Biblioteca | estudio DIIR

Madrid / Spain / 2023

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Los Molinos library is part of an ambitious project framed in a public competition won by estudio DIIR in 2018. The main desire of the project lies in adapting the entire complex - a former school group - to the needs of the present. Thus, what was formerly conceived to accommodate a specific program, completely changes its use. The playground becomes a public square, the classrooms a cultural center or, as in this project, the former teachers' dormitories become a municipal library.

At the time of the intervention, the entire second floor is used in order to incorporate this space to the cultural activity of the building. A new communication core is designed with a semicircular shape attached to the building in the center of the configuration. Coinciding with the arrival area, a welcoming space is proposed that tops the semicircle and builds its contour by means of a wooden bench. From this point, the user connects with a kind of large corridor, which acts as a backbone, and gives access to each of the rooms. All this strip is covered with a wooden paneling that gives presence and seems to emphasize the access to each of the programs.

The warmth of the wood in the vertical surfaces and the colorful red linoleum on certain floors contrast with the neutrality of the rest of the tones. White covers most of the spaces and gives prominence to the unique vaulted ceiling.



La nueva biblioteca de Los Molinos forma parte de un ambicioso proyecto enmarcado en un concurso público ganado por estudio DIIR en 2018. El principal deseo del proyecto reside en adecuar todo el complejo -un antiguo grupo escolar- a las necesidades del presente. De ese modo, lo que antiguamente era concebido para acoger un programa concreto, cambia por completo su uso. Así, el patio de recreo se convierte en plaza pública, las aulas en centro cultural o, como ocurre en este proyecto, los antiguos dormitorios de los profesores pasan a funcionar como biblioteca municipal.

A la hora de intervenir, se actúa sobre la totalidad de la planta primera con el objetivo de incorporar este espacio a la actividad cultural del edificio. Se diseña un nuevo núcleo de comunicación cuya forma semicircular se adosa al edificio en el centro de la configuración.

Coincidiendo con la zona de llegada, se plantea un espacio de acogida que remata el semicírculo y construye su contorno por medio de una bancada de madera. Desde este punto, el usuario conecta con una especie de gran pasillo, que actúa como espina dorsal, y da acceso a cada una de las salas. Toda esta franja se reviste de un panelado de madera que otorga presencia y parece remarcar, en mayor medida, el acceso a cada uno de los programas.

La calidez de la madera en los paramentos verticales y el colorido aportado por medio del linóleo rojo en ciertos pavimientos, contrasta con la neutralidad del resto de tonos. El blanco cubre la gran mayoría de paredes y techos y otorga protagonismo a la singular cubierta de bóvedas.


Photography: Luis Diaz Diaz

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    Los Molinos library is part of an ambitious project framed in a public competition won by estudio DIIR in 2018. The main desire of the project lies in adapting the entire complex - a former school group - to the needs of the present. Thus, what was formerly conceived to accommodate a specific program, completely changes its use. The playground becomes a public square, the classrooms a cultural center or, as in this project, the former teachers' dormitories become a municipal library. At the...

    Project details
    • Year 2023
    • Work started in 2022
    • Work finished in 2023
    • Contractor Manile
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Libraries / Interior Design
    • Website
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