Unterholz and Oberholz | Christoph Hesse Architekten

Referinghausen / Germany / 2020

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This installation is located on the multigenerational square of Referinghausen. In the lower part, seating possibilities for young and elderly have been cut out from two concrete cubes. During the manufacture, the villagers attached old windows, doors and memorabilia to the concrete formwork in order to leave a permanent imprint for future generations. The upper part is made out of wood, from which the half-timbered houses in the Sauerland were once built. On the one hand, it serves as a roof and on the other hand as a central luminous element for the dark hours.

Diese Installation befindet sich auf dem Mehrgenerationenplatz von Referinghausen. Im unteren Teil sind aus zwei Betonkuben Sitzgelegenheiten für Jung und Alt herausgeschnitten worden. Bei der Herstellung haben die Dorfbewohner alte Fenster, Türen und Erinnerungsstücke von innen an der Betonschalung befestigt, um so einen permanenten Abdruck für die künftige Generationen zu hinterlassen. Der obere Teil besteht aus Holz, aus dem früher die Fachwerkhäuser im Sauerland errichtet wurden und dient zum einen als Dach und zum anderen als zentraler Leuchtkörper für die Abendstunden.

L’installazione si trova sulla piazza multigenerazionale di Referinghausen. Nei due cubi di cemento che formano la base sono state ricavate sedute per anziani e giovani. Inoltre, durante la costruzione, gli abitanti del villaggio hanno allegato alla cassaforma vecchi cimeli, porte e finestre, così da lasciare impressa nella struttura un’impronta permanente per le generazioni future.
La parte superiore è inevece in legno, il quale un tempo veniva utilizzato per costruire le tipiche case a graticcio nella regione di Sauerland. Esso funge sia da tetto, sia da elemento centrale luminoso durante le ore di buio.


The Open Mind Place Oberholz is located 20 meters above the neighboring Unterholz installation. Oak sleepers were stacked on a sub- structure of six concrete pillars to form a building for coming together. The interior is accessible via a small bridge and offers space for up to six people. The elevated position allows a wide view over the village and the hills in the south with the Heidenstraße. For many people, Oberholz is a popular place to retreat and to exchange ideas with others.


In direkter Nähe zur Unterholz Installation befindet sich der 20 Meter höher gelegen Open Mind Place Oberholz. Auf einer Unterkonstruktion aus sechs Betonstützen wurden Eichenschwellen zu einem Raum der Begegung aufeinandergestapelt. Der Innenraum ist über eine kleine Brücke zugänglich und bietet Platz für bis zu sechs Personen. Die erhöhte Position erlaubt eine weite Aussicht über das Dorf und die Hügelkette im Süden mit der Heidenstraße. Oberholz ist für viele Menschen ein beliebter Ort, um zu entschleunigen und um sich mit anderen Menschen auszutauschen.

L’Open Mind Place “Oberholz” si trova 20 metri sopra alla vicina installazione “Unterholz“.
Traversine di quercia sono state impilate su una sottostruttura di sei pilastri di cemento per formare un edificio atto ad accogliere i visitatori. L'interno è accessibile tramite un piccolo ponte e offre spazio per un massimo di sei persone.
La sua posizione sopraelevata offre un'ampia vista del paese e delle colline a sud.
Per molte persone, Oberholz è diventato un luogo popolare in cui ritirarsi e scambiare idee.

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    English:This installation is located on the multigenerational square of Referinghausen. In the lower part, seating possibilities for young and elderly have been cut out from two concrete cubes. During the manufacture, the villagers attached old windows, doors and memorabilia to the concrete formwork in order to leave a permanent imprint for future generations. The upper part is made out of wood, from which the half-timbered houses in the Sauerland were once built. On the one hand, it serves as...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Exhibitions /Installations
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    Lovers 8 users