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General coordination activities of the "Novello" International Competition for Ideas for the Municipality of Cesena. Areas of intervention: 330.000 sq.m. Intended use: public park (10 ha), public spaces (3 ha), tertiary (1.8 ha), residence (5 ha), handicraft (0.1 ha), trade (0.8 ha), offices and deposits (0.6 ha). Amount of works over 40 mil / €. Main activities: preparation of the call for tenders, tender specifications, attachments and competition materials, organizational secretariat, coordination of the Jury's activities, project for the exhibition of projects, catalog of projects.


Attività di coordinamento generale del Concorso Internazionale di Idee “Novello” per il Comune di Cesena. Ambito di intervento 330.000 mq.. Destinazioni d’uso previste: parco pubblico (10 ha), spazi pubblici (3 ha), terziario (1,8 ha), residenza (5 ha), artigianato (0,1 ha), commercio (0,8 ha), uffici e depositi (0,6 ha). Importo opere oltre 40 mil/€. Principali attività svolte: predisposizione bando, disciplinare di gara, allegati e materiali di concorso, segreteria organizzativa, coordinamento attività della Giuria, progetto allestimento mostra dei progetti, catalogo dei progetti.

Coordinator:L. Dolmetta
RUP: A.M. Biscaglia
Assistant: N. Pisani
Client: Municipality of Cesena

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    General coordination activities of the "Novello" International Competition for Ideas for the Municipality of Cesena. Areas of intervention: 330.000 sq.m. Intended use: public park (10 ha), public spaces (3 ha), tertiary (1.8 ha), residence (5 ha), handicraft (0.1 ha), trade (0.8 ha), offices and deposits (0.6 ha). Amount of works over 40 mil / €. Main activities: preparation of the call for tenders, tender specifications, attachments and competition materials, organizational secretariat,...

    Project details
    • Year 2008
    • Client Comune di Cesena
    • Status Temporary works
    • Type Exhibition Design
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