NZ10 Apartment | auba studio

Palma de Mallorca / Spain / 2022

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The difficulty in finding affordable rentals and the limited supply of affordable housing in Palma led the owners to seek alternative solutions.
NZ10 is the result of a renovation of an old bakery from the 80s into a home.

The apartment is located on the ground floor in one of the densest neighborhoods in Palma.


The project basically tries to find the balance between natural lighting, privacy, and landscape:


-The backyard is recovered by throwing the cover of the old kitchen. The footprint of the tiling is maintained as a wink and also generates a texture that serves as a support for the patio plants and as an acoustic cushion.

-The wall that divided the back part, the old kitchen, from the front part is opened.

In this way it is possible to generate a light continuity between the front and the rear areas. Two stained glass windows are used that go from wall to wall, one on the front side and one on the back side facing the patio.

Finally, the ground floor grows approximately 2m towards the patio. This new addition, which amounts to a porch, is executed by means of a light element and with a glazed roof that, due to its location to the north, does not receive any incidence of the sun.


To try to soften the direct contrast between the house and the street, an intermediate space is generated. In this way, the interior of the house leads directly through the stained-glass window to this "batiport", which is protected from outside views by means of a system of inclined steel slats.
A system strongly inspired by the solutions made in places like Barcelona by the Cru studio.


Nature is introduced generating an interior landscape.
In the patio, a linear planter is created with a continuous bench visible from anywhere inside. A larger parterre houses a tree and a technical space.

This landscape is maximized due to the great interior-exterior relationship that has been fostered throughout the house. This achieves a feeling of spaciousness, since the patios, front and rear, are visually part of the interior of the house.


The distribution is generated by means of a linear piece of fir wood furniture, which is placed perpendicular to the patio in such a way that it allows the flow of light between the patio and the façade, while dividing the house into two areas: the living area and the bedrooms zone.

In the day area we have a living room-dining room-kitchen. The kitchen is centered on a stainless-steel island and is supported by the main cabinet.
In the night area, we have two bedrooms, a main one with an en-suite bathroom and an auxiliary room. Between both rooms, the bathroom areas are located.

All the new actions are carried out with fir wood elements so that the new interventions are clear while providing the warmth that a space with little light needs. 


La dificultad por encontrar alquileres asequibles y la poca oferta de vivienda accesible en Palma llevaron a los propietarios a buscar soluciones alternativas.
NZ10 es el fruto de un cambio de uso de una antigua panadería de los años 80 a una vivienda.

El local se encuentra en una planta baja en uno de los barrios más densos de Palma.


El proyecto trata básicamente de buscar el equilibrio entre iluminación natural, intimidad y paisaje:


-Se recupera el patio trasero tirando la cubierta de la antigua cocina. Se mantiene la huella del alicatado como guiño y también generando una textura que sirve de apoyo para las plantas del patio y de colchón acústico.

-Se abre el muro que dividía la parte trasera, antigua cocina, de la parte delantera.

De esta forma se consigue generar una continuidad lumínica entre la parte delantera y la posterior. Para acabar de cerrar el espacio por delante y por detrás se utilizan dos vidrieras que van de medianera a medianera.

Por último, se crece aproximadamente 2m hacia el patio. Este nuevo añadido, que viene a ser un porche, se ejecuta mediante un elemento ligero y con una cubierta vidriada que, por su ubicación a norte, no recibe incidencia del sol.


Para intentar suavizar el contraste tan directo entre la vivienda y la calle, se genera un espacio intermedio. De esta forma el interior de la vivienda da directamente a través de la vidriera a este “batiport”, que se protege de las miradas exteriores mediante un sistema de lamas inclinadas de acero.
Un sistema fuertemente inspirado por las soluciones que hacen en lugares como en Barcelona el estudio Cru.


Se introduce la naturaleza generando un paisaje interior.
En el patio se crea una jardinera lineal con un banco corrido visible desde cualquier lugar del interior. Un parterre de mayor tamaño acoge a un árbol y un espacio técnico.

Este paisaje se potencia al máximo debido a la gran relación interior-exterior que se ha propiciado en toda la vivienda. Así se consigue una sensación de amplitud, ya que los patios, delantero y trasero, forman parte visualmente del interior de la vivienda.


La distribución se genera mediante un mueble lineal de madera de abeto, que se coloca perpendicularmente al patio de tal forma que permita el flujo de luz entre patio y fachada, a la vez que divide la vivienda en dos zonas: las de día y las de noche.

En la zona de día tenemos un salón-comedor-cocina. La cocina se centra en una isla de acero inoxidable y se apoya del mueble principal.
En la zona de noche tenemos dos habitaciones, una principal con baño incorporado y una habitación auxiliar. Entre ambas habitaciones se encuentran las zonas de baños.

Todas las nuevas acciones se realizan con elementos de madera de abeto para que queden claras las nuevas intervenciones a la vez que se aporta la calidez que necesita un espacio con poca luz.

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    A. CONTEXT The difficulty in finding affordable rentals and the limited supply of affordable housing in Palma led the owners to seek alternative solutions.NZ10 is the result of a renovation of an old bakery from the 80s into a home. The apartment is located on the ground floor in one of the densest neighborhoods in Palma. B. INITIAL CONCEPTS The project basically tries to find the balance between natural lighting, privacy, and landscape: 1) LIGHTING -The backyard is recovered by throwing...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Refurbishment of apartments
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    Lovers 39 users