokale Sarner Porphyr für die Herstellung der Böden und Putzoberflächen verwendet. Die heimische Lärche wird für Türen, Böden und die Einrichtung eingesetzt. Traditionelles Handwerk wie die Federkielstickerei (Pfauenfedern) für die Ledergriffe der Türen stellt einen direkten Bezug zur Sarner Kultur her. Als Waschbecken dienen ebenfalls speziell angefertigte Email-Schüsseln.


Bad Schörgau ha una tradizione secolare come bagno “contadino”, radicato nella cultura dei contadini di montagna della Val Sarentino in Alto Adige. Nella primavera del 1624 per la prima volta venne menzionata come sorgente curativa. Lo storico “Bauernbadl”, per le sue vasche, utilizza l'acqua pura proveniente dalla sorgente e per il trattamenti i prodotti della gamma Re-Nature di “Trehs”.

Nel bagno “contadino” al piano terra sono presenti una zona d'ingresso con servizi di consulenza e gli ambienti per le vasche, mentre al piano superiore ci sono le sale per i trattamenti e i massaggi.

L'ingresso alla zona termale avviene attraversando una parete a forma di viticcio che richiama lo storico timpano decorato del “Bauernbadl”. La sala è completamente rivestita in larice locale, sul lato ingresso i prodotti sono esposti su chiodi forgiati a mano in acciaio nero.

Una scala dalle forme e dalla geometria fluida collega i due piani. La forma di quest’ultima e dei vari ambienti in successione, rimandano al tema dell' acqua. Il tutto si conclude in una sala relax, un ambiente caratterizzato da una forma libera e rivestita con scandole di pino cembro.

I materiali utlizzati per la costruzione sono forniti dalla natura: pietra e legno, materiali forti e durevoli ma al contempo caldi e accoglienti. Il porfido sarentino locale viene utilizzato come pietra per la produzione di pavimenti e rivestimenti in gesso. Il larice locale viene utilizzato per le porte, I pavimenti e gli arredi. Le pratiche artigianali tradizionali, come il ricamo con chiglia in piuma d'oca (o piume di pavone) per le maniglie in pelle delle porte, stabilisce un legame diretto con la cultura sarentina. Vasche smaltite, appositamente progettate, vengono utilizzate anche come lavandini.

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    Bad Schörgau has a centuries-long tradition as a rural bath, embedded in the living culture of the Sarentino mountain farmers. The in-house spring was first mentioned as a healing spring in 1624. The historical Bauernbadl (rural bath), with its bath-tubs, works with water from the mineral spring and the Re-Nature implementation of the Sarentino mountain pine. The bathroom on the ground floor consists of an entrance area with the consultation and the rooms of the farmer's bathroom, on the...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Wellness Facilities/Spas
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