Buenos Aires / Argentina / 2023

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The project arises from a main piece, a large fire that organizes the space. In tune with the clay tiles and bricks that were on the original facade, it was decided to continue with the same line of rustic materials, generating textures and inserts that capture the attention of pedestrians.
A special covering for the facade was designed by cutting colonial tiles that resulted in six pieces of different sections that made up the placement modules.
From experimentation and the search to achieve curvatures from bricks, a large leading piece was manufactured that expands its diameter as it grows in height. Through the gaps in the brick's texture, a lighting game simulates the fire of the oven where the pizzas are made. The original premises had a vaulted ceiling that was restored and enhanced. For the sidewalk, brick tiles were used to generate continuity between the horizontal and vertical planes of the facade.
For the design of the furniture, we sought to break with rustic textures. A modern break, with shiny and polished surfaces, where the repetition of elements is maintained to form shelves and bars. Raw sheet metal polished with a polyurethane lacquer was used for waterproofing.
To achieve continuity between the floor and the front of the bar, a hydrowashed cement and stone-based material manufactured on site was used, which allowed the generation of a curve between planes.

To form the storage and bathroom spaces, two modules joined by a curved ribbon were proposed. Both the modules and the rest of the walls are covered in spatter in two different colors.
We are looking for a physical and visual expansion using a structure covered in brick tiles on the outside that has a large metal bench and a flower pot delimiting the space and providing protection towards the vehicular street.
The branding was designed in conjunction with Turkey Studio. We are looking for a relaxed image with nods to Argentine advertising graphics from other times.


El proyecto surge a partir de una pieza principal, un gran fuego organizador del espacio. En sintonía con las tejas de arcilla y los ladrillos que se encontraban en la fachada original se decidió continuar con la misma línea de materiales rústicos, generando texturas y encastres que captan la atención de los peatones.
Se diseñó un revestimiento especial para la fachada mediante el corte de tejas coloniales que resultaron en seis piezas de distintas secciones que conformaron los módulos de colocación.
Desde la experimentación y la búsqueda de lograr curvaturas a partir de ladrillos, se fabricó una gran pieza protagónica que amplía su diámetro a medida que crece en altura. A través de los vacíos de la trama del ladrillo, un juego de iluminación simula el fuego del horno donde se hacen las pizzas. El local original contaba con un cielorraso de bovedilla que se restauró y puso en valor. Para la vereda se utilizaron tejuelas de ladrillo que generan una continuidad entre el plano horizontal y el vertical de la fachada.
Para el diseño del mobiliario se buscó romper con las texturas rusticas. Un quiebre moderno, con superficies brillantes y pulidas, donde se mantiene la repetición de elementos para conformar estanterías y barras. Se utilizó chapa cruda pulida con una laca poliuretánica para su impermeabilización.
Para lograr una continuidad entre el piso y el frente de barra se utilizó un material a base de cemento y piedras hidrolavado fabricado en situ, que permitió generar una curva entre planos.

Para conformar los espacios de depósito y baño se plantearon dos módulos unidos por una cinta curva. Tanto los módulos como el resto de las paredes están revestidos en salpicré en dos colores distintos.
Buscamos una ampliación física y visual utilizando en el exterior una estructura revestida en tejuelas de ladrillo que cuenta con un gran banco metálico y un macetero delimitando el espacio y dando protección hacia la calle vehicular.
El branding se diseñó en conjunto con Turkey Studio. Buscamos una imagen descontracturada con guiños a gráficas publicitarias argentinas de otras épocas.

Photography: Federico Kulekdjian


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    The project arises from a main piece, a large fire that organizes the space. In tune with the clay tiles and bricks that were on the original facade, it was decided to continue with the same line of rustic materials, generating textures and inserts that capture the attention of pedestrians.A special covering for the facade was designed by cutting colonial tiles that resulted in six pieces of different sections that made up the placement modules.From experimentation and the search to achieve...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Restaurants / Custom Furniture
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    Lovers 9 users