Neo Bankside | Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

London / United Kingdom / 2013

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NEO Bankside comprises 217 residential units in four hexagonal pavilions ranging from 12 to 24 storeys and a six-storey office block, located next to the Tate Modern, one of the most visited museums in the world.

All the buildings of the scheme take their cues from the immediate context and it is the quality of the entire ensemble – rather than the individual parts – which creates drama.   The overall design hints at the former industrial heritage of the area during the 19th and 20th centuries, responding in a contemporary language which reinterprets the colouration and materials of the local architectural character.  A generous public realm is also created at ground level with landscaped groves defining two clear public routes through the site connecting the riverside gardens outside Tate Modern through to Southwark Street.  The permeability through the site was a key driver of the design and the imaginative arrangement of the pavilions provides residents with generous accommodation and maximum daylight.
The steel and glass pavilions fit perfectly into the Bankside landscape; oxide reds of the Winter Gardens echo those of Tate Modern and nearby Blackfriars Bridge, while the exterior’s timber clad panels and window louvres give the building a warm, residential feeling. The pavilions’ distinctive external bracing system has removed the need for internal structural walls and created highly flexible spaces inside the apartments.  The bracing is located outside of the cladding plane allowing it to be expressed as the distinct and legible system which gives the scheme much of its charismatic language. The bracing gives a greater richness and depth to the façade and provided a scaling device which helped unify the micro scale of the cladding with the macro scale of the buildings.  Glazed lift towers provide all occupants great views of London and the river, and a dynamic expression of the vertical circulation on the eastern side of each building.  Winter gardens are enclosed, single-glazed balconies at the north and south ends of each building, suspended from the main structure on a lightweight deck with large sliding screens. They act both as enclosed terraces and additions to the interior living space.

The Penthouse by Studio Reed sits atop one of these buildings, on the tenth floor. A rare 7,080 sq ft penthouse with stunning views, the interior is designed by Studio Reed, with architecture by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, and is developed by Native Land and Grosvenor.
The duplex Penthouse offers four-bedrooms, four-bathroom , two reception rooms as well as a winter garden and two private roof terraces. One of the two reception rooms offers triple aspect views across London from a double-height space. The 360⁰ view catches sights such as the Shard, St. Paul's and the Gherkin.
There are just a handful of penthouses in the world’s greatest capital cities that offer accommodation of the quality and originality of those at NEO Bankside. With spectacular triple-aspect views across the river Thames, this Penthouse is surely one of the world’s great residential trophies and offers a spectacle that can only be fully appreciated by entering it’s extraordinary space.
Residents can take advantage of 24 hour concierge and security services, residents’ gym, business centre and wine cellar.


Progettato dal premio Pritzker Richard Rogers il Neo Bankside sorge in posizione attigua alla Tate Modern, sulla riva meridionale del Tamigi.

La zona di Bankside è una delle parti più antiche di Southwark, area cittadina che negli ultimi anni è stata soggetta a grandi processi di trasformazione e rigenerazione urbana, incoraggiato dalla realizzazione di interventi quali la Tate Modern, il Globe Theatre e il Millennium Bridge.

A soli sei minuti a piedi dalla fermata della metropolitana, il complesso Neo Bankside comprende cinque edifici (alti da 6 a 24 piani), il primo dei quali (articolato su 12 piani) è stato consegnato nel gennaio 2011. 199 le unità abitative “premium”, 34 quelle dedicate al “social housing”. Si va dai monolocali per finire agli attici con quattro camere da letto, per una superficie totale di 28.600 metri quadri. Il costo medio di un appartamento si aggira sui 6 milioni di euro.
A livello stradale sono inseriti gli spazi retail per un totale di 1.044 metri quadri. Una reception comune per tutti gli edifici è collocata nel punto centrale dello schema, alla base del più alto tra gli edifici del complesso. Nelle aree comuni del complesso sono previste sale da the, spa, area wi-fi per internet e sicurezza 24 ore su 24. Un ulteriore livello interrato dedicato a impianti e magazzini è posto sotto l'intero lotto. L’acquisto di un posto auto in garage si aggira sui 95mila euro.
“Il progetto adotta un linguaggio contemporaneo che risponde creativamente all'articolazione e alla varietà cromatica del contesto architettonico, mediando tra i diversi stili architettonici e le scale che caratterizzano l’area. Questa varietà è in qualche modo ripresa attraverso i materiali costruttivi utilizzati, che vanno dai mattoni dai toni caldi simili a quelli degli edifici vittoriani della Southwark Street e della Tate Modern, al rigore fatto d’acciaio e vetro del complesso a funzione terziaria del Bankside 1/2/3 progettato da Allies and Morrison”, spiegano da Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners.
La controventatura esterna conferisce profondità visiva alle facciate del complesso, “ammorbidite” dalla presenza di schermi lamellari in legno, posti tra i due strati della pelle a doppio involucro vetrato ed alternati a solidi pannelli coibentati, dai colori caldi.
L’intero intervento sarà ultimato all’inizio del 2012 in vista delle prossime Olimpiadi che si terranno a Londra nell’estate dell’anno prossimo.

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    NEO Bankside comprises 217 residential units in four hexagonal pavilions ranging from 12 to 24 storeys and a six-storey office block, located next to the Tate Modern, one of the most visited museums in the world. All the buildings of the scheme take their cues from the immediate context and it is the quality of the entire ensemble – rather than the individual parts – which creates drama.   The overall design hints at the former industrial heritage of the area during the...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Work started in 2009
    • Work finished in 2013
    • Client GC Bankside LLP (a Joint Venture between Native Land and Grosvenor)
    • Status Current works
    • Type Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Apartments / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers
    • Website
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