Green School Stockholm | 3XN Architects

Selected for Leaf award 2012 - short list Stockholm / Sweden / 2012

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Green School Stockholm (eng - da) ENG - A lifetime of sustainable living Green School Stockholm is a new type of school with a modern approach to sustainable living. By actively educating about locally grown food, and by creating a multitude of green exterior public spaces, the building encompasses a full lifetime of sustainable living: from kindergarten to high school, college dorms to senior apartments. The building is formed by two adjoining arcs. The green school and accompanying greenhouse constitute the public arc and allow for internal and external circulation through the building with the vegetation growing all around. Nine levels of housing for students and seniors twist, slide and shift to create wide private terraces and maximum daylight exposure. Hanging gardens and vertical farming Wide atriums open up the green school to accommodate spontaneous learning. This green pathway through the school culminates with a large greenhouse as the focal point. The greenhouse encompasses three enclosed levels for maximum productive growing and extends upwards with hanging gardens and vertical farming alongside the student and senior residences. Inside the public area of the building is an organic food store, where the organically grown vegetables from the greenhouse are sold. The Green School’s kindergarten is located directly adjacent to a birch grove. Here, the children get their own safe oasis. Green terraces outside the building allow pedestrians to ascend the building and move from the lower northern side of the site up and across the street to the higher southern side. The building thus becomes a productive extension of the planned green corridor for the area as well as an avenue for the public. DA - Et helt liv med bæredygtighed Green School Stockholm er en ny type skole med en moderne tilgang til en bæredygtig livsstil. Gennem uddannelse i at producere fødevarer lokalt i byen og med den store variation af grønne offentlige rum, bliver Green School et monument for et helt liv med bæredygtighed: fra børnehave til gymnasium, kollegieværelser til ældreboliger. Bygningen er formet af to sammensmeltede buer. Green School og det tilhørende drivhus muliggør intern og ekstern bevægelse gennem bygningen med grønne planter spirende overalt. Ni niveauer af boliger for studerende og seniorer drejes og forskubbes for at skabe brede private terrasser og maksimale dagslysforhold. Hængende og vertikale haver Brede atrier åbner skolen op og skaber rum for spontan læring og vidensdeling. Denne grønne vej gennem skolen munder ud i det store grønne drivhus som et visuelt fikspunkt. Drivhuset omfatter tre aflukkede niveauer til maksimal grøn planteproduktion og forlænges opad ved hjælp af hængende og vertikale haver i sammenhæng med boligerne. Inde i det offentligt tilgængelige område findes en økologisk butik, som sælger økologiske grøntsager fra drivhuset. Børnehaven er placeret lige ved siden af en birkelund, og her kan børnene lege i deres egen trygge oase. Grønne promenader udenfor bygningen tillader fodgængere at ’bestige’ bygningen og bevæge sig fra den lavere nordside over gaden til den højere sydside. På den måde bliver bygningen en produktiv forlængelse af den planlagte grønne korridor for området og fungerer samtidig som en indbydende avenue for offentligheden.
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    Green School Stockholm (eng - da) ENG - A lifetime of sustainable living Green School Stockholm is a new type of school with a modern approach to sustainable living. By actively educating about locally grown food, and by creating a multitude of green exterior public spaces, the building encompasses a full lifetime of sustainable living: from kindergarten to high school, college dorms to senior apartments. The building is formed by two adjoining arcs. The green school and accompanying...

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Client Confidential
    • Status Current works
    • Type Multi-family residence / Kindergartens / Schools/Institutes / Student Halls of residence
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