Dalarna University

WAF 2014 - "Higher Education and Research" category winner Dalarna County / Sweden / 2014

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The building that re- interprets the library in a multi functional design is laid out as an approximately 3.000 m2 ’spiral of knowledge’ that naturally integrates into the surrounding landscape at the Dalarna University Campus in Falun, Sweden.
Together with and international team ADEPT has designed the library and the surrounding urban spaces as a dynamic meeting place with activities for students, staff and visitors to the Dalarna University.

Dalarna Media Library is organized as a ’spiral of knowledge’ identifying a new library culture that stages a wide spectre of experiences and inspiration. The natural terrain of the surrounding landscape is continued as a ramp that spirals up through the central atrium of the library - its heart - where all search of information and orientation take place.
The spiral of knowledge creates a variated study environment allowing the students to move about in the heart space of the library or to withdraw to more quiet and tranquille areas along the facade. The variation of sound levels and the diff erentiation of activities creates a versatile library that is rich in experiences. The building has its very own spatial character uniting library and multi media functions to cre- ate synergy with the existing university complex.

The characteristic double facade with refl ecting horisontal lamellae fronting a wood cladding is developed in collaboration with Danish art- ist Jeppe Hein. Instead of creating an isolated piece of art work Jeppe Hein and ADEPT has developed the competition design for the facade into a detailed and refi ned expression with an immateriality that mirrors its surroundings and the people in it with broken refl ections. The lamellae are made from highly polished stainless steel while their wooden background is a siberian larch.

The new library is the main attraction and new entrance arriving to the university. To emphasize this, the surrounding spaces are trans- formed from a large parking lot to an integrated urban plaza, which handles the user and visitor fl ows at the same time as it optimizes the public spaces around the building into defi ned activity zones and intimite recreational areas. The library functions are pushed out to the new plaza marking the new main entrance with life and activities. Dalarna Media Library will come to attract the community of Falun acting as a motivating generator for both citizens and local businesses.
” The library has really become the study environment and the meeting place that we hoped for it to be. The students have taken it to their hearts instantly and uses group spaces and the rest of the study options intensively. Often all the group rooms are fully booked. The Library has even become a very popular place to meet eachother – and already we will have a load of activities planned to take place in the arena.” Margareta Malmgren, Library Director, Dalarna university
Dalarna Media Library is designed and planned by ADEPT (DK) on the winning proposal developed in collaboration with Sou Fujimoto Architects (JP), Rambøll Engineers (DK) and Topotek1 Landscape (DE). The facade is designed together with Danish artist Jeppe Hein (DK).

La proposta prevede la realizzazione di una biblioteca da 3.000 metri quadri e di una grande piazza adiacente, tutto all’interno del campus della Dalarna University.

“Il progetto parte dalla reinterpretazione del classico modello architettonico di biblioteca e immagina la costruzione di un polo multifunzionale della conoscenza, pensato per accogliere eventi rivolti a studenti e docenti, ma anche alla comunità locale. Il polo librario e la piazza costituiranno il terzo spazio più importante della città - un punto di incontro dinamico con attività per studenti, lavoratori e visitatori”.
Gli interni dell’edificio - dalle grandi aule ai piccoli studi - sono organizzati attorno a una rampa avvolta su se stessa che attraversa l'edificio e crea uno spazio a forma di vortice nel cuore dello stabile. La biblioteca, dichiarano i progettisti, “è organizzata come una ‘spirale di conoscenza’.

La particolare geometria e le facciate in legno permetteranno alla struttura di stabilire relazioni sinergiche con le architetture universitarie già esistenti e l’integrazione della costruzione al paesaggio circostante.

Completa il progetto la realizzazione di una“Media Plaza”, ricavata attraverso un semplice intervento di riorganizzazione del parcheggio esistente, trasformato in una nuova area flessibile con diverse 'isole' di attività.

“Questo progetto contribuirà a portare i cittadini nel quartiere e ad ancorare la biblioteca alla comunità locale. Inoltre, l'ambizione dell’intervento è quella di rafforzare la collaborazione fra gli istituti di ricerca regionali e internazionali. Con le sue funzioni ed attività pubbliche la Dalarna Media Library diverrà una dinamo di sviluppo per il sito di destinazione e un’attrazione per cittadini ed imprese. Iniziative, mostre, conferenze, e formazione continua forniranno un terreno fertile per lo scambio internazionale e la collaborazione interdisciplinare” fanno sapere dal team vincitore.

Nei commenti forniti dalla giuria circa il progetto vincitore si legge: "In conclusione si tratta di un edificio emozionante, ricco di varietà e con molti possibili punti d'incontro integrati in un ambiente coerente [...] La proposta ha risolto il programma in modo interessante, stimolante e giocoso - sia per gli interni che per gli esterni”.
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    The building that re- interprets the library in a multi functional design is laid out as an approximately 3.000 m2 ’spiral of knowledge’ that naturally integrates into the surrounding landscape at the Dalarna University Campus in Falun, Sweden. Together with and international team ADEPT has designed the library and the surrounding urban spaces as a dynamic meeting place with activities for students, staff and visitors to the Dalarna University. Dalarna Media Library is organized as a...

    Project details
    • Year 2014
    • Work started in 2010
    • Work finished in 2014
    • Client Dalarna University
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Public Squares / Colleges & Universities / Research Centres/Labs / Libraries
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