Madrid / Spain / 2021

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In the context of constantly emerging trends, the aim is to achieve an ambience without 'style', which cannot be ascribed to fashion. Not even to the 'timeless' fashion, which to some extent it also is. We were looking for a composition that was specific to this space, making the most of its qualities.
The Gutiérrez Soto building where the premises are located invited a general note close to the earthy tone of the brick. But the large windows bathe it in a very changeable light. The main idea was to colour the environment with various complementary tones that reinforce this broad, natural spectrum of light and colour. By day it looks very different from night, and with sunshine very different from with clouds. The colours are enlivened and distinguished from each other, or tempered and blended, depending on the moment.
The intention was also to emphasise the power of the building, and that is why the interior has a certain cave-like air, taking advantage of the concrete, brick or plaster of the original structure and enclosures, completed with new ones such as the curve that encloses the bread and pizza oven. A continuous and powerful interior, with a variety of textures, but filled with earth tones, in contrast with the large openings on the outside.
On this base, the old wood of the floor, the coral-red marble of the worktops or the washbasins, the terracotta and the dark woods of the fixed furniture add naturalness and solidity. They make the space functional and enrich it, but blend in with it.
To balance, the chairs are light, made of birch plywood (Aalto for Artek) and aluminium (Frama). They add to the ambience as accessories, vibrant and bright. Similarly, Arne Jacobsen's hanging lamps and Charlotte Perriand's wall sconces offer a 'white' spot in the reddish shade, both day and night.
The two ficus trees are intended to add a point of surprise and enhance the height of the space.
The aim was to compose a powerful and subtle piece, varied in its continuity, austere but sophisticated.... is a difficult balance. The aim was to achieve a little emotion with the minimum of artifice.



Frente a las tendencias que surgen constantemente, se trata de conseguir un ambiente sin ‘estilo’, que no pueda adscribirse a la moda. Ni siquiera a la moda de lo ‘atemporal’, que en alguna medida también lo es. Se buscaba una composición que fuera específica para este espacio, aprovechando al máximo sus cualidades.
El edificio de Gutiérrez Soto donde se sitúa el local invitaba a un tono general cercano al tierra del ladrillo. Pero los grandes ventanales bañan el interior del local con una luz muy cambiante. La idea principal fue colorear el ambiente con varios tonos complementarios que reforzaran este espectro amplio y natural de luces y colores. De día se ve muy distinto a la noche, y con sol muy distinto a con nubes. Los colores se avivan y se distinguen entre si, o se templan y se funden, dependiendo del momento.
También se pretendía enfatizar la potencia del edificio, y por eso el interior tiene cierto aire de cueva, aprovechando el hormigón, ladrillo o yesos de la estructura y cerramientos originales, completados con otros nuevos como la curva que encierra el horno de pan y pizza. Un interior continuo y potente, variado de texturas, pero empastado de tonos tierra, en contraste con los grandes huecos al exterior.
Sobre esta base, una tarima de madera maciza de pino recuperado en el suelo, el mármol rojo coralito de las encimeras o los lavabos, el barro cocido y las maderas oscuras de los muebles fijos añaden naturalidad y solidez. Hacen funcional y enriquecen el espacio, pero se integran con él.
Para equilibrar, las sillas son ligeras, de madera de contrachapado de abedul (Aalto para Artek) y aluminio (Frama). Se añaden al ambiente como accesorios, vibrantes y brillantes. De la misma manera, las lámparas de cuelgue de Arne Jacobsen y los apliques de pared de Charlotte Perriand ofrecen un punto ‘blanco’ en la sombra rojiza, tanto de día como de noche.
Los dos ficus tratan de poner un punto de sorpresa y realzar la altura del espacio.
Se trataba de componer una pieza potente y sutil, variada en la continuidad, austera pero sofisticada….es un equilibrio difícil. Se quería conseguir un poco de emoción con el mínimo artificio.


Lead Architects: Luis Gil, Lorenzo Gil, Carla Morán


Photography: Salva Lopez

Wrbsite: https://salvalopez.com/

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    In the context of constantly emerging trends, the aim is to achieve an ambience without 'style', which cannot be ascribed to fashion. Not even to the 'timeless' fashion, which to some extent it also is. We were looking for a composition that was specific to this space, making the most of its qualities.The Gutiérrez Soto building where the premises are located invited a general note close to the earthy tone of the brick. But the large windows bathe it in a very changeable light. The main...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Client Grupo Ituarte
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Bars/Cafés / Restaurants
    Archilovers On Instagram
    Lovers 9 users