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The project concerns the setting up of the Sala Dolia in the Naval Museum of Imperia.The idea is to anticipate at the entrance of the new museum the interest in the discovery of the Dolia room which is announced through the door of a ship that will lead to a submarine that will lead us to the discovery of the seabed and therefore of the great heritage of the amphorae.So discover both through multimedia systems that illustrate the story, and through different points of view the beauty and uniqueness of the large amphorae in the Naval Museum of Imperia.The route begins with the descent from the entrance of the Museum through the use of an elevator that "ideally" leads to a depth of - 40 m. where the wreck of the Dolia ship was found.Upon arrival, the route opens with the view of the large amphorae behind a large glass on which images of the seabed and the passage of fish are projected to immerse the visitor in the marine environment close to the great dolias.The first display cases contain the finds found by archaeologists and a video illustrates the recovery procedures for amphorae and dolias.Large writings on the wall and floor recall the distance of the nautical mile to which the ship was returned from the coast, the north-west and south-east route on which it had settled, the names of the families who at that time carried loads of bulk wine , the number of dolias, indications of trafficking and the content of amphorae and dolias.


Il progetto riguarda l'allestimento della Sala Dolia nel Museo Navale di Imperia.
L‘idea è quella di anticipare all‘ingresso del nuovo Museo l‘interesse per la scoperta della sala Dolia che si annuncia attraverso laporta di una nave che porterà ad un sommergibile che ci condurrà alla scoperta del fondale del mare e quindi del grande patrimonio delle anfore.
Quindi scoprire sia attraverso sistemi multimediali che ne illustrano la vicenda, sia attraverso diversi punti di vista la bellezza e l‘unicità delle grandi anfore presenti nel Museo Navale di Imperia.
Il percorso comincia con la discesa dall’ingresso del Museo attraverso l’utilizzo di un ascensore che porta “idealmente” alla profondità di – 40 m. dove è stato ritrovato il relitto della nave Dolia.
All’arrivo il percorso si apre con la vista delle grandi anfore dietro un grande vetro su cui vengono proiettate immagini del fondale del mare e del passaggio di pesci per immergere il visitatore nell’ambiente marino prossimo alle grandi dolie.
Le prime teche contengono i reperti ritrovati dagli archeologi ed un filmato illustra le procedure di recupero di anfore e dolie.
Grandi scritte a parete e pavimento ricordano la distanza del miglio marino a cui la nave fu ritorvata dalla costa, la rotta nord-ovest e sud-est su cui si era assestata, i nomi delle famiglie che in quel periodo trasportavano i carichi di vino sfuso, il numero delle dolie, le indicazioni della tratta ed il contenuto di anfore e dolie.


Architects: L. Dolmetta, S. Rizzo
Designers CAD: F. Cervellini

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    The project concerns the setting up of the Sala Dolia in the Naval Museum of Imperia.The idea is to anticipate at the entrance of the new museum the interest in the discovery of the Dolia room which is announced through the door of a ship that will lead to a submarine that will lead us to the discovery of the seabed and therefore of the great heritage of the amphorae.So discover both through multimedia systems that illustrate the story, and through different points of view the beauty and...

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Client MIBAC Liguria
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Town Halls / Museums / Concert Halls / Associations/Foundations / Pavilions / Exhibition Design / Exhibitions /Installations / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Restoration of Works of Art / Structural Consolidation / Recovery of industrial buildings
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