Casa en el Bosque | WEYES Studio

Santiago / Mexico / 2018

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Casa en el Bosque / Home in the Woods

1. Single Family home consisting of 4 small pavilions, linked by exterior walkways, respectfully blended with the forest, covered by the treetops and floated off the ground.

2. Four small pavilions were guided by the trees and the topography to remain very silent, respectful of the environment. Wrapped in forest; covered by the treetops and floated off the ground. There are connections between them by light walkways, which improve the interior-exterior experience. The architecture and its users live in symbiosis with the forest; they become part of and supplement the natural micro-ecosystem.

You see a simple construction, without technical complications, with a lot of detail in the placement of its materials. There is a wide variety of apparent materials that will age with dignity over time and will blend with the surroundings.

We translated the love for nature and the original lifestyle of users into a "minimal footprint"; not to destroy natural contexts but to build in conjunction with them.


Located in a residential subdivision in a fragment of a forest at El Barrial, within the municipality of Santiago, Nuevo León. Casa en el Bosque is a home that dialogues, blends with, and interacts in symbiosis alongside its natural environment. Located on a plot of land of 690.38 m2 (7,431 sq. feet), with a slope of 28% to 35%, it is distributed in a program of 4 high volumes connected by stairs, corridors and exterior bridges that respect the topography and original vegetation of the site, an irregular terrain with 13 meters facing south, 45 meters deep and 23 meters in its back boundary to the north, which connects with a common pedestrian street of the subdivision.

The user and owner of the project is a simple person, attentive to details, practical, light, with a passion for outdoor sports and nature. The program of 160m2 was very clear, so it was effortless to synthesize the dynamics that were going to happen in the home.

In order to interact naturally with the environment and work with the slope of the terrain, a series of iterations was made and the disposition of the provisions of the site was modified, the layout of the spaces of the user's residence was broken down, distributing the square meters in independent pavilions in order to ease the accommodation of the program.

The location of the volumes was guided by trees and roots, each one was located to safeguard the seventeen trees that inhabited the site originally. The outer connectors release square meters, leaving more free area to the vegetation, and encourage the user's continued interaction with the outdoors.

There are 4 pavilions that house a garage and storage area with 61.9m2 as a whole, a social pavilion of 45.1m2 with a terrace and an interior patio, a private resting pavilion with 30m2 and a private pavilion for visits of 27.72m2

This project aims to make the most of the resources provided by the immediate context, the vast vegetation provides a microclimate of shadows and cool breeze that contrasts with the extreme climate of the city. We stand below the treetops, but floated off the natural terrain, gaining views, ventilation and controlled solar exposure.

The constructive system is a traditional system of columns and lightened concrete slabs, with double brick walls that sometimes escape to the landscape to guide routes and create semi-private outdoor patios.

The intention of having a "Minimum Footprint" on the site was the guiding principle of the project. The alteration of the topography was only 8.6% of the total area of the lot, 100% of the original trees were treasured, the construction process was of low impact and without heavy machinery, materials and supplies of the zone were used, passive systems were carried out to improve the ventilation and lighting of the spaces, low-cost maintenance materials were selected, and the soil of the areas affected by the construction process was regenerated.



The project has as a principle to achieve the "MINIMUM FOOTPRINT", understanding that the forest is one of the main sources of air purification and water filtration that contributes to the water reservoirs of the region. This is the reason why a minimum, strategic, passive and low-cost intervention was made.

Make the most of the tangible resources of the site such as the water course, humidity, wind and vegetation; and the sensorial resources, such as filtered light and the intimacy of the forest. The goodwill and life vision of the owner were fundamental for the sustainable integration of the project.

MINIMUM ALTERATION of the ecosystem. Only 8.6% of the lot has floor (the 60m2 of the garage), the rest of the project is suspended in the columns so as not to alter runoff, avoid erosion and take care of the substrate-rich in seeds and nutrients. The total footprint was 160m2, which represents 23% of the lot.

RESPECT FOR THE TREES. The site was the result of an analysis to avoid touching the 17 existing trees, adding 2 oak trees of 3", one in the access and the other in an interior patio.

REGENERATION OF THE ECOSYSTEM. With the collaboration of Global Sustainable Solutions, directed by the Architect José Borrani, strategies were carried out for the regeneration of the soil, which would trigger the burst of the ecosystem. An aeration work was done on the compacted soil by constructive maneuvering and we repaired the damaged substrate with an organic cover of leaves.

MINIMUM CONSUMPTION. We avoided sophisticated energy saving systems and focused more on reducing consumption. We take advantage of the shade of the trees and cross ventilation for the improvement of the interior temperature. The double walls maintain the temperature in the interior spaces during the winter. The lighting is solved with windows and skylights during the day and lighting of low consumption at night. The service areas were limited to concentrate trajectories and low-consumption equipment was used.


The Footprint from the street is minimal; it is a project that opens to its own interior. We contrast with the rest of the area that is dramatically losing its forest appearance.

The architectural program was divided into small pieces, 4 pavilions. Each pavilion is protected to the south with brick walls and open to the north. The entry proposes a closed project that is discovered while walking through the outer light connections. The intention is to be floated off the ground and covered by the treetops, wrapped in forest.

All spaces have natural lighting, filtered through the trees, achieving very fresh clear and shaded spaces. The brick was worked marking a "skirting board and some pieces were placed a little outside the flat wall for them to generate runoff and molds in the future for the construction to blend with its environment and age with dignity.

The main materials are baked clay brick and concrete in different presentations (cast-in-place concrete, smooth concrete for floors, washed for sidewalks, and burnished polishing for bathrooms). The openings on the brick walls are surrounded by prefabricated concrete that function as structural counter-frames.

The fixed furniture becomes architectural pieces that complete the daily experience.

The screens and the ironwork are very simple, in black so that they are as invisible as possible.

The artificial interior lighting comes from the walls and fixed furniture indirectly. The exterior lighting is a courtesy light and some frame key trees.


The structural solution was a very simple, hybrid system. On the one hand, concrete pavilions with columns and brick partition walls, and on the other hand, steel stairs and bridges supported by the structural concrete of the pavilions.

The foundation is composed of insulated square footings from 1.65 m to 1.50 m deep. The location of each of these footings was established so as not to touch the root of the 17 trees.
The columns are apparent concrete haunches that hold slabs of lightened concrete with the joist and beam system.

All exterior walls are double; double baked clay brick or baked clay brick with block wall inside of wet areas.


The construction process had the objective of keeping us away from the land and the ground level as soon as possible from north to south. The south pavilions were worked simultaneously leaving until the end the garage that served as maneuvers and warehouse area.

The process was traditional and without heavy machinery for the architectural work in the following order: footings, columns, slabs, walls, installations, decorations, finishes and at the end, the regeneration of the ecosystem.



The main objective of the project is to achieve the "MINIMUM FOOTPRINT", from the broadest meaning of the phrase. Bearing in mind that the forest is one of the main sources of air purification and water filtration in the region's water tables, we were committed to make a minimal, strategic, passive and low-cost intervention. Making the most of the tangible resources at the site, such as the water course, humidity, wind and vegetation; as well as the sensory resources, such as the clear and shaded spaces due to light filtered and the intimacy of the forest. The goodwill and vision of life of the owner were fundamental for the sustainable integration of the project.

MINIMUM ALTERATION of the ecosystem. Only 8.6% of the plot of land has floor (60m2 of the garage in the upper part), the rest of the project is suspended in columns so that the runoff is not changed, to avoid erosions and take care of the substrate rich in seeds and nutrients. The total footprint built is 160m2, which represents 23% of the plot of land. In order to achieve this, we had to rethink the way of living, think of simple spaces without traditional functions (kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, dressing room), the project is designed as 4 versatile pavilions with clear purposes (garages and hobby store, private rest, private visits, coexistence).

The construction process was fundamental to avoid damaging the forest. Areas for circulation and maneuvering of materials and equipment were restricted. The pavilions farthest from the street were the first and the garage pavilion worked as the most intense work area, materials storage and machinery location.

RESPECT FOR THE TREES. The site was the result of an analysis to avoid touching the 17 existing trees, adding 2 oak trees of 3", one at the entry and the other in an interior patio. Minimal preventive pruning was done in some of them to avoid possible damage caused by maneuvers and stimulate growth of new trees.

REGENERATION OF THE ECOSYSTEM. With the collaboration of Global Sustainable Solutions, directed by the Architect José Borrani, strategies were carried out for the regeneration of the soil, which would trigger the burst of the ecosystem. Different techniques were used for each problem, without using pesticides or artificial fertilizers. We started a process for the regeneration of the forest floor through the application of inert substrate in heavily damaged areas, aeration of areas compacted by traffic during construction, and the application of a layer of 20 cm of organic leaves (20% obtained at the site and 80% from a collection of waste leaves from urban areas) throughout the plot of land to reactivate the natural life cycle of the soil. In order to prevent possible erosion due to the slight changes in topography caused by the columns, erosion prevention techniques were implemented, such as stone or wood covers and deep-rooted perennial vegetation, capable of resisting sediments. 95% of the landscaping consisted of soil regeneration, only 5% of vegetation was introduced, all with native species.

MINIMUM CONSUMPTION. We avoided sophisticated energy saving systems and focused more on reducing consumption. The project takes advantage of the shade of the trees and cross ventilation for the improvement of the temperature in all spaces.
The double walls maintain the temperature in the interior spaces during the winter. The lighting is solved with windows and skylights during the day and low consumption lighting at night. The service areas were limited to concentrate trajectories and low hydraulic power and electricity consumption equipment was used.

LOW-COST MAINTENANCE. The finishes are mostly apparent materials, our purpose is that the patina of the materials ages with dignity, that blends with the forest. Mildew and traces of water in construction materials will not be a problem, but a virtue. Waterproofing components and installations require maintenance every 5 to 10 years.


The main idea of the project was to create "THE MINIMUM FOOTPRINT". The idea is not to destroy nature, but build in symbiosis with it. It is imperative to understand that urban subdivisions like this one are destroying their natural profile. By integrating ourselves to the natural micro-ecosystem, this allows us to make the least investment in active technologies. The air quality is renewed easily, since the interior spaces are small and the exchange of new air is very simple with the cross ventilation system. To maintain this minimum built footprint, it was a key factor that the walkways between the pavilions were exterior; this footprint does not need to be artificially conditioned and helps to generate awareness and recognize closely the behavior of the natural environment.

Minimum Footprint
For energy, rather than producing, consume the minimum.
For water consumption, use gravity and reduce usage.
For rain, allow infiltration into subsoil and natural water streams avoiding erosion.
For flora and fauna, integrate ourselves into their cycles.
For substrate, regenerate what has been damaged by the human footprint.
For the economic factor, solve from the most logical local resources.
For lighting, take advantage of daylight and reduce night lighting consumption.
For temperature control, traditional passive systems.
For technology, focus communications and simplify everyday tasks.
For useful life, recognize our environment.


This project in pavilions allows for a limited, modular and replicable growth. From architecture, simplicity and creativity was important. However, the key is in the attitude to adopt new lifestyles that are more responsible with our environment. It requires sensitivity, knowledge and willingness to adapt. We are partners with the users and we learned of their values and philosophy that blends with the natural environment.

No major investments in technologies are required to make far-reaching changes, we will achieve greater impacts if we are able to recognize our past, the cycles of our natural environment and the ability to INNOVATE TOWARDS A MORE SUSTAINABLE CULTURE.


Casa en el  Bosque es un hogar que dialoga, se mimetiza e interactúa en simbiosis con su entorno natural. Emplazada sobre un terreno de 690.38 m2, con una pendiente del 28% al 35%, distribuye su programa en 4 volúmenes conectados por escaleras, pasillos y puentes exteriores que respetan la topografía y la vegetación original del sitio. Terreno irregular con 13 metros de frente al sur, 45 fondo y 23 metros en su colindancia  posterior al norte que da a un paseo peatonal común del fraccionamiento. 

La ubicación de los volúmenes fue guiada por los árboles (copas y raíces) , cada módulo fue situado cuidadosamente para conservar los diecisiete  árboles que habitaban el sitio. Los conectores exteriores liberan metros cuadrados, dejando más área libre a la vegetación, y propician la continua interacción del usuario con el exterior.   

Son 4 pabellones que  albergan una cochera y bodega 61.9m2, un pabellón social 45.1m2 con una terraza y un patio interior, un pabellón privado de descanso 30m2 y un pabellón privado  para visitas de 27.72m2 

El proyecto  busca aprovechar al máximo los recursos que brinda el contexto inmediato, la vasta vegetación crea un microclima de sombras y brisa fresca que contrasta con el clima extremo de la ciudad. Nos situamos debajo de la copa de los árboles pero flotados del terreno natural. Ganando vistas, ventilación y una exposición solar controlada.

La idea rectora del proyecto fue lograr una “Huella Mínima” en el sitio.


Huella Mínima.

Para la energía, mas que producir, consumir lo mínimo.

Para el consumo de agua, usar la gravedad y reducir el uso.

Para la lluvia, permitir la infiltración al subsuelo y  los causes naturales evitando erosiones.

Para la flora y la fauna, integrarnos a sus ciclos.

Para el sustrato,  regenerar lo que se deñe por la huella humana.

Para el factor económico, solucionar desde los recursos  locales mas lógicos.

Para la iluminación, aprovechar la luz del día y reducir consumo de noche.

Para el control de la temperatura. Sistemas pasivos tradicionales y lógicos.

Para la tecnología, enfocarnos las comunicaciones y simplificar tareas cotidianas.

Para la vida útil. Reconocer nuestro entorno. 



Arquitectos a Cargo / Design Leaders: Chente Tapia, Moises Morales, Mariana Montoya.

Equipo de Diseño / Design Team: Adela Mortera, Axel Ochoa y Vania Ibarra.

Paisajismo / Colaborador  / environmental consultant and landscape: Global Sustainable Solutions. José Borrani

Ingeniería / Structure design: CM Ingenierias y Estructuras. Roman Cuellar.

Construcción / Contractor:   Sagal Grupo Constructor. SA de CV.

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    Casa en el Bosque / Home in the Woods 1. Single Family home consisting of 4 small pavilions, linked by exterior walkways, respectfully blended with the forest, covered by the treetops and floated off the ground. 2. Four small pavilions were guided by the trees and the topography to remain very silent, respectful of the environment. Wrapped in forest; covered by the treetops and floated off the ground. There are connections between them by light walkways, which improve the interior-exterior...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design
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