Poolhouse in Vilnius | HEIMA architects

Vilnius / Lithuania / 2021

47 Love 4,953 Visits Published

Surrounded by forest, a pool house is built near the lake. It complements the existing complex of several houses. The surrounding landscape clearly dictates the architectural form of the Lithuanian rural hut. The archetypal double sloped roof acts as an interior element and contrasts with the large windows that create a sense of transparency. The compact rectangular perimeter blends naturally into the landscape, respecting the surrounding environment.
Two different silhouettes of this building can be seen throughout the day and night.
The goal of the day vision is to blend this space into the context of surrounding nature as smoothly as possible. Night vision reveals the contemporary inside of the building. The dark outside contrast with illuminated see-through interior spaces emphasizing furniture shapes and textures.

The exterior is formed via natural materials and colors - reed roof, paths of granite and wooden space surrounding the pool. The grey-brown color palette of the building follows “no-boundary with nature” idea. Internal spaces contrasting with the modest external shapes are revealed through a modern interior that follows the same color-material motif. On the one hand, the close-to-the-nature wood theme and large wide-opening windows let the line between outside and inside fade, on the other – creates a glassy, weightlessness, openness feeling that is more common to modern interiors. Glass partitions are also useful during seasonal changes. People can enjoy using the pool house all year round.
One of the most unique elements of the pool house is the exposed wooden structure, which dominates the interior space. Massive tripod columns, 60-centimetre height beams and repetitive roof trusses not only create an atmosphere for the inside but also remind of ethnic Lithuanian house building tradition.
The adjacent swimming pool complements the construction of the house. The higher poolside horizon line creates an empty space feeling as none of the furniture elements can be seen while swimming.


Miško apsuptyje, netoli ežero pastatyta pavėsinė papildo jau esamą kelių namų kompleksą. Pastatą, pritaikytą poilsiauti visais metų laikais, supantis kraštovaizdis aiškiai padiktuoja architektūrinę lietuviškos kaimo trobelės formą. Archetipinis dvišlaitis stogas, veikiantis kaip interjero elementas, kontrastuoja su dideliais, pramatomumo jausmą sukuriančiais langais. Kompaktiškas stačiakampio formos perimetras natūraliai įsipaišo į gamtovaizdį, gerbdamas jį supančią aplinką. Pastato lokacija pasirinkta nedidelio reljefo zonoje, kur iš vienos pusės pastatas įsilieja į reljefą tuo pačiu formuodamas aiškią virtuvės ir lauko griliaus zoną. Virtuvės stalviršis pratęsia aplinkinio reljefo lygį.
Vidaus erdvės – tarsi priešprieša autentiškai, paprastai išorės formai – atsiskleidžia per šiuolaikišką interjerą, pritaikytą modernaus žmogaus poilsiui. Dideli, atveriami langai panaikina ribą tarp lauko ir vidaus, į pavėsinę patenkanti natūrali šviesa suteikia lengvumo pojūtį atsiskleidžiantį ne tik saulėtą vasarą, bet ir šaltuoju metu. Šalia įrengtas baseinas papildo pavėsinės konstruktą, šiltuoju metų laiku suteikia galimybę bendrauti ir ilsėtis nenutolstant nuo vandens.

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    Surrounded by forest, a pool house is built near the lake. It complements the existing complex of several houses. The surrounding landscape clearly dictates the architectural form of the Lithuanian rural hut. The archetypal double sloped roof acts as an interior element and contrasts with the large windows that create a sense of transparency. The compact rectangular perimeter blends naturally into the landscape, respecting the surrounding environment.Two different silhouettes of this building...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Country houses/cottages
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