Minimalistic industrial loft | IDwhite

Kaunas / Lithuania / 2018

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The minimalist- industrial loft is located in Kaunas, Lithuania, designed by IDwhite. The 64 square meter apartment was set up in a reconstructed multistorey industrial building. The target of the client was to design the space for a short-term rental where people become a center of the design living in the interior surrounded by city views.

The basic idea of the project was to keep as many raw constructions existing as possible, only covering the essential areas. Interior has a monochrome look with warm neutrals and rich natural materials such as wood, concrete, metal, glass. The black colour is commonly used in the project creating an impression of depth and also works as a contrast by highlighting important details.
The surface of the ceiling’s concrete beams was scrubbed and painted white to get a fresh look, columns were left as they were originally found, giving the visual esthetic balance to the space, blend of industrial and minimalist design look. Wood was introduced in all areas as an opposite material to concrete that softens the space look and adds warm welcoming feel. The lighting solution by dimmable LED lights directed towards the ceiling highlights the relief and by bouncing back softly lights the entire interior space. Bedroom area upstairs can be transformed for privacy by closing curtains, composing of yellow metal wardrobe, giving a bright impulse to the zone, soft form bed of dark tones and main wall, covered by burnt accoya wood - makes this area an ideal relax zone.

Design company: IDwhite

Photographer: Leonas Garbačauskas

Lead Designer: Karolis Kasikauskas

Manufacturers / Productst: Linea, IDDO, Lageras, E-durys, Samsung, Bosch


Minimalistinis pramoninio dizaino lofto interjeras sukurtas Kaune, interjero autorius IDwhite. Šis 64 kvadratinių metrų butas buvo įrengtas rekonstruoto pramoninio dizaino daugiaaukščio pastate. Kliento užduotis dizaineriui buvo sukurti erdvę, skirtą trumpalaikei nuomai, kurioje žmonės tampa dizaino centru, apsupti miesto vaizdų.

Pagrindinė projekto idėja buvo palikti egzistuojančias pastato konstrukcijas, uždengiant tik svarbiausias vietas. Interjeras turi monochromatinį įvaizdį su papildytais natūralaus medžio, betono, metalo ir stiklo akcentais. Juoda spalva dažnai naudojama šiame projekte, ji sukuria gylio pojūtį bei veikia kaip kontrastas, išryškinantis svarbias interjero detales.

Objekto lubų betoninių sijų paviršius buvo pašveistas ir nudažytas baltai, suteikiant interjerui šviežumo įvaizdį, kolonos paliktos natūralios išvaizdos, suteikiant interjerui vizualios estetikos pusiausvyrą tarp minimalistinio ir pramoninio dizaino stilių. Mediena naudojama visame interjere kaip priešinga medžiaga betonui. Pagrindinės erdvės apšvietimas spręstas dimeriuojamomis LED juostomis, kurios nukreiptos į lubas siekiant išryškinti reljefą, o reflektuojanti šviesa švelniai apšviečia visą erdvę. Miegamojo erdvė gali būti uždaroma užuolaidomis, geltono metalo rūbų kabykla suteikia šviesos impulsą erdvei, o pagrindinė miegamojo siena padengta degintos medienos lentomis.


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    The minimalist- industrial loft is located in Kaunas, Lithuania, designed by IDwhite. The 64 square meter apartment was set up in a reconstructed multistorey industrial building. The target of the client was to design the space for a short-term rental where people become a center of the design living in the interior surrounded by city views. The basic idea of the project was to keep as many raw constructions existing as possible, only covering the essential areas. Interior has a monochrome...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Lofts/Penthouses / Refurbishment of apartments
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    Lovers 43 users