The Russian Federation Pavilion - Better city where children are happy

Padiglione della Russia all'Expo Shanghai 2010 Shanghai / China / 2010

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The topic of Expo 2010 is "Better city, better life" and it was chosen not by accident. Year by year cities play a more important role in the society life: a bigger number of them appear in the world, the number of urban population is increasing and at the same time new problems arise: consumption of energy and drinking water increases and environment is polluted quicker. And no one but us can solve these problems. So the organizers and the authors of the concept of the World Universal Exhibition Expo 2010 decided. They encouraged countries which would like to keep and improve quality of life to take part in the exhibition and demonstrate models of ideal cities where people live in harmony with others, nature and themselves. All exhibits and events at the exhibition will be devoted to the problem of the city life improvement, creation of better conditions for people living in all cities around the world. Expo 2010 intends to represent examples of harmonious and comfortable city life to the whole world. The topic is extremely productive and significant. Each country participating in the event stakes on scientific and technological achievements, up-to-date developments and innovative solutions and ancient cultural traditions.
Russia has been a regular guest at World Universal Exhibitions Expo since their beginning and up till now. Our country has always known how to amaze the whole world at these exhibitions. Technical achievements became a real sensation and exhibition constructions became a part of the history of the world culture. In the 21st century Russia continues to be true to itself and amazes everybody. At Expo 2010 Russia will represent the latest achievements, developments and it will acquaint the countries participating in the exhibition with its rich culture. And primarily youth will try to achieve success for Russia in the international scene.
Young professionals, students and children are the main heroes and participants of the Russian exposition at Expo 2010. While the concept development adults thought that it was necessary to ask young people for help. As everything we create now for better life, we do for our children, for those who will soon replace us and begin to make future. It is very simple to create a better city. It is just necessary to understand what kind of future our children would like to see. In such a way the slogan of the Russian exposition was made: "Better city where children are happy". That's why according to the organizers' plan of participation of Russia at Expo young people actively participate in the exposition preparation, and the Russian concept is built based on ideas and projects of children, teenagers, students, young scientists.
The most important stage of preparation for participation in Expo exhibition is construction of exhibition pavilions. The pavilion is an original showcase representing the level of scientific, technical and technological development of each country. And for the first time in many years the Russian Federation constructs a separate pavilion along with the other highly-developed countries.
At Expo Russia represents an original architectural project deeply routed in our history and culture. At the territory covering an area of 6,000 square meters our pavilion will be constructed. It will consist of three basic elements: 12 white-gold towers, a cube "hovering in the clouds" lying on the foundations of all twelve towers and an internal installation.
From outside the pavilion looks like a huge open flower symbolizing "the tree of life", the world tree deeply routed in the history and ancient traditions of its country, where "the life heavens" lie. Towers decorated with different national ornaments of Russia nations will crown each of 12 flower petals. White-gold color, which due to the evening illumination becomes black-red-gold, represents those colors which not only in the traditional Russian culture, but also in many world cultures symbolize beauty of the life, its prosperity and spirituality.
The number of towers was chosen not by accident – according to the architects' plan it will help to pay homage to the Chinese philosophy. According to the teachings of Chinese wise man, a circle is the beginning of everything, and number 12 is a numeric embodiment of rotation: 12 months replace each other during a year, hands of clocks going round clock dials count off 12 hours…
The pavilion towers are going up symbolizing rapidly growing megapolises with skyscrapers. White-gold color of the towers resembles historical images of the Russian architecture, perforation of the upper tower parts is created basing on ethnic ornaments of the nations populating Russia. The towers surround a big park with trees and water bodies embodying unity of nature and cities.
The elements of the cube external decoration can move. It creates an illusion of "the living facade" which by reflecting the sky, the towers, greenery and people creates an image of a giant living being at daytime. And if visitors come to the pavilion when it gets dark, there's no doubt that they will be amazed: at night with the help of special lighting even more stunning effect is created – columns of light, sparkling and changing of colors, lighted towers patterns...
In the pavilion when guests start their travel from the ground floor, they will go along the huge eco-lake with real clean water, which will be surrounded by green banks. Here the exposition of the central zone of the Russian pavilion will be placed. It will represent installations of town-planning and architectural projects in 3D format, made by professional architects and designed on the basis of children's drawings about future cities.
The work in the pavilion towers will also be humming since the exhibition opening: this territory will be given to the regions of Russia participating in Expo 2010. Exhibits of regional representatives were chosen according to the city topic of the exhibition. Visitors will be convinced that an ideal city can be built in any region of Russia. Expositions combine ideas of cultural synthesis in a multinational country, economic prosperity of each region, innovative and technological development, establishing good relations between a city and its surrounding territory – everything that will help to solve the most important issues of the country with such a big territory as Russia. The regions of Russia will have a unique opportunity to make a name for themselves, to demonstrate their potential, to prove their tourist and investment appeal, to strengthen and to develop international links. The regions face such a task as to represent in the framework of the exposition not even specific technologies and projects, but the view of how they will effect quality changing of urban space and people's life.
In one of 12 towers the Russian State Corporation “Rosatom” will showcase the futuristic exposition “Energy of the generations to come” that presents the installation of the future city equipped with advanced technologies aimed to reach harmonious development of the city and life balance in the epoch of rapid progress of science and technology.
At the first floor visitors will unexpectedly get from the reality into the city of their dream. Russia invites everybody to visit this city of dream – the city of Talents where every inhabitant, an adult or a child, can demonstrate his skills and interests and embody that bold project.
The team of authors headed by Boris Krasnov embodies in this project the main idea of the Russian exposition about a better city for children. Inspired by tales of Nikolay Nosov about magic future cities, the authors of the project have created a wonderful city-park for children and adults. Giant flowers are accumulators of solar energy; houses in the form of fruits with big dragonflies are windmills – alternative energy sources; biofuel cars represent a model of ecologically harmless technologies necessary for embodiment of Expo 2010 idea – "Better city, better life". Fairytale fantasies of this magic city are naturally combined with real inventions of acknowledged Russian scientists and young inventors who prepared these exhibits in five priority directions: energetics (energy efficiency and resource-saving), nuclear and space technologies, medical technologies and strategic computer technologies and software.
The exhibition area of the pavilion first floor is divided into five zones according to five directions. Four "streets" and "the square of Starry Heaven" correspond to them. They are notable for their architecture and lighting. Multimedia installations for people to represent their inventions work in the main thirteen architectural street objects.
For the guests not to lose their way in the city, the virtual guide – Neznayka, the inhabitant of the city of Talents – will show them the way. According to the organizers plan this funny animation hero intends to get knowledge and is ready to share it with others. The animated image of this hero appears inside a big transparent prism with 12 faces, and he keeps "the Crystal of Knowledge", the beams of which show the right way.
The organizers chose exhibits to fill the pavilion during 2009. Now this work is finished and it becomes clear that the pavilion will be filled with scientific sensations. Actually existing developments earlier found their reflection only in the works of scientific-fiction writers. Russia will represent to the world nano inks – a special communicative system in which orders for managing different objects go directly from the brain without any physical action – a real salvation for the paralyzed. Or let's take biological skin thanks to which many problems in surgery and cosmetology will be solved. And also "clothes-simulator" for children with musculoskeletal system malfunction, genetically therapeutic medicine, new unique materials for housing construction and other developments which will help to ease our life in urban conditions and to improve its quality. Of course, young scientists and inventors take an active part in preparation of exhibits. Expo 2010 gave them a unique opportunity to show their achievements to the whole world.
The organizers worked not only at visual components and expositions. Besides demonstration sites a special Humanitarian Site is planned to be arranged in the framework of the Russian pavilion. Discussions about implementation of a dream about an ideal city will be held on it. Russia will also provide its own business, scientific and cultural program at Expo 2010.
Six thematic forums are planned to be held within the framework of the general program of Expo 2010. Russia will take part in three of them: "Information computer technologies and development of cities" (participants from the side of Russia – the Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communication; "Innovations and future of cities" (participants – "Rosnanotekh" state corporation, the Ministry of Education and Science); "Ecological problems and responsibility of cities" (participant – the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology).
As for the business program of the Russian pavilion, Russia plans to hold presentations of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and separate innovation projects and a series of events on actual topics according to the slogan of Expo 2010 "Better city, better life". It will let strategic partners on one site discuss many questions on cooperation and collaboration. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation plans to organize a round table named "Problems of functioning of autonomous energy supply systems for remote centers of population using energy-efficient multifunctional energy-technological complexes", the Ministry of Education and Science is going to hold an international innovative forum named "Problems of functioning of innovative activity support infrastructure in megapolises and development of international cooperation in technologies transfer under present-day conditions". A series of special large events with participation of China is planned to be held in the framework of improvement of international relations: the Russian-Chinese corporate forum, the Russian-Chinese innovative forum, the Conference about frontier cooperation between Russia and China, the Forum about inter-regional cooperation between Russia and China etc.
Cultural program events will become the brightest and the most festive events of the Russian exposition: May 1 – opening of the Russian expositions and the World Universal Exhibition Expo 2010, June 12 – the Independence Day of Russia, August 22 – the Flag Day of Russia, September 28 – the National Day of Russia at Expo 2010.
Visitors will also be able to get acquainted with cultural achievements of our country in the "Museum of Russian souvenirs". Plasma panels will be arranged in this room, where people will watch a film about creation of masterpieces of the Russian artistic designs. To remember this Russian city of dream visitors will be able to purchase souvenirs made by Russian masters. All souvenirs are decorated according to the main designers solutions of the Russian exposition: the design of each souvenir resembles the main design of the Russian pavilion. Lamps, vases, tea cups and pens, men and women T-shirts – all of them are decorated with ornaments of the towers. And of course there will be many different things with the symbol of the Russian pavilion – Neznayka. Moreover, there will be works of Russian literature, film industry, collections of famous Russian songs in gift shops.
Restaurants, where guests will be able to eat dishes of the national cuisine, will work in the Russian pavilion.
The Russian pavilion will surely become a sort of surprise for visitors, as it will be a kind, dream fairy-tale to be staged daily in the wonderful City of Life. In this fabulous city there will be an atmosphere of peace everyone dreams of from childhood and always hopes to get forever. The city of dream will become a new reality which does not look like today's life and is so attractive. After leaving this city of dream the guests will retain memories of their old dream which has come true thanks to Russia.
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    The topic of Expo 2010 is "Better city, better life" and it was chosen not by accident. Year by year cities play a more important role in the society life: a bigger number of them appear in the world, the number of urban population is increasing and at the same time new problems arise: consumption of energy and drinking water increases and environment is polluted quicker. And no one but us can solve these problems. So the organizers and the authors of the concept of the World Universal...

    Project details
    • Year 2010
    • Work finished in 2010
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Pavilions
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