D053 | Officina Magisafi

Italy / 2023

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A building from the 1600s, former pottery and terracotta workshop, totally abandoned. Its kitsch false ceiling built in previous interventions had hidden the historic vaults, unveiled today by OM. The main word to sum up this work can be ‘digging’. While digging, in fact, the vaults were rediscovered and more and more rooms walled up by time; two, three, four, as if an archaeological project had been undertaken. In the beginning, the entrance, accessed from the inner courtyard with a rare Nero Ganda marble floor, though now in decay, was different. Thinking about the nature of the space, which welcomes those who want to devote moments of intimacy and care, OM designed private paths for access and articulated the space in an introverted direction, protecting the interior from curious and sometimes prying eyes. The perforated wall is one of the most identifying elements referring back to the original space, the workshop. This whole project is characterized by the choice of cooked materials, embellished with the patina of time, such as lime, heat-treated wood, and terracotta. These same materials dampen the light producing an almost padded result, increasing the space’s warm and welcoming effect. Evidently historic architectural elements are juxtaposed with contemporary design pieces; organic, sinuous forms are broken by structures with rigorous, brutalist geometry; unexpected overlaps that give the space a curious elegance, almost anomalous and timeless.


Ex laboratorio per la produzione di ceramiche e terracotte, un edificio del 1600, totalmente abbandonato. Il controsoffitto, kitsch, costruito negli interventi precedenti aveva nascosto le storiche volte, svelate oggi da OM. La parola principe di questo lavoro può riassumersi in ‘scavare’. Scavando, infatti, sono state riscoperte le volte e sempre più stanze murate dal tempo; due, tre, quattro, quasi si fosse intrapreso un progetto archeologico. In principio l’ingresso, a cui si accede dalla corte interna con pavimento in raro marmo Nero Ganda, seppur oggi in degrado, era diverso. Pensando alla natura dello spazio, che accoglie chi vuole dedicarsi momenti di intimità e cura, OM ha disegnato percorsi privati per l’accesso e articolato lo spazio in direzione introversa, proteggendo gli interni da occhi curiosi e talvolta indiscreti. La parete traforata è uno degli elementi più identificativi che rimanda al vestito originale dello spazio, appunto al laboratorio. Tutto il progetto è caratterizzato dalla scelta di materiali cotti che si impreziosiscono con la patina del tempo, come per esempio la calce, il legno termotrattato, la terracotta. Questi stessi materiali smorzano la luce producendo un risultato quasi ovattato, aumentando l’effetto di calore e accoglienza dello spazio. Elementi architettonici evidentemente storici sono accostati a pezzi di design contemporaneo; forme organiche e sinuose sono spezzate da strutture dalla geometria rigorosa e brutalista; sovrapposizioni inaspettate che regalano allo spazio un’eleganza curiosa, quasi anomala perchè senza tempo.


Set Design: Alessandro Mensi


Photography: Alecio Ferrari

Website: https://alecioferrari.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/alecio.untitled/



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    A building from the 1600s, former pottery and terracotta workshop, totally abandoned. Its kitsch false ceiling built in previous interventions had hidden the historic vaults, unveiled today by OM. The main word to sum up this work can be ‘digging’. While digging, in fact, the vaults were rediscovered and more and more rooms walled up by time; two, three, four, as if an archaeological project had been undertaken. In the beginning, the entrance, accessed from the inner courtyard with...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Interior Design
    Archilovers On Instagram
    Lovers 9 users