FUTURE AGE | Flussocreativo Design Studio

Brescia / Italy / 2019

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After a careful analysis of the needs of the various compartments and the related working uses, the project was developed by dividing the entire space into 3 distinct but at the same time connected macro areas. The joining element is a wall with a sinuous and circular shape, chromatically contrasting with the rest of the environment and capable of dividing the work areas.

The main areas are made up of a first space dedicated to team work, characterized by a large multi-station desk above which are placed a series of sound-absorbing ceilings, ideal for maintaining acoustic comfort in an open space. A second area dedicated to the specific divisions of the company, develops along a corridor that conceals the entrance to the offices from view. Finally, a third area includes the meeting room, visually connected with the rest of the space and equipped with a reserved and exclusive passage to the CEO office.

To complete the division of spaces, the cabinets, made to measure and organized in a functional way, are designed to ensure that they are accessible for each employee in the relevant area.

The chromatic play of colours based on the contrast between the white and grey tones of the room, is reinforced by the grit and personality of the central wall: made with black painted wood strips that enhance its sinuous and exclusive shape. The choice of colours dialogues perfectly with the red of the company’s Corporate Identity, a distinctive sign that communicates energy, passion and confidence in its resources.


Dopo un’attenta analisi delle necessità dei vari comparti e le relative fruizioni lavorative, il progetto si è sviluppato suddividendo l’intero spazio in 3 macro aree distinte ma allo stesso tempo collegate tra loro. Elemento di unione una parete dalla forma sinuosa e circolare cromaticamente contrastante con il resto dell’ambiente e capace di ripartire le aree di lavoro.

Le aree principali si compongono di un primo spazio dedicato al lavoro in team, caratterizzato da una grande scrivania multipostazione al di sopra del quale sono posizionati una serie di cielini fonoassorbenti, ideali per mantenere il comfort acustico in uno spazio aperto. Una seconda area dedicata alle divisioni specifiche dell’azienda, si sviluppa lungo un corridoio che cela alla vista l’ingresso degli uffici. Infine una terza area comprende la sala riunioni, collegata visivamente con il resto dello spazio e dotata di un riservato ed esclusivo passaggio per l’ufficio CEO.

A completare la suddivisione degli spazi, le armadiature disegnate su misura e organizzate in modo funzionale, sono studiate per far sì che siano accessibili per ogni addetto della relativa area.

Il gioco cromatico basato sul contrasto dei toni bianchi e grigi dell’ambiente, è rafforzato dalla grinta e personalità della parete centrale: realizzata con listelli in legno verniciato nero che ne esaltano la forma sinuosa ed esclusiva. La scelta dei colori dialoga perfettamente con il rosso della Corporate Identity dell’azienda, un suo segno distintivo comunicatore di energia, passione e fiducia nei propri mezzi.

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    After a careful analysis of the needs of the various compartments and the related working uses, the project was developed by dividing the entire space into 3 distinct but at the same time connected macro areas. The joining element is a wall with a sinuous and circular shape, chromatically contrasting with the rest of the environment and capable of dividing the work areas. The main areas are made up of a first space dedicated to team work, characterized by a large multi-station desk above which...

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Work finished in 2019
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios / Interior Design / Building Recovery and Renewal
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