Milan / Italy / 2024

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For the presentation to buyers and customers of the new Gedebe collection, Moitié Studio stages a dynamic and elegant exhibition in the spaces of the Massimo Bonini Showroom. Blocks of cement of different heights and proportions, arranged almost as if to recreate an amphitheater, are at the heart of the setup, with the aim of enhancing the precious, unique creations conceived by Giuseppe Della Badia, creative director, and founder of the brand.

The exhibition surfaces welcome, seemingly randomly, mirrored slabs, silver, and gold, with cuts in curved and sinuous shapes. "Even through this choice, in agreement with the designer and his vision, we wanted to tell a new story of femininity, opening up to different interpretations, as one moves within the space, revealing details and craftsmanship of the displayed accessories," comment Giorgia Rossi and Francesco Gennaro, the souls of MOITIÉ STUDIO.

The duo of interior designers has opted for warm white tones, used for the display volumes and the soft carpet, with the intention of balancing the richness of the main floor salon of Palazzo Borromeo d'Adda and placing the new collection of the Roman brand at the center of the narrative.

"We are very pleased with this first collaboration with Gedebe and Giuseppe," Giorgia Rossi and Francesco Gennaro continue, “and glad we have created a setup that, through a few well-calibrated gestures, gives character to the interior intervention, keeping the collection as the protagonist."



In occasione della presentazione a buyer e customer della nuova collezione Gedebe, Moitié Studio porta in scena negli spazi di Massimo Bonini Showroom un’esposizione dinamica ed elegante.

Blocchi di cementite di altezze e proporzioni diverse, disposti quasi a voler ricreare un anfiteatro, sono il cuore dell’allestimento, con l’obiettivo di valorizzare le preziose, uniche, creazioni ideate da Giuseppe Della Badia, direttore creativo e fondatore del brand.

Le superfici espositive accolgono, apparentemente in maniera casuale, lastre specchiate, argento e oro, dai tagli dalle forme curve e sinuose. “Anche attraverso questa scelta, in accordo con lo stilista e la sua visione, abbiamo voluto raccontare una nuova storia di femminilità, che si apre a chiavi di lettura differenti muovendosi all’interno dello spazio, svelando dettagli e lavorazioni degli accessori esposti” commentano Giorgia Rossi e Francesco Gennaro, anime di MOITIÉ STUDIO.

Il duo di interior designer ha optato per i toni del bianco caldo, utilizzato per i volumi espositivi e per la soffice moquette, con l’intento di bilanciare la ricchezza del salone del piano nobile di Palazzo Borromeo d’Adda e collocare al centro della narrazione la nuova collezione del brand romano.

“Siamo molto contenti di questa prima collaborazione con Gedebe e con Giuseppe - proseguono Giorgia Rossi e Francesco Gennaro - e di aver realizzato un allestimento che tramite pochi gesti, ben calibrati, dia carattere all’intervento di interior, mantenendo protagonista la collezione”.


Lead Architects: Francesco Gennaro e Giorgia Rossi


Photography: Helenio Barbetta



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    For the presentation to buyers and customers of the new Gedebe collection, Moitié Studio stages a dynamic and elegant exhibition in the spaces of the Massimo Bonini Showroom. Blocks of cement of different heights and proportions, arranged almost as if to recreate an amphitheater, are at the heart of the setup, with the aim of enhancing the precious, unique creations conceived by Giuseppe Della Badia, creative director, and founder of the brand. The exhibition surfaces welcome, seemingly...

    Project details
    • Year 2024
    • Work finished in 2024
    • Client GEDEBE SRL
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design
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    Lovers 4 users