The Curciu Fortified Church Ensemble | Modul 28

Sibiu / Romania / 2024

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The intervention in the context of the Curciu Fortified Church includes two types of architectural approach, firstly one focused on preserving the existing heritage, maintaining the historical value of the ensemble of annex buildings, and improving the architectural qualities of the space with the objective of reaching a level of comfort suitable to contemporary requirements, without neglecting the historical gist, and secondly, an installation with its own autonomy, an annex that includes a wooden structure pavilion and an exterior staircase, which complete the composition of the ensemble, but whose typology is different from the organical medieval building style. The objective, subsequently, follows two effects. Through the restoration work, the target is to keep the volumetric configuration intact, while highlighting the stages of construction through differentiated treatments, and, most importantly, to precisely underline the areas that bear witness to historical components, and mark them under the direction of an expert practitioner, sustained by architectural practices.

Through the architectural work, the aim is to present a correct typology of intervention in the context of a medieval site, in accordance with the contemporary theory of restoration. Thus, the pavilion structure proposed functions as an addition to complete the wholeness of the front, its orthogonal partitioning contrasting the organic plans of the existing buildings. The rigid image of the elevation towards the interior of the fortification wall is completed by two volumes with a fragmentary aesthetic, which frame the main building and contrast its stark character through their structural expressivity and temporary character.


We believe the functional conversion of spaces is a step toward reintegrating them into the community.

In order to understand the narrative thread of the intervention at Curciu, a brief explanation of our method of approach is needed. It is based on a natural process: “reading” and understanding the existing context, identifying valuable features and considering the component that brings individuality to the project. We then make decisions regarding which insertions will seamlessly integrate into the context and which will be highlighted through contrast. Beyond the decorative components, historical value also resides in the type of space and its volume. These are aspects we aim to preserve, directly influencing the second approach: enhancing space quality through non-invasive techniques.

In response to the new need for complementary spaces, our proposal is a pavilion-like structure made of wood, seamlessly integrated with the existing front. Although it fits contextually, it stands out through contrast. By combining an orthogonal structure with precise dimensions and a non-rigid elevation that reveals the elements composing the construction, with the austerity characteristic of medieval masonry architecture, the result dynamically revitalizes the courtyard space through architectural solutions.

The result is a composition that includes both constructions with historical value and elements of new architecture, placed in contrast. The regeneration of the ensemble occurs through architectural tools and addressing the spatial needs dictated by the new function can facilitate the reintegration of the ensemble into the economic, social, and cultural life of the area.

Photography: Vlad Patru


Intervenția de la Curciu include două direcții de proiectare, în primul rând o abordare axată pe conservarea existentului, păstrarea valorii istorice a ansamblului de construcții anexe, și creșterea calității spațiului arhitectural pentru a atinge un punct de confort corespunzător cerințelor contemporane, fără a neglija substanța istorică, și, în al doilea rând, o instalație cu propria autonomie, o anexă formată dintr-un pavilion cu structură din lemn și o scară exterioară, a căror amplasare completează din punct de vedere compozițional ansamblul, dar a căror tipologie se diferențiază de țesutul medieval organic. Obiectivul urmărit este în consecință și el unul dublu.

Prin operațiunile de restaurare asupra ansamblului se urmărește păstrarea configurației volumelor, evidențierea etapelor de construcție prin tratamente diferențiate, și, nu în ultimul rând, delimitarea precisă a zonelor ce păstrează martori istorici și punerea lor în evidență prin intervenția specialiștilor, susținută de practica arhitecturală. Prin intervenția arhitecturală asupra ansamblului se urmărește exemplificarea unui model corect de intervenție asupra unei structuri medievale, în conformitate cu teoria contemporană a restaurării. Astfel, structura pavilionară propusă funcționează ca o completare a frontului, compartimentarea sa ortogonală intrând în contrast cu organicitatea clădirilor existente. Imaginea rigidă a frontului la interiorul curtinei este astfel completată cu două construcții cu o estetică fragmentară, ce încadrează construcția principală și contrastează caracterul său ferm prin expresivitate structurală și prin caracterul temporar.

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    The intervention in the context of the Curciu Fortified Church includes two types of architectural approach, firstly one focused on preserving the existing heritage, maintaining the historical value of the ensemble of annex buildings, and improving the architectural qualities of the space with the objective of reaching a level of comfort suitable to contemporary requirements, without neglecting the historical gist, and secondly, an installation with its own autonomy, an annex that includes a...

    Project details
    • Year 2024
    • Work finished in 2024
    • Client Stiftung Kirchenburgen (The Fortified Churches Foundation)
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Interior Design / Building Recovery and Renewal
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