El 'B' | Selgascano Arquitectos

Cartagena / Spain / 2011

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El "B" is this long construction, a body, that feeds on the heritage -the continuity- of a site's treatment: THE Cartagena harbour, which is nothing but a harbour in Cartagena, borderline of the city from the sea. Everything here belongs to it, belongs to the port, any port we should say: the immaculate straightness of the pier edge (straight), the invariably calm sea (flat), the artificially horizontal plane of the dock (flat), the sky as the variable background for this plane (plane on a plane?), all based on an artifice to represent the simplest -and by virtue of its simplicity, the most natural, the most immensely artificial- plane that equates to the most natural. The Alfonso XII dock is 1,000 metres long, exactly a kilometre, where we can assume that we are at the end. A 20 metre wide strip runs the full length, parallel to the edge, which is respected by the buildings. A very pleasant walk can be designed for the city along this strip, a daily procession following the immutable edge. In fact, this promenade is what we encourage; it is what we insert in the building, in a dimensional continuum that seems to dig out an artificial beach, but is actually a continuity of history, because the old El Batel beach was right here, on this very spot. The harbour is artificial, not the beach. This reclaimed beach-ramp gradually submerges us below the waterline, with the pier's horizontal line as a constant reference. At this point we cease to belong to the outside world and start to belong to ourselves, ourselves in movement, ourselves strolling, working on the 210 metre scale reserved site for ourselves. We have worked on the contrast with the outer facade produced by the cut at ground level, and we continue to make use of the dictatorship of the dock, but precisely in opposition to it. We refuse include the harbour's beautiful orthogonal monotony; we exclude the hardness of the port from the interior, and instead, we seek something that is completely the opposite: translucent, delicate, light, aquatic; something that has to do with what Luigi Nono defined as "a space for water music". Each component and detail of this project is another project in itself, but, as each project, acting in obedience to its surroundings, all belong to both a whole, not sought, but deduced, which is what shapes the character of El "B". All the material, both aluminium and plastic, is manufactured from a single extruded section, varied in placement and colour to give the appearance of multiple pieces. These pieces are all set parallel to the pier edge to underscore the idea of horizontality and achieve an even longer rectangle than it already is, in this case extruded like a “churro” (wrinkled doughnut), only on its immediate scale: overall, it seems to be the result of an accumulation of different components, stacked neatly on the pier. The memory of a former use. Outwardly and also inwardly, this is an extremely false complex, one set as the antagonist of the other, like people who seem to be very quiet but are actually paralyzed by the continuous movement of their central nervous system. Their antagonism is clearly evident in the coexistence of the upper and the lower floors, a perfect example of anacoluthon: there is no agreement between them. Their only connection is that both thrive on the harbour, because, we insist, the entire project thrives on the idea and the memory of a harbour; what happens here now and what used to happen here. Project Architect: Jose Selgas, Lucia Cano, Architecture Project Team (please list in correct order for publication): Lara Resco, José de Villar, José Jaraiz, Lorena del Río, Blas Antón, Miguel San Millán, Carlos Chacón, Julián Fernandez, Beatriz Quintana, Jaehoon Yook, Jeongwoo Choi, Laura Culiañez, Bárbara Bardín. Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP) Engineer (company name): JG Acoustic Engineer ( company name ): ARAU ACUSTICA Textil Arquitectures (company name): LASTRA Y ZORRILLA Plastic manufacturer: POLIMERTECNIC Auditorium seatting: FIGUERAS Floors manufacturer: PRIALPAS Lighting manufacturers: IDEALUX Lighting manufacturers: TALLERES ZAMORA Wall manufacturers: ATA AISLAMIENTOS TECNICOS AGROALIMENTARIOS El “B”, es esta larga construcción, cuerpo, que vive de la herencia, de la continuidad de tratamiento de un sitio: EL puerto de Cartagena, que no es otra cosa que puerto de Cartagena, limite de una ciudad al mar. Todo allí le es propio, propio del puerto, de todo puerto queremos decir: la inmaculada rectitud de la línea del cantil (recto), el mar invariablemente calmo (plano), el artificialmente horizontal plano del muelle (plano), el cielo como fondo variable para este plano (¿plano sobre plano?), todo basado en un artificio para representar lo más sencillo y por sencillo lo más natural, el plano más enormemente artificial que se equipara a lo más natural. El muelle de Alfonso XII tiene 1.000 metros, un kilómetro justo, y nosotros nos suponemos en la parte final. A todo lo largo existe una franja de 20 metros, paralela a la línea del cantil, respetada por las construcciones. Por esta franja se puede realizar el más agradable paseo de la ciudad, procesión diaria, siguiendo la inmutable línea del cantil. Y este paseo es lo que nosotros favorecemos, es lo que introducimos al interior del edificio, en una continuidad dimensional que parece excavar una playa artificial, pero que realmente es continuidad de historia, porque la antigua playa de El Batel se situaba exactamente allí, en el mismo sitio. Lo artificial es el puerto no la playa. Esta recuperada playa-rampa nos va sumergiendo lentamente por debajo de la línea del mar, con la presencia continua de la línea horizontal del muelle. Aquí ya no pertenecemos al exterior sino que nos pertenecemos a nosotros mismos, nosotros en movimiento, nosotros paseantes, y para nosotros trabajamos la escala de los 210 metros que nos han reservado como parcela. Trabajamos el contraste con la fachada exterior provocado por el corte en la cota cero del terreno, y nos seguimos sirviendo de la dictadura del muelle pero justo por oposición a ella. La hermosa monotonía ortogonal del puerto ya no la admitimos en el interior, la dureza del puerto ya no la admitimos al interior, sino que queremos algo completamente opuesto: translúcido, delicado, ligero, acuático, algo que tenga que ver con aquello que definía Luigi Nono como “espacio de música acuática”. Cada elemento o detalle de este proyecto es otro proyecto en si mismo, pero como cada proyecto obedece a lo que le rodea, todos pertenecen por tanto a una globalidad, no buscada, sino deducida, que es la que forma el carácter del “B”. Todo material, tanto el aluminio como el plástico, se ha fabricado por extrusión con 1 sola sección de pieza extruida, que en sus variaciones de colocación y color aparecen como múltiples piezas. Se colocan siempre paralelas al cantil para acentuar la idea de horizontalidad, para conseguir un rectángulo todavía más largo y tendido de lo que ya es, pero extruido como un churro sólo en su escala cercana, porque en su conjunto parece el resultado de la acumulación de distintos elementos, apilados ordenadamente en el puerto. Memoria de un uso.
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    El "B" is this long construction, a body, that feeds on the heritage -the continuity- of a site's treatment: THE Cartagena harbour, which is nothing but a harbour in Cartagena, borderline of the city from the sea. Everything here belongs to it, belongs to the port, any port we should say: the immaculate straightness of the pier edge (straight), the invariably calm sea (flat), the artificially horizontal plane of the dock (flat), the sky as the variable background for this plane (plane on a...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Client Cartagena Council
    • Contractor Dragados-Intersa
    • Cost 34,5 million
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Concert Halls
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