Cité de l'Océan et du Surf | Steven Holl Architects

2011 Annual Design Review - Winner Biarritz / France / 2011

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Cité de l'Océan et du Surf (eng - fra - ita) ENG The Cité de l’Océan et du Surf is a museum that explores both surf and sea and their role upon our leisure, science and ecology. The design by Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Solange Fabiao is the winning scheme from an international competition that included the offices of Enric Miralles/Benedetta Tagliabue, Brochet Lajus Pueyo, Bernard Tschumi and Jean-Michel Willmotte. The building form derives from the spatial concept “under the sky”/“under the sea”. A concave “under the sky” shape forms the character of the main exterior space, the “Place de l’Océan.” The convex structural ceiling forms the “under the sea” exhibition spaces. The building’s spatial qualities are experienced already at the entrance where the lobby and ramps give a broad aerial view of the exhibition areas, as they pass along the dynamic curved surface that is animated by moving image and light. The precise integration of concept and topography gives the building a unique profile. Towards the ocean, the concave form of the building plaza is extended through the landscape. With slightly cupped edges, the landscape, a mix of field and local vegetation, is a continuation of the building and will host festivals and daily events that are integrated with the museum facilities. Two “glass boulders”, which contain the restaurant and the surfer’s kiosk, activate the central outdoor plaza and connect analogically to the two great boulders on the beach in the distance. The glass boulders can be reached through the main entry lobby, which connects the street level to the cafeteria and surfer’s kiosk, and but are also accessible independently through the plaza, which serves as a main gathering space open to the public. The museum store is located at the intermediate level of the exhibition spaces, with direct access to the entry lobby and the auditorium. The more intimate restaurant and the elevated outdoor terrace are at the top level of the museum, providing open ocean views. At the building’s southwest corner, there is a skate pool dedicated to the surfers’ hangout on the plaza level and an open porch underneath, which connects to the auditorium and exhibition spaces inside the museum. This covered area provides a sheltered space for outdoor interaction, meetings and events. The exterior of the building is a textured white concrete made of aggregates from the south of France. Materials of the plaza are a progressive variation of Portuguese cobblestones paving with grass and natural vegetation. A combination of insulated glass units with clear and acid-etched layers animates the visual dynamics enhancing interior comfort. The interior of the main space is white plaster and a wooden floor provides under-floor wiring flexibilities. FRA Réalisée par l’architecte New-Yorkais Steven Holl et sa consoeur brésilienne Solange Fabião, la Cité de l’Océan et du Surf épouse la forme des vagues de la côte basque. Son architecture originale imaginée par ce duo international se base sur le concept spatial "Sous le ciel, sous l’océan" avec une géométrie de superficies convexes et concaves. Le bâtiment prinCipal abrite un espace ludo-scientifique, des expositions, un auditorium ainsi que des bureaux. Accessibles depuis l’extérieur, un restaurant, une cafétéria et un kiosque proposent des panoramas féériques sur l’océan. Le toit constitue une grande place publique incurvée, avec ses pavés végétalisés, deux monolithes de verre répondent, en écho, aux deux rochers d’Ilbarritz. La Cité de l’Océan et du Surf répond à une approche environnementale de par son intégration parfaite dans le paysage. Le bâtiment, situé en contre-bas du château d’Ilbarritz, est basé sur le principe de la transparence. Il se dresse autour d’une place à ciel ouvert ayant la mer pour horizon, un véritable appel au large. Le caractère environnemental de la construction se traduit aussi par l’autorégulation thermique du bâtiment, un système de récupération des eaux de pluie grâce à un dallage de pavé et à une ligne de végétation naturelle. ITA Un’enorme onda diafana, di vetro e calcestruzzo: così appare l’edificio della della Cite de l’Ocean et du Surf francese di Biarritz (Francia), la cui inaugurazione si terrà il prossimo 25 giugno. A progettare il nuovo complesso sono stati l’architetto americano Steven Holl e l’architetto ed artista Solange Fabiao. La struttura è il risultato di un concorso internazionale vinto dal duo nel 2005 (superando la concorrenza di team come Enric Miralles/Benedetta Tagliabue, Brochet Lajus Pueyo, Bernard Tschumi e Jean-Michel Willmotte) ed accoglierà nuovi spazi pubblici ed ambienti museali dedicati all’Oceano ed al mondo del surf. Il concept di progetto parte dalla suggestione di un’architettura realizzata "sotto il cielo" e "sotto il mare". “Sotto il cielo” la copertura del museo, ribattezzata col nome di "Place de l'Océan”, sviluppata come una sorta di parco urbano panoramico dove esercitarsi con lo skate, passeggiare osservando la baia di Biscay o prender parte ad eventi di vario genere e cineforum. La piazza si protrae verso il mare in una successione progressiva di materiali costruttivi, dal composto da aggregati provenienti dal sud della Francia alla pavimentazione in acciottolato portoghese, fino alla vegetazione spontanea. “Sotto il mare” i corpi a funzione espositiva, che di tanto in tanto “attraversano” la superficie bianca della "Place de l'Océan” con inserti vetrati traslucidi. Le qualità spaziali degli interni spiccano sin dall’ingresso, con la hall e le scale sopraelevata sulle aree espositive. Per lo più ipogee, le aree-mostra sono caratterizzate da forme curve e morbide che, se da un lato contribuiscono alla realizzazione di un ambiente “acquatico” e fluido, dall’altro semplificano la geografia interna del museo, demarcandone e differenziandone le singole funzioni. Sulla "Place de l'Océan” sono inseriti due volumi in vetro, rispettivamente ospitanti un ristorante e un chiosco, collegati anche alla hall d’ingresso del museo. ll bookshop è inserito nel livello intermedio degli spazi espositivi, con accesso diretto alla hall di ingresso e all'auditorium. Il tetto dell’edificio ospita un ristorante dall’atmosfera intima e una terrazza all’aperto, con vista sull’Oceano.
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    Cité de l'Océan et du Surf (eng - fra - ita) ENG The Cité de l’Océan et du Surf is a museum that explores both surf and sea and their role upon our leisure, science and ecology. The design by Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Solange Fabiao is the winning scheme from an international competition that included the offices of Enric Miralles/Benedetta Tagliabue, Brochet Lajus Pueyo, Bernard Tschumi and Jean-Michel Willmotte. The building form derives from the spatial concept “under the...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Client City of Biarritz / Adim Sud Ouest
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Museums / Sports Centres
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