CX House | Weber Arquitectos

Mexico City / Mexico / 2022

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We were commissioned to expand and remodel this house, located in Lomas de Chapultepec, for a Filmmaker and his Family.

The main request consisted of a total change of the general atmosphere and environment, with the special request of creating a new space for coexistence and family stay, which would also function for receiving visitors.

It was decided to create a box independent of the rest of the house by means of a light steel structure covered in walnut wood, both on the floor and the ceiling, and which was surrounded by niches and shelves, to house books and objects that expressed the tastes. artistic of the owners, this same rhythm in the bookcases was used in the windows, in order to frame the beautiful tree-lined view. 

The interior space of the new volume is made up of two rooms: an informal T.V. room. for daily family use and another sunken room with a view of the trees and a large niche, where a screen lowers to project movies, sporting events, as well as present the different film projects of the owners in the company of their guests. It was also proposed to integrate a work table and a bar.

The rest of the upper floor, where it is accessed and which houses the entire public area, was finished with a black granite floor, the same finish used in a small format for the patio.

The kitchen also had an extension and total renovation in order to integrate it with the patio, a retro green finish was chosen for the fronts that contrasts with the granite and walnut wood.

The expansion on the lower floors consisted of generating a new space to house the main bedroom, bathroom and dressing room, with the idea of ​​creating freshness and light, it was decided to use light wood and white marbles in the private areas of the house.



Se nos encargó la ampliación y remodelación de esta Casa, ubicada en Lomas de Chapultepec, para un Cineasta y su Familia.

La principal petición consistía en un cambio total de la atmósfera y ambiente general, con la petición especial de crear un nuevo espacio de convivencia y estancia familiar, que también funcionara para recibir visitas.

Se decidió crear una caja independiente al resto de la casa por medio de una estructura ligera de acero recubierto en madera de nogal, tanto en piso como en la techumbre y que estuviera envuelta por nichos y repisas, para alojar libros y objetos que expresaran los gustos artísticos de los propietarios, este mismo ritmo en los libreros se utilizó en los ventanales, a fin de enmarcar la preciosa vista arbolada.

El espacio interior del nuevo volumen se compone de dos salas: una informal de T.V. para el uso diario familiar y otra sala hundida con vista a los árboles y a un gran nicho, donde baja una pantalla para proyectar películas, eventos deportivos, así como presentar los diferentes proyectos fílmicos de los propietarios en compañía de sus inviados. También se propuso integrar una mesa para trabajar y un bar.

El resto de la planta alta, por donde se accede y que alberga toda el área pública, se optó por un acabado en piso de granito negro, mismo acabado utilizado en formato pequeño para el patio.

La cocina de igual forma tuvo una ampliación y renovación total con el objeto de integrarla al patio, se escogió un acabado en color verde retro, para los frentes que contrasta con el granito y madera de nogal.

La ampliación en los pisos inferiores, consistió en generar un nuevo especio, para alojar la recámara, baño y vestidor principal, con la idea de crear frescura y luz, se decidió utilizar madera clara y mármoles blancos en las zonas privadas de la casa.


Authors: Fernando Weber and Anina Schulte-Trux

Collaborators: Paola Pérez Hadad, Christian Aparicio Luna, Moisés Cortés Vite, Enrique Hernández González

Photography: Sergio López (

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    We were commissioned to expand and remodel this house, located in Lomas de Chapultepec, for a Filmmaker and his Family. The main request consisted of a total change of the general atmosphere and environment, with the special request of creating a new space for coexistence and family stay, which would also function for receiving visitors. It was decided to create a box independent of the rest of the house by means of a light steel structure covered in walnut wood, both on the floor and the...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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