Maruma House | Fernanda Canales Arquitectura

Mexico City / Mexico / 2011

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Maruma House [ENG] [ES] [ENG]Located in a residential area in the central part of Mexico City, the house becomes an exercise to achieve simultaneously openness and privacy. How is it possible to accomplish spaciousness while surrounded by massive houses on adjacent sites? How is it possible to achieve spatial flexibility under a program based on divided and isolated spaces? With a system of overlapping boxes the project takes shape allowing the fluidity of space achieved by adding up and connecting different spaces (boxes) and, in other cases, leaving the boxed as independent and closed elements. By continuing the linear shape of the plot, the project takes shape as an elongated and elevated body sitting over a transparent volume which opens up onto the garden on the ground level which, in turn, separates the house from the limits of the site thus emphasizing the independency in relation to the adjacent houses. Another rectangular volume is placed on the second level and continues the play of overlapped boxes, opening up by means of terraces to both of its sides. The house, characterised by the use of natural light, is aligned slightly to its northern limit in order to generate a garden and greater openings to the South to take advantage of the daylight. On the shortest sides of the site, the front and the back side of the house are solid faces, while the house opens to both of its longitudinal sides. With the idea to create wide-open spaces and take advantage of the orientations, the ground floor is designed as the most public space, made up by a rectangular volume, with gardens at both of its sides, allowing a flexible space which can be opened entirely to the exterior. A smaller box --which houses the access, a small living room, the kitchen and a roofed terrace- intersects the transparent volume and holds the rest of the house which seems to float above. The service areas are placed in the basement plan trying to free as much space for the garden as possible. The volume that contains the living room and the main entrance is a compact box that holds a green terrace on top which, along with a series of balconies for each bedroom, tries to set apart the most from the neighbour. The first level, destined to bedrooms and a family room, is designed as an elongated and transparent body at both of its long faces, interrupted only by three small solid boxes which house bathrooms and closets. By alternating the balconies of the bedrooms with these concrete boxes, the play between solids and voids that characterises the project is accentuated. The piece that connects all the different spaces is a large wooden bookshelf which holds the central staircase and goes all the way from the basement to the top floor. The stairs, with the bookshelf on one of its sides, generate a wall-furniture which starts at the access door and goes through the living room until it bends and elevates to the next level turning into a first floor living room furniture and then on a bookshelf at the top of the house. This three-story tall bookshelf unfolds into the basement as a wine cellar, generating a wooden body which on every level has varying openings depending on the usage or program of each space. Towards the street, the house is seen as an anonymous volume. This external solidity is interrupted at the interior with a small patio in the area near the main access that connects with the living room and garden. By means of the overlapping of solids and voids the house is perceived to have larger spaces allowing the landscape to blend into its interior as well as extending the house outwards. [ES] La vivienda se sitúa en un terreno de 500 metros cuadrados con forma rectangular, en un entorno ocupado por casas unifamiliares, y se separa lo más posible de las colindancias acentuando la independencia con las casas de junto. Siguiendo la forma lineal del terreno, se optó por el diseño de un volumen alargado que se eleva sobre un cuerpo ransparente abierto hacia un jardín en planta baja. Otro volumen rectangular, aunque más pequeño, se apila sobre el segundo nivel siguiendo el juego de cajas superpuestas, mientras se abre por medio de unas terrazas hacia sus dos extremos. La casa se ubica ligeramente recorrida hacia la colindancia norte para generar un jardín y mayores aperturas hacia el sur aprovechando el asoleamiento. En los lados más cortos del terreno, el frente de la casa y la parte trasera se manejan como piezas sólidas, mientras la casa queda abierta hacia sus dos lados largos. En este deseo de ganar holgura y aprovechar las mejores orientaciones, la planta baja se maneja como las zona más pública, compuesta por un volumen rectangular, con jardines hacia ambos lados, permitiendo un espacio flexible capaz de abrirse por completo hacia el exterior. Una caja más pequeña -que alberga el acceso, una estancia, la cocina y una terraza cubierta-, se incrusta dentro del volumen transparente y sostiene toda la casa que queda volando encima. Las zonas de servicio se desarrollan en la planta sótano, buscando liberar lo más posible el terreno. El cuerpo que sostiene la pastilla de planta alta aprovecha la azotea que corresponde a la sala para generar una terraza verde, que, junto con una serie de balcones para cada recámara, intentan despegarse lo más posible de la casa de junto. La planta alta, destinada a recámaras y una estancia familiar, se maneja como un cuerpo alargado transparente hacia sus dos lados largos, interrumpido sólo por tres pequeñas cajas sólidas que albergan baños y vestidores. Alternando los balcones de las habitaciones con estas cajas de concreto aparente se reitera el juego entre lo abierto y lo cerrado que las distintas cajas van generando en todo el proyecto. La pieza que une las distintas cajas apiladas es un gran librero de madera que sostiene el espacio central de las escaleras y corre de arriba abajo todo el proyecto. Las escaleras, desarrolladas en una sola trayectoria con el librero hacia uno de sus costados, generan un muromueble que comienza en la puerta de acceso y va recorriendo la sala hasta desdoblarse y subir al siguiente nivel convertido en el mueble de la sala de estar en planta alta y después en el librero del estudio en la planta de azotea. Hacia abajo, ese mismo librero de triple altura termina en planta sótano como un mueble de cava, generando un cuerpo de madera que en cada nivel va abriendo distintos huecos dependiendo del uso de cada espacio.
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    Maruma House [ENG] [ES] [ENG]Located in a residential area in the central part of Mexico City, the house becomes an exercise to achieve simultaneously openness and privacy. How is it possible to accomplish spaciousness while surrounded by massive houses on adjacent sites? How is it possible to achieve spatial flexibility under a program based on divided and isolated spaces? With a system of overlapping boxes the project takes shape allowing the fluidity of space achieved by adding up and...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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