The stairs with the bar | Gori&Yoon architecture

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The design concept was born from the desire to give a further function to the staircase, given that corridors, stairs etc. are only connections without functions, passages devoid of life and they are considered spaces devoid of activity. In our design concept we had to connect the ground floor to the basement where the bar was to be, so we were inspired by the work of the italian architect Carlo Scarpa, in particular the Tomba Brion project in Altivole (Italy), characterized by a subtraction of volumes that creates an interesting light shadow effect. So in our idea, the bar counter is born from the steps of the staircase, which in addition to having its own function is characterized as a large sculptural work in stone. We have chosen travertine, a light and warm colored material that creates a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere, which in addition to recalling nature, also creates an elegant and sophisticated environment.

Il concept progettuale nasce dalla volontà di dare una funzione ulteriore alla scala, visto che corridoi, scale etc. sono considerati esclusivamente collegamenti privi di funzioni e passaggi privi di vita e attività dello spazio. Nel nostro concept progettuale dovevamo collegare il piano terra al piano interrato, dove doveva collocarsi il bar, quindi ci siamo ispirati all'opera dell'architetto italiano Carlo Scarpa, in particolare al progetto Tomba Brion in Altivole (Italy), caratterizzato da  una sottrazione di volumi che crea un interessante effetto di luce ombra. Così nella nostra idea, dai gradini della scala nasce il banco bar, che oltre ad avere una sua funzione si caratterizza come una grande opera scultorea in pietra. Abbiamo scelto il travertino, materiale di colore chiaro e caldo che crea un'atmosfera  rilassante e accogliente, che oltre a richiamare la natura, crea anche un ambiente elegante e sofisticato.

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    The design concept was born from the desire to give a further function to the staircase, given that corridors, stairs etc. are only connections without functions, passages devoid of life and they are considered spaces devoid of activity. In our design concept we had to connect the ground floor to the basement where the bar was to be, so we were inspired by the work of the italian architect Carlo Scarpa, in particular the Tomba Brion project in Altivole (Italy), characterized by a subtraction of...

    Project details
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Interior Design
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