Park na Dunavu i gradska raskrsnica sa kružnim tokom u okviru užeg gradskog jezgra u Donjem Milanovcu | Dragana Ilic

A park on the Danube and a city intersection with a roundabout within the inner city core in Donji Milanovac Donji Milanovac / Serbia / 2023

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Investitor:                                            OPŠTINA MAJDANPEK, Ul. Svetog Save bb, Majdanpek

Projektant:                                           Elgra Vision, doo, Beograd

PROJEKTNI TIM : Dragana Ilić, dipl. inž. arh., Vladan Milojković, dipl. inž. saob., Gordana Petković Veljković, dipl. inž. arh., Slavica Savić Stanojević, dipl. inž. pejz.arh., Aleksandar Stojanović d.i.g., Željko Simović d.i.e

Prostor koji se rekonstruiše nalazi se u centru Donjeg Milanovca i predstavlja stecište kretanja, s obzirom da je uz reku Dunav koja dominira gradskim pejzažom.

Uz reku postoji uređena popločana staza koja prati obaloutvrdu i zadržava se u celosti. Uređenje je pretežno parkovskog karaktera, ali bez jasno definisanih podcelina i prilično neuređeno. Središte parka uz reku je skulptura mamuta, koja nosi arheološku simboliku ovog kraja.

Na prostoru planiranom za uređenje već se nalazi pijaca ručnih radova koju je rekonstrukcijom potrebno osavremeniti, urediti i uklopiti u rešenje šireg okruženja. Postojeće dečije igralište  površine oko 125m2  potrebno je povećati i uklopiti u parkovsko rešenje.

Sagledavanjem potreba grada Donjeg Milanovca došlo se do formiranja nekoliko podcelina u okviru prostora obuhvata projekta.

Kako bi prilaz najužoj gradskoj zoni bio olakšan na ukrštanju ulica Kralja Petra prvog i Stevana Mokranjca projektovan je kružni tok, u čije središte je postavljena kružna fontana. S obzirom da parkiranje u centru nije adekvatno rešeno, postojeći praking prostor je remodelovan i proširen kako bi se obezbedio parking prostor za 56 vozila. Uz parking prostor organizovan je plato koji će služiti kao pijaca sa tezgama koje svojim dizajnom transponuju autentične elemente i materijale u savremeni izgled. Ova podcelina je zona gradske vreve i mnogobrojnih ukrštanja pešačkih i kolskih pravaca kretanja.

Zapadni deo parka je „privatniji“ deo, zavučen u odnosu na saobraćajnice i zaklonjen postojećim objektom razuđene strukture. U njemu postoji nekoliko primeraka drveća koje pretstavljaju zasebnu ambijentalnu mikrocelinu.

Istočni deo parka je posvećen rekreativno zabavnim aktivnostima. U njemu se nalazi dečije igralište koje se prepliće sa prostorom za sedenje i uživanje uz reku. Uz ulicu Kralja Petra koja tangira ovaj deo parka zadržava se i rekonstruiše postojeći parking prostor sa 17 parking mesta. Rekonstruiše se i proširuje pristupna servisna saobraćajnica (interni deo – produžetak ulice Milenka Stojkovića) sa 3,5 na 5,0m, u dužini oko 140m. Ova saobraćajnica je paralelna sa parkom i  pešačkim delom ulice Kralja Petra prvog tako da se omogućava kolski pristup postojećim  objektima, kao i parking za vozila MUP-a (7 parking mesta).

Rekonstrukcijom prostora u obuhvatu idejnog rešenja omogućiće se raznovrsnije i kvalitetno korišćenje za više različitih aktivnosti. Bolja mreža internih staza povezaće podceline u jedinstvenu celinu, što će obezbediti da se ne dogodi gruba podela prostora, već da se formirane podceline međusobno prepliću.

Prostor ovakvog značaja za lokalnu zajednicu mora da bude kvalitetno, savremeno i celovito oblikovan, da bude otvoren i pristupačan različitim kategorijama (deca, mladi, odrasli, starije osobe) i da osigura prostorni i vremenski kontinuitet sadržaja i programa za različite korisnike tokom cele godine.


The area that is being reconstructed is located in the center of Donji Milanovac and represents a meeting point of movement, given that it is next to the Danube River, which dominates the city landscape.

Along the river, there is a paved path that follows the shore of the fort and remains in its entirety. The layout is predominantly park-like, but without clearly defined sub-units and rather unorganized. The center of the park by the river is a mammoth sculpture, which bears the archaeological symbolism of this region.

In the area planned for development, there is already a handicraft market, which needs to be modernized, arranged and integrated into the solution of the wider environment through reconstruction. The existing children's playground with an area of ​​about 125 m2 needs to be enlarged and integrated into the park solution.

By looking at the needs of the city of Donji Milanovac, several sub-units were formed within the scope of the project.

In order to facilitate access to the narrowest city zone, a roundabout was designed at the intersection of Kralja Petar irvo and Stevan Mokranjec streets, with a circular fountain in the center. Given that parking in the center is not adequately resolved, the existing parking space was remodeled and expanded in order to provide parking space for 56 vehicles. Next to the parking area, a plateau has been organized that will serve as a market with stalls that transpose authentic elements and materials into a contemporary look with their design. This sub-unit is a zone of urban bustle and numerous intersections of pedestrian and vehicle routes.

The western part of the park is a more "private" part, set back from the traffic roads and obscured by the existing building with a scattered structure. There are several specimens of trees in it, which represent a separate ambient micro-unit.

The eastern part of the park is dedicated to recreational and entertainment activities. There is a children's playground in it, which intertwines with a place to sit and enjoy by the river. Along Kralja Petra Street, which starts this part of the park, the existing parking area with 17 parking spaces is being preserved and reconstructed. The access service road is being reconstructed and expanded (internal part - extension of Milenko Stojkovića Street) from 3.5 to 5.0 m, with a length of about 140 m. This thoroughfare is parallel to the park and the pedestrian part of Kralja Petra the First street, so that vehicular access to the existing facilities is enabled, as well as parking for MUP vehicles (7 parking spaces).

The reconstruction of the space within the scope of the conceptual solution will enable more diverse and high-quality use for more different activities. A better network of internal paths will connect the sub-units into a single whole, which will ensure that a rough division of space does not occur, but that the formed sub-units intertwine with each other.

A space of such importance for the local community must be of high quality, modern and comprehensively designed, open and accessible to different categories (children, youth, adults, elderly) and ensure spatial and temporal continuity of content and programs for different users throughout the year.

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    Investitor:                                            OPŠTINA MAJDANPEK, Ul. Svetog Save bb,...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work started in 2021
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Waterfront / Urban development plans / Landscape/territorial planning / Monuments
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