Can Fogarada | MIEL Arquitectos

Palma de Mallorca / Spain / 2012

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Can Fogarada [ENG] - [ES] CAN FOGARADA is an exercise of dialog between the layers of time that have been settling throughout 300 years and that have managed to form this Rural Mallorquin House. The presence of new inhabitants its announced through a technical carpet that reorganizes the space and reinterprets his materiality without hurting it. In this first stage of the Works at the ground floor of Can Fogarada, the kitchen – dining room acts as a life engine, starting point of the architecture process of Re-Inhabiting this rural house. The Kitchen – dining room as a control room is opened to the other rooms in the house (hall, bedrooms, living room and porch) and establishes a level of use simplifying the original slopes with a uniform technical ground. This Technical floor acts with the flexibility of a carpet, ranging freely between the original rooms establishing new paths, such as linking the kitchen – dining room with the bath – laundry through a “balcony” to the living room. The fact that the future inhabitants were going to be a family of musicians eventually defined the pattern of dialogue; each new material should express their values in harmony with the rest. This alteration is a game of rhythms, vibrations where the sincere materiality of each system discovers and assumes his position in the set. Thus the original building warmth transmitted by the walls of Mares (local sandstone), the facades of stone with mud and the pine beams enter in symphony with the OSB panel wardrobes, the kitchen roasted ash with the black silestone stove top, with the multi-layer board racks, the continuous concrete floor and its concrete blocks curb and the draining mortar sills that allow the wall breathe while preventing their deterioration by weathering. As a Jam Session every new musician enriches the whole through their individuality and adapting to the rhythm of those who opened the session, but that’s just the beginning. [ES] - CAN FOGARADA es un ejercicio de dialogo entre las capas del tiempo que se han ido depositando a lo largo de 300 años y que han llegado a configurar esta Casa Rural Mallorquina. La presencia de nuevos habitantes se anuncia a través de un suelo técnico que reorganiza el espacio y reinterpreta su materialidad sin herirlo. En esta primera fase de actuaciones en la planta baja de Can Fogarada, la cocina – comedor actúa como motor vital, punto de arranque del proceso arquitectónico de Re-Habitar esta vivienda Rural. La cocina –comedor como sala de control se abre al resto de espacios de la casa (recibidor, habitaciones, salón y porche) y establece un plano de uso que simplifica los desniveles originales mediante un suelo técnico uniforme. Dicho suelo técnico actúa con la flexibilidad de una alfombra, extendiéndose libremente entre las salas originales estableciendo nuevos recorridos, como el que une la cocina – comedor con el baño – lavadero a través de un “balcón” al salón. El hecho de que los futuros habitantes fueran una familia de músicos acabó de definir la pauta del dialogo, cada nuevo material debería de expresar sus valores en armonía con el resto. La reforma es un juego de ritmos, de vibraciones donde la sincera materialidad de cada sistema descubre y asume su posición en el conjunto. Así la calidez original de la edificación transmitida por los muros de marés (piedra arenisca local), las fachadas de piedra y fango y las vigas de pino entran en sinfonía con los armarios de tablero OSB, la cocina en fresno torrado y encimera de silestone negro, con los estantes de tablero multicapa, con el pavimento de hormigón continuo y su canto de bloque de hormigón y con los antepechos de mortero drenante que permiten que la fabrica respire a la vez que evitan su deterioro por meteorización. Como en una Jam Session cada nuevo músico enriquece al conjunto aportando su individualidad y adaptándola al ritmo de aquellos que abrieron la sesión....aunque eso es solo el principio.
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    Can Fogarada [ENG] - [ES] CAN FOGARADA is an exercise of dialog between the layers of time that have been settling throughout 300 years and that have managed to form this Rural Mallorquin House. The presence of new inhabitants its announced through a technical carpet that reorganizes the space and reinterprets his materiality without hurting it. In this first stage of the Works at the ground floor of Can Fogarada, the kitchen – dining room acts as a life engine, starting point of the...

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