Villa Deve

羽庐 Shenzhen / China / 2021

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In the scale of a compact residence, the building has small windows that are hazy from distance, arousing the affection to ordinary lanes in the old days and the memory of whitewashed walls. Most impressive is the touch of shadow and tenderness at street corner, the subtle transformation in the limited space, with miniature windows and a slim winding staircase in view. In the wind the shadows of five willows sway like flicking filaments, white wall mottles sparsely. No old lamplights are visible, except a waning courtyard. Deep in the lane there is a reclusive attic, with white papered wall, as if emanating snow white from the window outside. The winter snow has fallen now, what is left is a warm chat around the fireplace. The room is filled with fragrant smell of ancient books and rice papers, amid is Jin Nong’s painted plum blossoms and its lingering scent. Visible as real, and invisible as dream!

I try to create such a space with a Chinese feeling, which, although ordinary in view, looks distinctively when savored attentively. The work reconciles the white wall brushed with mica powder, in natural white, warm white, and flickering white. The fine tuned Chinese herbal perfumes smell winter-sweet and scented osmanthus, which is strong to drift into the sleeves. The eyeful antique woodblock painting papers, pasted with the traditional technique, add the space with a touch of casual beauty, carefree life, and unrestrained humanity. This is more than a general oriental aesthetics, but unique aesthetics of China, simple and natural, unadorned and elegant. The inspiration from which I create this house using these elements is the beauty of our country, lies more in the innermost feeling. “Beauty of space” is also about how you’re touched to feel inside. A Chinese space designer should create a kind of sincere feeling that comes from the bottom of his heart and floods naturally. Never getting tired when viewing each other, all is stunning but saying anything. There is an untellable beauty in the simplicity and plainness, which is “Villa Deve”.

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    小之又小的民居尺度,透又不透之小窗犹在。昔时寻常巷陌之情愫,素抹白墙之心影。最是街角那一抹的光影、那一抹的温柔,咫尺之地的起承转合,有小窗盈尺,更睹小梯如肠。五柳树影风中摇曳如丝,白墙斑驳疏影。不见旧日灯火,只现一院阑珊。深巷明朝独上小楼,白纸补墙,墙外似有白雪映窗。而今冬雪已落,昨夜围炉话长。古籍老纸一室书香,金农梅花抚影,自有暗香摇曳。见也是,不见也是! 余尝试做这样一个有着中国感觉的空间,观来虽然平淡无奇,然而细细品味却别有模样。调和了云母粉的白墙,白的自然,白的有温度,闪着盈盈的光。经过精心调过的中国本草香料,有腊梅香、有桂花香、有暗香盈袖。大量的老旧水印木刻笺纸,用传统的裱糊之法,使空间更有着一种不经意的美,不经意的生活,自在的人文。这不是东方泛泛的美学,是属于中国自己的美学,拙朴而自然,素朴而优雅。之所以用这些感觉元素来营造我的小庐,皆因吾国之美更在于内心的感觉。“空间的美”也在于怎样触动你内心的感觉。一个中国的空间设计家应创造那种源自心底的,自然所涌起的一种情愫之感。相看两不厌,欲辨已忘言。素朴平实中有着一种不可言不可说的美,这便是“...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios / Art studios/workshops
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