Selexyz Dominicanen Bookstore | Merkx+Girod Architecten

A renewed 13th century architecture Maastricht / Netherlands / 2007

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Selexyz Dominicanen Bookstore (ENG - ITA) ENG 13th century gothic architecture becomes a bookstore through continuos dialogue between history and modernity. In Maastricht, Selexyz Dominicanen is a project with multiple souls, where tradition and innovative solutions come together over a good book and a good cup of coffee In the Classical world, Mercury, the god of merchants, was also considered the messenger of the gods and the protector of swindlers. Since then, trade has been traditionally labeled as “amoral,” a notion that gained ground during Christianity, when St. Nicholas was named the patron saint of thieves and merchants and St. Thomas Aquinas concluded that traders would be kept from entering the Kingdom of Heaven seeing that temptation figured as an integral part of their profession. The disorientation visitors encounter upon entering the Selexyz Dominicanen bookstore in Maastricht is likely atavic in nature. The building that houses the store is in fact a Gothic church consecrated in 1294 by the Order of Predicators founded by St. Dominic. The church has not hosted a religious function since 1794, when the church was confiscated by Napoleon’s army for military purposes. Since then, the space has been used as a town archive, warehouse and even an inglorious site for bike storage. In 2005, Boekhandels Groep Nederland (BGN) decided to give new life to the building by transforming it into what is now one of the world’s most incredible bookstores. The interior design by the Amsterdam-based firm Merkx+Girod Architecten creates retail space by taking advantage of the spatial magnificence of the church’s architecture. To satisfy BGN’s need for 1,200 m2 of selling space and given that the church’s floor area is of only 750 m2, Evelyn Merkx and Patrice Girod thought to insert an over-sized walk-in bookcase. The two upper levels therefore compensate for the lack of surface area, enabling the transversal use of space. The imposing bookcase created by Keijsers Interior Projects is positioned on the right side of the building, between the central and lateral naves, and encompasses the stone columns. A series of stairs lead visitors up the black steel walk-in bookcase, providing an up close and personal view of the vaults of the nave, enthralling them with a nearsighted view of the frescoes and revealing an unknown perspective. In stark contrast, the left side of the church retains the original height of the building with low tables placed parallel to the central nave as if to lead the visitor toward a sort of hypothetical altar. The left nave features low, horizontal tables and vertical book shelves along the walls to create thematic islands separated by the steady rhythm of the columns. The lighting, which is an all but integral part of the store’s design, manifests itself in the chorus by way of a traditional chandelier above the crucifix-shaped table located in the café area. Here, with the left side housing the bar area, a series of tables, poufs and armchairs mimic the curved line of the chorus to a raised platform. The Selexyz Dominicanen bookstore, for which Merkx+Girod was awarded the Lensvelt de Architect prize in 2007, welcomes about 700,000 visitors each year and showcases 25,000 books and 45,000 volumes. ITA La società olandese Boekhandels Groep Nederland richiedeva 1200 metri quadrati di spazi commerciali mentre ne erano disponibili solo 750. Di qui l’idea di realizzare all’interno della chiesa un secondo livello. Progetto che gli architetti di Merkx+Girod hanno da subito bocciato in quanto avrebbe distrutto la bellezza degli spazi interni. Al fine di tutelare il carattere peculiare della chiesa assicurando al tempo stesso al cliente il desiderato spazio commerciale i progettisti hanno proposto una soluzione alternativa: una libreria monumentale di due piani sistemata in una posizione asimmetrica. In tal modo il lato sinistro della chiesa è rimasto vuoto, mentre sul versante opposto i visitatori possono percorrere gli spazi del “Bookflat” sino al terzo piano, che offre una straordinaria esperienza di studio degli antichi affreschi. Il progetto – si legge nella relazione che illustra le motivazioni della giuria – è stato premiato per il dialogo che ha saputo costruire tra gli arredi della libreria - linee geometriche ed essenziali - e la maestosità della chiesa: tra colonne imponenti e sullo sfondo delle bifore, le scaffalature high-tech creano una dimensione straniante e piena di fascino. La giuria è stata inoltre positivamente colpita dalla scelta del sistema di illuminazione”.
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    Selexyz Dominicanen Bookstore (ENG - ITA) ENG 13th century gothic architecture becomes a bookstore through continuos dialogue between history and modernity. In Maastricht, Selexyz Dominicanen is a project with multiple souls, where tradition and innovative solutions come together over a good book and a good cup of coffee In the Classical world, Mercury, the god of merchants, was also considered the messenger of the gods and the protector of swindlers. Since then, trade has been traditionally...

    Project details
    • Year 2007
    • Work started in 2005
    • Work finished in 2007
    • Client Boekhandels Groep Nederland
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design
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